Ukraine declares martial law after Russia captures 3 vessels and crew
The Ukraine parliament voted Monday to impose martial for 30 days a day after Russia captured three of its naval vessels and 23 crewmen in the Kretch Strait off the Crimean shore. Russian special forces opened fire before storming the three artillery boats. Between three and six Ukrainians were injured. Moscow said the Ukrainian vessels had entered its waters illegally. Ukraine said it was a Russian “act of aggression.”
Warships need to wait until Russian military issues clearance. Protection of the new Crimea Bridge from explosions is necessary. Give Russia a chance, peace not war.
No. Give Ukraine a chance, that’s the proper basis for peace.
The Ukraine had its chances. It is now the poorest country in Europe, and of the most corrupt in the world.
Allying with US against Russia wasn’t smart.
Lesson Learned…
The elections ARE coming in Ukraine, hence this provocation by Ukraine & the decree of Marshall Law !
If I were DJT, I’d phone Putin quietly and give him 60 minutes to release the 3 ships or face a major game change in the Black Sea. And DJT better have been building up and sharpening our military for the – unfortunately – manifesting of the biblically prophesied world war (Ezekiel 38).
DJT is controlled by Putin…
What good is Marshall Law IF (big IF) Putin decides to invade (which he won’t) ? IF wanted to invade Ukraine he could have done it in 2014 when he took Crimea. Poroshenko is simply plays the game of….the “elections” are coming & I to show that I’m tough on Russia, it’s all BS !