Trump defends decision to pull US troops from two Syrian posts

Facing wide criticism from Republican lawmakers and Syrian Kurds for opening the door to Turkey, US President Donald Trump replied in a series of Twitters: “They have been fighting Turkey for decades. I held off this fight for almost 3 years, but it is time for us to get out of these ridiculous Endless Wars, many of them tribal, and bring our soldiers home. WE WILL FIGHT WHERE IT IS TO OUR BENEFIT, AND ONLY FIGHT TO WIN. Turkey, Europe, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Russia and the Kurds need to “figure the situation out.” DEBKAfile; After leaving two observation posts in northeast Syria, some 2,000 US troops remain in the country. One of those posts is at Tel Abyad, on which Turkey has set its sights.

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51 thoughts on “Trump defends decision to pull US troops from two Syrian posts

  • Oct 7, 2019 @ 19:14 at 19:14

    A total lack of vision from DT

    • Oct 7, 2019 @ 20:59 at 20:59

      The Lack Of Mankind Vision are Colonialism, Imperialism, Islamism, Communism, Fascism, Globalism that refuses to Challenge Regime Powers that Enslaves, Exploits & Exports People into Poverty in Own Nations.

    • Oct 11, 2019 @ 2:56 at 2:56

      I do not see any other country in the world stepping up to the plate. Therefore residents of $hithole countries we have conquered, rebuilt and given back in two world wars do not get a vote. Nor do the folks in countries we saved or liberated from the commies, Japs, Wops, or Krauts who have not paid their dues in blood an treasure keeping the peace get a vote. Raftong and the rest of those of the keyboard generals can just have a big cup of STFU and go back to mommy’s and dad’s basement.

  • Oct 7, 2019 @ 19:26 at 19:26

    Friends, Donald Trump would abandon our beloved Israel just as fast as he had abandoned the Kurds.

    • Oct 7, 2019 @ 22:11 at 22:11

      The thought would never occur to anyone outside the U.S., or to any of the left that maybe there is bigger fish to fry at home.

    • Oct 7, 2019 @ 23:44 at 23:44

      oh yes he would. He ONLY does what will benefit DT

    • Oct 8, 2019 @ 21:57 at 21:57

      In Ezekiel 38 and 39, even though it is about the End Times, which we are now in, the US, despite being a big and powerful Empire, is nowhere to be seen when the Russia-Turkey-Iran-Sudan-Libya coalition attacks Israel.

  • Oct 7, 2019 @ 19:38 at 19:38

    Recognize JerUSAlem As Israel Nation. USA Global Sanctions Stops Iran’s Billions Funding Terrorism. DPRK No Longer Threatening Nukes. Cuban Dictatorship Collapsing Due To Prop Up Of Maduro’s Failed Venezuela. Hong Kong Protests Flies American Flags Of Freedom Against China Muslim Camps. Russia Economics Dare Not Invade Ukraine. US Military & Navy Stronger Than Any In World To Protect Global Shipping. America Making Global Nations Strong On Caring For Own People Due To President Trump’s Policies!

  • Oct 7, 2019 @ 20:20 at 20:20

    Israel abandoned Major Hadad, America abandoned Kurds about 20 years ago.
    But to allow Erdogan’s neo islamist, jihadi, naturally genocidal Turkish empire to attack our allies, without dumping then from NATI, is just knavish.

    • Oct 7, 2019 @ 22:57 at 22:57

      They have weapons and dont try to make out like you care. Israel has been a sponsor of ISIS from the beginning. You just sad that Americans will not be their to fight you wars for you.

  • Oct 7, 2019 @ 20:51 at 20:51

    Global Nations Abandon Their Own People Time For Global Change America Is Not A Babysitter!

    • Oct 8, 2019 @ 22:18 at 22:18

      The real problem for the US which the POTUS not understood, is the 30 000 ISIS from European countries who are held in prison camps by the Kurds. The POTUS wanted Europe to take them back. But instead of Europe taking them back and charging them for crimes against humanity, Europe refused to take them back. So if Turkey attacks the Kurds and the Kurds let them go in order to defend themselves, they will head back to Europe clandestinely anyway, aided and abetted by the Turks, as their leader Al Baghdadi has said the the current phase of the ISIS war is to take it to the infidel. Remember how in 2013-2016 it was the Turks who sold the ISIS oil for them and how Turkey let ISIS import US weapons from Benghazi over to Turkey and then over the border to Al Raqqa. So you can imagine the havoc that these 30 000 hardened ISIS fighters when some will fly to Mexico and then walk over the border to the US and the rest will start jihad in Europe, which already has a huge Muslim population that will house and protect them. The POTUS shortsightedly thinks that he has beaten the Caliphate, but they will re-appear in the US and especially Europe if the Kurds are attacked or displaced from NE Syria.

    • Oct 9, 2019 @ 22:25 at 22:25

      Your comment betrays a clear anti-israel bias. The kurds will suffer from this decision, not Israel.

