Trump announcement on Syria expected Saturday

President Donald Trump said on Friday: “We have a lot of great announcements having to do with Syria and our success with the eradication of the caliphate and that will be announced over the next 24 hours,”  In December, he announced his decision to withdrawal all 2,000 US troops from the country.

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3 thoughts on “Trump announcement on Syria expected Saturday

  • Feb 17, 2019 @ 12:29 at 12:29

    It’s somehow altogether fitting that the whole world’s thumbs down on Netanyahu will be signaled by Trump

    Trump’s fresh announcement of ‘victory over ISIS’ is just in time to administer the coup d’grace to Netanyahu’s misfired Clean Break attack on Iran currently underway, and for Netanyahu himself, as this was his last gasp

    The timing is superb and couldn’t come at worse time for the Netanyahu as both the incoming triple indictments from Mandelblit and Mueller (over Netanyahu’s conspiracy with Kushner over UN 2334 and the unveiled Zamel/PsyGroup rigging of the 2016 Election) detonate over the next several days to week or so, as prelude to the Israeli emergency elections called to try to remove Netanyahu peacefully from the Israeli side

    Yes, this epic stymie of Netanyahu’s merciless flogging of his dead horse Clean Break drive on Iran, despite Trump’s earlier abandonment, the abandonment of the Saudis, the abandonment of Egypt, the abandonment of the EU, whole unified Security Council, not to mention tiny Quater, is music to the ears of an overjoyed world. The world is safe from the Netanyahu nightmare at last

    The Israeli forces in Kurdistan now just have a matter of weeks to completely pack up and bug out as their 15 yr American cover exits and the Clean Break Plan dissolves into the sands of time. Which is a good thing and enough time it they get started Pronto

    • Feb 17, 2019 @ 12:55 at 12:55

      The Warsaw debacle of Netanyahu and his Neocons was pretty sweet – and as Bolton and Pompeo shamelessly tried to prop up Pence as their new replacement Clean Break commander in chief in lieu of Trump (‘The Max Boot Plan’), the ‘Obviously Not Ready for Primetime-Pence’ immediately performed his expected faceplant

      and kudos to the Polish baggage cart driver who stranded Mileikowsky on the tarmac – very well done


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