Two security-related officials chosen for senior Pentagon posts
The Trump administration nominated two security-related officials for senior Defense Department jobs on Tuesday. Kari Bingen was tapped as principal undersecretary of Defense for intelligence, the Pentagon's second-most-important intelligence position. Bingen, who served as an aide of the House Armed Services Committee and a senior staff member of several subcommittees, is very familiar with a number of US intelligence services including the National Geospacial Intelligence Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office and the National Security Agency.
The second nominee, Robert Story Karem, was picked to serve as assistant secretary of Defense for international security affairs. He has significant experience in White House posts including adviser to then Vice President Dick Cheney during the George W. Bush administration. If confirmed, he is expected to deal with a range of issues including NATO policy, Russian provocations, the Middle East, the military and security implications of Britain's withdrawal from the EU, and the results of the presidential election in France.