Trump puts armed forces on the ready after pulling out of summit with Kim

President Trump announced Thursday that after terminating plans for a summit meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, he spoke with Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and the armed forces chiefs to make sure they are ready in the event of “reckless actions by North Korea” for US operations, “if a confrontation is forced n us.” Trump said he had also conferred with South Korea and Japan about sharing the financial burden of such operations. “I still hope that Kim will do the right thing for himself and his people who suffer needlessly,” the president said. “If he chooses constructive dialogue, I am waiting. Meanwhile tough sanctions and maximum pressure will stay in place. The US will not compromise the safety and security of the USA. Our military has been greatly enhanced as never before. If it all works out well with North Korea, the summit will take place [as planned] or at a later date.”

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