Trump: Date and location is set for summit with N Korean leader

A date and location for US President Donald Trump’s landmark summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un has been set and will be announced soon, Trump said Friday. While he has said he preferred the Korean Demilitarized Zone, some advisers have suggested more neutral ground such as Singapore.

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17 thoughts on “Trump: Date and location is set for summit with N Korean leader

  • May 4, 2018 @ 21:05 at 21:05

    Hey, who’s greater than Trump? If you believe you have an answer, kiss his arse!

    • May 4, 2018 @ 21:33 at 21:33

      By chance are your parents related? If not i’d suggest that you go easy on the drugs and rimjobs lol

      Its ok to be gay but the ass is dirty area of the body just fyi

  • May 4, 2018 @ 21:32 at 21:32

    I am the greatest

    • May 4, 2018 @ 21:35 at 21:35

      lol, so many inbreeds about today. Yes i do think you are really special…

  • May 5, 2018 @ 1:27 at 1:27

    I pray that it goes well for both sides.
    Can’t think of any other politician who could bring us this far in the possibility of peace on the Korean peninsula. No matter what you think of Trump, you have to applaud this accomplishment.
    Now if we can only get Muller to accept reality and call it quits.

    • May 5, 2018 @ 15:48 at 15:48

      No “quits” until Trump is out of office, I’m afraid. However, if he accepts that the deep state is his “owner”, learns the commands and how to obey, the leash may get loosened a bit to make him feel comfortable with just occasional gentle twitch for correction. Pray to God that doesn’t happen!

      Obama was a dog much easier to train, maybe because of his breed or because the collar was round his balls, if he had them…

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