Two Iran-Iraq border crossings closed against Iraqi unrest spillover to Iran
Iranian authorities on Wednesday closed the two main border crossings with Iraq, lest the violent demonstrations raging in Iraqi cities over unemployment and government corruption spill over. At least 10 protesters were killed and hundreds injured by live police fire before a curfew was clamped down on Iraq’s cities. Iran’s Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli said that the crossings would remain closed until further notice, including the one through which 3 million Iranian pilgrims were expected to visit Iraq’s Shiite shrine city of Karbala later this month for the religious ritual of Arbaeen. Tehran’s halt of this annual pilgrimage betokens the depth of its concern about Iraqi popular unrest igniting Iran’s masses.
At least 7 people have been killed in World War II aircraft bombing in the US state of Connecticut. The plane was carrying 13 people, including staff. US: World War II plane crashes, Seven People is died
US: World War II plane crashes, Seven People is died
What does this plane crash in the US have to do with border closings between Iraq/Iran?
One of the most powerful guns in the world has been modernized. We are talking about the 203 mm Malka, Most powerful Malka: How Soviet weapons were modernized
Most powerful Malka: How Soviet weapons were modernized
Junaid… Establishing & Building Global Cooperation for a Nations People & Culture is far more beneficial than wasting money on Weapons for Exploitation Exportation that Destroy Middle East Communities. Iraq, Yemen, Gaza, Libya, Lebanon, Iran & Syria Prove That is Not Allah’s Way Every Day! Why They Are Mired In Death!
…and your point?? That Malka shot down a US WWII bomber?
My goodness…what are they putting in your vodka these days, Gaspodin??
They claim to champion their own Shiite people but they really don’t care about the majority of them. They only care about their fanatical Shiite militants that support their oppressive Iranian theocracy. The current riots in Iraq are being orchestrated by Iran in order to remove the moderate pro-Western elements that are left in the Iraqi government. They are making Iraqis overthrow their government so that Iran can step in and take over with their Iraqi militias since the government is being blamed for everything. Then they plan to use these protesting people to drive the U.S. out of Iraq too. The Iranian regime is very happy about this as long as it does not spread to Iran and it backfires on them. Iran is getting these protesters to provoke violent responses
from the Iraqi government forces in order to use against them.
This is one of the dumbest things I heard. These protesters are burning the pictures of khamenie and Iranian flags. They are protesting the continues corruption of the Iranian stooges in the Iraqi government
They are sunnis in baghdad street and the shia militia will get bigger and bigger by time to protect shias from minority of sunnis in iraq
Radical Shiia Islamic Regimes Leaders are becoming less and less Popular. They use Money for Buying Weapons, Violence, & Spreading Hate & Death among its Proxies instead of using the Religion for Education, Charities, & Economic Benefits. They are Doomed to Fail & New Leadership Is Required!
May you are not correct informed. The demonstrators also agains the influence
from Tehran. The wont them out. Iranian pilgrims, when the go bag to Iran will tell
there familys and friends whats happen in Irak. Here is the danger for Tehran. It can spill over to Iran.