UK government cuts off support for pro-BDS anti-Israel charity
The UK Department for International Development cut off funds totalling $370,000 from the pro-BDS War on Want, after the London Telegraph exposed undercover recordings of calls for Israel’s destruction and open support for terrorism, in events the charity sponsored for “Israel Apartheid Week 2016” last February. At a meeting at London University’s School of Oriental and African Studies, Max Blumenthal (son of the former aide to President Bill Clinton and confidant of Hillary Clinton Sidney Blumenthal) referred to Israel as “the Jewish State of Israel and the Levant, JSIL.”
He also praised the Hamas attack on Nahal Oz and an army base in 2014 as the Arabs’ chance to “recover their dignity” and “pop Israel’s security bubble.”
Arab lawyer Sahar Francis, another speaker, accused Israel of harvesting dead Palestinians’ organs. WoW spent close to $1,500 to fly him to the UK for the London event.
Chairperson Rafeef Ziadah negated the OSLO accords because it confirmed Israel’s legitimacy when it should rightly be called “48 Palestine” in which the entire Palestinian people, not just segments, had rights.