Trump: Iran made a very big mistake

US President Donald Trump tweeted Thursday that that “Iran made a very big mistake” after the US military confirmed the shooting down of an American drone over the Strait of Hormuz. US officials called Tehran’s claim that it was downed over Iranian soil as “false” asserting the drone was 20 miles from the shoreline in international waters when it came under an unprovoked attack. Asked about a possible strike on Iran, Trump said: “You’ll soon find out.” The White House has begun a  meeting on Iran

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8 thoughts on “Trump: Iran made a very big mistake

  • Jun 20, 2019 @ 20:29 at 20:29

    Trump sounds upset! I wonder what will happen next. If the drone was in fact in international waters, Iran may have just overplayed their hand. But, then again, they want and feel obligated to start this war. So, get the popcorn ready I guess. Hopefully, internet doesn’t go out so i can see the new developments.

  • Jun 20, 2019 @ 21:13 at 21:13

    Fascist Iran has managed to get EVERYONE to hate them.

    Millions of oppressed Persians living in Fascist Iran.
    Sunni Saudi Arabia

    Europe? Eurabia would rather Submit. “F” Eurabia.

  • Jun 20, 2019 @ 22:27 at 22:27

    The air force has been on the snooze as of lately, . . . could just wake them up, . . . say “Go get em” and go play golf while Tehran burns.

  • Jun 21, 2019 @ 1:25 at 1:25

    Lots of talk, talk & more talks from the WH idiot & NO action !

  • Jun 21, 2019 @ 3:28 at 3:28

    The cure for the Kahanist Apartheid is 1P1V1S – where both white people and brown people get to vote 1P1V1S Palestine – the Only Democracy in the Middle East

    • Jun 21, 2019 @ 6:09 at 6:09

      Pal-e-SWINIANS can’t even get along with fellow Pal-e-SWINIANS so how are they supposed to get along with NON-Pal-e-SWINIANS???

      From the River to the Sea,
      Pal-e-SWINE Will NEVER BE!

  • Jun 21, 2019 @ 3:45 at 3:45

    Iran should hope it never gets its war with the US. Meanwhile, Trump isnt falling for the bait. Hey XI….Hows things in Hong Kong?

  • Jun 23, 2019 @ 8:50 at 8:50

    Right… not mistake would be just excuse, surrender and pay forever
    peace, people!


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