  • Oct 7, 2019 @ 21:38 at 21:38

    The Kurds have been our loyal allies for decades, first in Iraq, next in Syria. They have fought valiantly in the most dangerous places. They took the lead in the fight against ISIS. They secured and pacified Northern Iraq. They have stood by us when our interventions were criticized around the world, including by Turkey’s authoritarian Prime Minister. In thanks for their service to the USA and the cause of peace, Donald Trump will deliver them to their enemies, the Turks, to be ethnically cleansed from areas that were historically theirs. Shame on us. And what is the message we are sending to our allies? And to groups or nations that might consider allying with us?

    • Oct 7, 2019 @ 22:09 at 22:09

      The Syrian Government has been offering the Kurds the olive branch for a long long time Yes they have supported the US and the US has looked after them. But does that mean that the WE NOW HAVE AN ETERNAL DUTY TO THEM. We have kept them alive, provided arms, training, funds. But eventually WARS COME TO A END AND PEOPLE NEED TO LEAVE. Its time for the Kurds to rejoin Syria as a semi independent province or as a standard province as the Syrians have OFFERED FOR A LONG LONG TIME.

      • Oct 7, 2019 @ 22:30 at 22:30

        Wars never come to an end. But betrayal of friends is the end.

      • Oct 7, 2019 @ 23:20 at 23:20

        What eternal duty are you talking about? The eternal duty not to deliver our allies to their (and our) enemies on a platter? Yes. Leaving your allies to die on the field is not how “wars come to an end.” Not even if you use all caps and scream like a Trump supporting ape. We all know how you people argue and torture facts. Screaming is an important part of your argument, right?

        • Oct 7, 2019 @ 23:53 at 23:53

          Cry all you want you, America is going home. Time for Israel to fund and fight its own wars. Yes we supported them in Syria but all support it temporary. Wars cost money and Turkey is far more valuable to America than the Kurds are. So there is no strategic imperative to stay, its a hard truth but its just that simple. So unless allies show VALUE its best to trade up or switch them out. That applies to Israel as well, what have you done for America in the last 30 years?

      • Oct 11, 2019 @ 10:26 at 10:26

        The Syrian government has refused to negotiate with the Kurds – as of the news today. They would slaughter the Kurds faster than Turkey would.

    • Oct 8, 2019 @ 3:23 at 3:23

      Let not Forget President HW Bush did nothing when Saddam Gases Kurdish-Led Rebellions 1988-91. President Clinton Oil for Food Scandal 1996. President GW Bush’s Help Create ISIS removing Sunnis Bathists from Iraq Armed Forces 2003. President Obama In 2013 Enabled ISIS with Wrong USA, EU & UN Policies. While Iran, EU, Russia, China Provided Weapons? Kurds Need to Rebel Again in Iran, Iraq, Syria & Turkey!

  • Oct 7, 2019 @ 22:17 at 22:17

    All alliances are marriages of convenience. They last for as long as is convenient for both parties. All break up’s are sad but its a part of life and American had been caught up in the Middle East for to long. Its time to bring our boys home

  • Oct 7, 2019 @ 23:18 at 23:18

    Well if you Israeli Jews feel so strongly about defending the Kurds why dont you SENT THE “MIGHTY IDF” TO PROTECT THEM? Go try your guilt games on some evangelicals lol. Us American Jews are not so gullible.

    • Oct 8, 2019 @ 6:28 at 6:28

      Bernie Sanders-kind of American Jews, that’s who you are. You do not speak for the rest of us.
      Hopefully, Kurds will prevail. The situation is far from clear.

  • Oct 7, 2019 @ 23:21 at 23:21

    I don’t think iran has any concern about this and kurds will die in next weeks to learn the reality of this region

  • Oct 7, 2019 @ 23:25 at 23:25


  • Oct 7, 2019 @ 23:35 at 23:35

    Putting America first, DONALD for 2020 Baby ??????. Time to bring our people home and invest in AMERICA.

  • Oct 7, 2019 @ 23:50 at 23:50

    Donald Trump acting like a Dumocrat again! He’s not putting America first, he’s putting his head in the sand and hope that the war to come will not bite him in the … too! When your friends can’t trust you, you end up with no friends. War is coming whether you want to put your head in the sand and pretend its not, doesn’t matter. It will be at your door soone enough.

    • Oct 7, 2019 @ 23:59 at 23:59

      Lol, seriously how does Israel’s war impact American? You love to bomb and attack others now you whine because you may need to clean up your own mess. I am no Trump fan, but he is certainly correct Americans must put America first. We have no strategic reason to be in the Middle East anymore. We produce more oil than Saudi. So if you need protection you need to pay. Need a friend get a dog…

  • Oct 8, 2019 @ 0:02 at 0:02


  • Oct 8, 2019 @ 3:04 at 3:04

    The kurds are “our team” just as Israel is, but until I see the complainers sending their own weapons, money, and sons to fight for the cause of rojava, I will not take them seriously. May yhwh bless the kurds of rajava, to bring them back to their roots in israel.

