UN Sec Council statement upholds sole Muslim right to Temple Mt
Days of Palestinian attacks by rock, firebomb and other projectiles in Jerusalem and Temple Mount, were capped Thursday night by a United Nations Security Council expression of "grave concern,” and call for restraint and calm at the “Noble Sanctuary” – as the site of the Jewish Temples became known to Muslims. The council statement said Muslims at the site "must be allowed to worship in peace, free from violence, threats and provocations,” and also that “visitors should be without fear of violence or intimidation."
All non-Muslims, such as Jewish and Christians, were implicitly downgraded by the world body as “visitors” with no rights to worship “free from violence” at a shrine, which predated Al Aqsa by more than a millennium.
Indeed, the statement, which was endorsed by the US delegate, made no mention at all of the mountain compound as the site of the Jewish Temples, sacred to Jewish and Christians – any more than it referred to the Palestinian attacks on non-Muslim visitors to the “noble Sanctuary,” on the Jewish worshippers at the Western Wall below, and on the Israeli forces struggling to preserve the peace..