Two Palestinians infiltrate from Gaza, fourth incident this week
The infiltrators, who were armed with knives and bolt cutters, were arrested and transferred to security forces for questioning early Thursday. This was the fourth time that Palestinians from the Gaza Strip had cut through the border fence and crossed into Israel, as Hamas encampments go up for a mass anti-Israel demonstration Friday. The Hamas organizers say it is a peaceful protest. But the IDF is gearing up for a Hamas scheme to used massed civilians to crash the border fence and surge through.
Those civillians will most probably have weapons hidden on them be sure of that!!
be carefull of hand granades!!!
sounds like South Africa…4 farm attacks in a week.
the adepts of the religion of peace prefer to invest in the violence than in a constructive way of solving the problems
It is called recognisance. They sen unarmed people to check speed and strength of the IDF response.
Such a shame!
Bolt cutters cut the border fence but notmy bike lock and chain.
Such a high military budget should have bought a quality fence.
Grinders cut also hardened steel but make lots of noise and take power (electricity or gasoline motor).
It is a shame no quality at the IDF infrastructure. Where does all the money go?
What if they came with a white dove in each hand, as a sign of peace and friendship, only, when were told “hands up” the doves flew and now there is no clear evidence of good-doing?