  • Oct 8, 2019 @ 3:12 at 3:12


    • Oct 8, 2019 @ 4:40 at 4:40

      Jim Carroll stll holds to the backward, stone age beliefs that caused all the pogroms. That belief is that the Tribe must always come first and that gentiles exist for our benefit. So Israel must always come first. This view is treasonous and toxic as its just creating the groundwork for another pogrom…

  • Oct 8, 2019 @ 4:01 at 4:01

    Jack Ruby… How Removing 50 Troops aren’t going to fix a thing and when they’re out of Harms Way? Kurds have to be Properly Armed & Rise Rebellions in Iran, Iraq, Syria, & Turkey, not Americans!

  • Oct 8, 2019 @ 5:06 at 5:06

    Israel will be betrayed by Trump just like he is abandoning the Kurds. Suckers

    • Oct 8, 2019 @ 5:37 at 5:37

      Trump is not abandoning Israel. We provide Israel with billions of dollars every year, discounted weapons, technology and weapons that we sell to no Arab countries. What he is doing is removing America from pointless wars. This is smart and necessary but there will be freeloaders our there that want America to fight their wars for them. Israel is strong enough to stand on its own two feet, so if it wants war with Iran then its going to have to foot the bill and spend its own blood.

  • Oct 8, 2019 @ 6:57 at 6:57

    The united states foreign policy was/is/will always be usa benefit first….. This has been well known for the last 50 years.

    They go in , build alliances for whatever benefit they have, the moment they are done with what theyre doing,theyll abandon any and everyone

    DT will abandon israel in a split if he sees no benefit of an alliance…. its how the united states is ,its how its made

  • Oct 8, 2019 @ 17:38 at 17:38

    Like it or not, the USA is NOT humanity’s “911”. From torath YHWH with love, get yourselves right with your maker, be victorious and prosper. We love the kurds, but the usa is already on a steep slope to self destruction. We need to prioritize getting our own house in order.

  • Oct 8, 2019 @ 18:46 at 18:46

    Of course Trump is defending his position. He’s acting on advice and orders from Erdogan and Trump.

    • Oct 8, 2019 @ 18:56 at 18:56

      Correction: On orders from Erdogan and Putin.

  • Oct 8, 2019 @ 21:49 at 21:49

    Erdogan has his delusions of grandeur as the heir apparent of a Sunni caliphate. Despite the mixed relationship between the US and Turkey, the expected incursion of Turkish forces in northern Syria effectively keeps the Iranians and their sycophants on their toes as the Turks advance. In my opinion this is a stroke of genius on the part of Trump. Despite American political opposition to Trump’s decision to retreat from Northern Syria; his opponents have very narrow minds. They don’t see the ultimate wisdom of this move; to keep Iran’s eyes watching their back in Syria as the Turks lurk in the shadows..

    • Oct 8, 2019 @ 22:27 at 22:27

      The Pentagon completely disagrees with you and wasn’t even consulted.

      This is not well thought, it’s just reactionary and used as a diversion.

  • Oct 9, 2019 @ 0:59 at 0:59

    The US just keep on with their “policy” ofthrowing allies under the bus, they became very good at it since the end of WW2, WATCH OUT Israel !

  • Oct 9, 2019 @ 10:01 at 10:01

    Wait til Trump does it to Israel too. The surprising number of anti-Semites in these comments will cheer! They are the majority of Trump supporters. Jewish democrats were right all along. MAGAmorons.

  • Oct 9, 2019 @ 17:40 at 17:40

    What does one expect from Turkey? The U.S. did nothing about the countless of Iranian attacks against its Saudi ally. Is the U.S. now going to defend the Kurds against Turkey when the U.S. did nothing against Iran so far? If the U.S.had done something against Iran then maybe Turkey would not be crossing into Syria right now since it would have been a deterrence.

  • Oct 10, 2019 @ 8:12 at 8:12

    trump really is Putin’s dog. If you still think trump is wonderful then you belong in a mental hospital. He will do anything Putin wants including destroying the USA. Wake up!

  • Oct 10, 2019 @ 17:36 at 17:36

    Moishe R. is mentally defective…

  • Oct 10, 2019 @ 19:36 at 19:36

    Perhaps South Asia is the playground of a more modern Russia. Perhaps Saudi Oil is not so important to US, British, and French. Perhaps less Arabian oil makes Russian oil more valuable. Stateless people are a real problem. I note that most migratory people are of an ethnic sort of indigenous type that is being pushed by more modern secular states that are tired of the nonsense. Gypsies can trace their roots to
    East Eurasia. Perhaps stateless people from the expansion of Rome. The Celtic people are very lucky that
    Roman Legions ran out of resources. Otherwise they would be absent.

  • Oct 11, 2019 @ 13:24 at 13:24

    I am beginning to doubt Trumps sanity “the kurds didn.t help us in Normandy ”

    Ttump may be a Pearl Harbour truther .It was the Kurds not the japs that bombed the U.S pacific fleet

    there is no end to this nonsense with Trump in power


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