Trump’s hotly contended impeachment trial begins in US Senate
On the even of the Senate trial, President Donald Trump’s defense lawyers argued for a swift rejection of the “flimsy” charges of abuse of power and obstructive brought against him by the House. His legal team said he did absolutely nothing wrong and should be swiftly acquitted. A major tussle lies ahead of the hotly contentious hearing over the calling of witnesses. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell proposed a condensed, two-day calendar for each side to give opening statements, ground rules that Democrats immediately rejected.
The thing is the Democrats want to drag this out to impact the Nov. 2020 elections; so will fight everything Mitch McConnell will propose. The Fact is McConnell is in charge of the Senate and if the Democrats try to pull what they did in the US House of representatives; McConnell will just call for a vote to dismiss the charges and that will be the end of that! McConnell will not allow the Democrats to turn the Senate trail into a circus like they did in the US House of representatives.
This is just a game. Witnesses will be called. It is in Trump’s and the Republicans’ interests to do so because they want the real bribery/blackmail by Joe Biden to come out. The Dems also want senile Biden out so that Hitlery can once again save the party from the communist Sanders.
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The democrats are nailing their own coffin.
Trumpis a champ the dems are chumps.
This is a Political Trial against Republican Senators that Democrats want to Take Back for Power Purposes in Fear of President Trump Successes!
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