Turkish clerics’ fatwa against ISIS: “Kill them like the dogs of Hell.”

Turkey’s clerics Friday sanctified the country’s war on the Islamic State with a fatwa, which says: “If you encounter them, slaughter them like the people of Irem and Ad (whose inhabitants were killed by Allah). ISIS militants are the dogs of Hell. Those who kill them will be rewarded and those who are killed by them will be martyrs,” the fatwa rules. The Prime Minister’s Office in Ankara has set up a coordination center for operations against ISIS and the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which is accused of conniving in a jihadist massacre of 31 people on July 20. The center is headed by Undersecretary Kemal Madenoğlu and consists of officials from the police, gendarmerie, Justice Ministry, Interior Ministry, Foreign Affairs Ministry, the intelligence service and the General Staff.

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