Trump urges Europe to take back 800 ISIS fighters for trial

“In a very short time we will spread the good tidings of the military end of Daesh,” said Jiyat Furat of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces Saturday night. President Trump said that with the caliphate ready to fall, European allies must “take back over 800” Islamic fighters captured in battle and put them on trial. The alternative, he said, would be to release them and let them permeate Europe. “We are pulling back after 100% Caliphate victory!” Furat said that the SNF had cornered the last Islamists left in Syria in a part of Baghuz village near the Iraqi border, under fire from all sides.

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5 thoughts on “Trump urges Europe to take back 800 ISIS fighters for trial

  • Feb 17, 2019 @ 14:51 at 14:51

    Absolutely. Try them and if guilty of being a part of ISIS, then hang them.

    • Feb 17, 2019 @ 17:51 at 17:51

      Let the Syrians execute the, it will be more effective.

  • Feb 17, 2019 @ 20:29 at 20:29

    Rearm them and parachute them into Tehran

  • Feb 18, 2019 @ 5:47 at 5:47

    Al Baghdadi has awkwardly vanished into thin Israeli air, just as did his White ISIS Helmets

    This is a wonderful idea – the fastest way to get at the Israeli, Neocon, CIA, and Saudi brains of the ISIS false flag might be to just render these ISIS back to the Israeli-CIA camp over the Jordan border where they were originally trained, funded and armed, rename the camp Camp John McCain, and then use these little fish to get the bigger fish

    Al Baghdadi himself would extremely helpful with this effort to quickly identify all these funding and training sponsors and their ratlines, and easy to find too, as he was surely provided the same sanctuary that his cornered White ISIS Helmets used, as they were ‘spirited’ over the Golan by their red-faced Israeli handlers in order to ‘make their escape’

    Israel*, ISIS, and Saudi Arabia was truly an axis of evil in the Middle East of Frum-level proportions – it looks like Syria will be free of them forever now

    Better yet, the ‘Kahanist Wahabi NATO’ successor to ISIS that Max Boot and Netanyahu just struck out trying to gin up is just ‘ISIS without the ISIS’, but it looks like Syria will be safe from them as well

    *to include the Israeli Lobby Neocons like McCain, Boot, Lindsey, etc

    • Feb 18, 2019 @ 5:57 at 5:57

      Despite expressed Israeli desires above to just ‘Rearm ISIS and parachute them into Tehran’, which is exactly where they were going in the 1st place and exactly what their mission was after knocking off Syria and Iraq, those wet dreams are no longer operative


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