Trump on Comey testimony: No collusion, no obstruction
US President Donald Trump answered questions for the first time on the Comey testimony to the Senate. His first answer was: “No collusion, no obstruction of justice. We want to get back to running our country: the North Korea – big problem; peace a big problem – that’s what I am focused on.” He added: “We are doing really well. That was an excuse by the Democrats for losing an election. We were very, very happy. James Comey said I lot of what I said and some of the things he said just weren’t true.
Trump denied asking Comey to pledge allegiance under oath – “I hardly knew the man” – or asking the FBI chief to let the Flynn investigation go. Trump said he was 100pc willing to speak under oath on this. He said he is ready to report to special counsel Robert Mueller on these issues. He would answer questions soon about tapes of conversations. “But you wouldn’t like the answer.”