Trump backs down, will seek other venues for State of Union address
A spat between President Donald Trump and House Majority Speaker Nancy Pelosi ended in Trump deciding to look for alternative venues for his State of the Union speech on Jan. 29. She had refused to let him speak in the House until he reopens the government. Trump shot back: “The State of the Union has been canceled by Nancy Pelosi because she doesn’t want to hear the truth.”
Trump backs down? Pelosi can block the customary House resolution that approves Trump speaking in the House. There is no Praetorian Guard to occupy Congress. Trump will likely hold it in the Senate and not a network will block the air time. The majority understand that the Democrats have slipped further into TDS and this hurts them as Pelosi will cave to the wall under vast pressure of pollsters and 2020 candidates.
Are you serious? So…look buddy…I really understand you don’t like Trump…I was NOT a fan at all. I dont like his behavior. If fact I believed the media said he would be a disaster. BUT after seeing what has transpired since – sorry to say, I actually think Trump is the by far the better of any of these ‘evils’. We would all be a LOT worse off under the alternative. It is frightening to think of all the corruption that is just being pushed aside and not investigated properly (or at all) while they waste millions on the witch hunt that is by now even to the most skeptical – a hoax. This Trump hatred is just totally insane and gone way, way too far. The guy just is not that bad! Seriously what has he actually done wrong where there is proof positive and caused horrendous problems??? Just crazy stuff.
I agree. I worked against Trump’s election, but the hate against him has become nuts. If he is for something I need to oppose it, even if I agreed with than position yesterday? As a person, I still find him obnoxious. But many sensible policies have come to be since he gained power.
Separately, I do think this site should start to enforce their own policy about offensive language, etc.
Section 401 (e) of the 1940 Nationality Act provides that a U.S. citizen, whether by birth or naturalization, “shall lose his [U.S.] nationality by…voting in a political election in a foreign state.”
Orange man has backed down from holding it elsewhere as well now…
Build that Wall