Turkey to establish military base in Qatar to fight ‘shared enemies’

Turkish ambassador to Qatar Ahmet Demirok said Wednesday that his country will set up a military base on Qatari territory "to fight the shared enemies of the two countries." The Turkish military activity in Qatar will include the placement of 3,000 Turkish troops and the establishment of air and naval units as well as "special warfare units."
DEBKAfile's military and political sources point out that:
1. Both Turkey and Qatar have supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the Syrian opposition and the rebels who deserted from the Syrian army, and have opposed the rising influence of Iran in the region and the Russian intervention in the conflict in Syria.
2. Even though Ankara approved the base in 2014, the steps for establishment of the base are only underway now because they been approved by Saudi King Salman.
3. The base plan is additional proof of the tightening of diplomatic relations between the two sides as well as the growing Saudi involvement in the effort for establishment of an "Islamic military coalition" that includes both Qatar and Turkey.  

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