Two Palestinians gassed to death in Gaza-Sinai tunnel
The “Interior Ministry” in Gaza said Monday that two Palestinians, a 38-year-old police officer and a 28-year-old civilian, were killed by inhaling toxic gases in a tunnel linking southern Gaza to Sinai. Contact was lost with five to nine Palestinians after the Egyptian authorities pumped poison gas into the tunnel. DEBKAfile adds: The tunnel had served Gazan Palestinians for smuggling arms, fighters and links with the Islamic terrorists plaguing the Egyptian authorities in Sinai.
If Israel did this the whole world would have been raged.
Egypt responded properly. Terrorists cannot build terror tunnels into another country.
Israel should do the same.
When terrorists use tunnels to attack, I celebrate their deaths!
Thats’ what happens when you don’t build tunnels to code, and completely neglect to add ventilation.
Thats what the Policeman was inspecting… checking if it was built to code. Policeman working for whom? I did not know Gaza has policemen.
The policeman was checking that the right goods were coming through, all of them, and that there were no other things coming through that Gaza does not want. Gaza cannot trust anyone now that Iran has its finger in the Gaza pie.
The Egyptians closed this tunnel for the same reasons that the IDF closes Hamas tunnels: they are used to support terrorism, in this case, Hamas support of ISIS/Daesh terrorism in the Sinai. Perhaps,a better solution would have been to pump the tunnels full of concrete, as the IDF did in “Operation Northern Shield.”
Good news ! Good job El-Sisi !