Urgent consultations in Washington, Moscow on reported US-Russian submarines in firefight
First reports reaching DEBKAfile’s military sources say that a US submarine intercepted a Russian nuclear sub in American waters opposite Alaska. The Russian sub escorting the nuclear submarine responded with a Balkan 2000 torpedo and scuttled the US vessel. Urgent consultations in both the White House and the Kremlin were taking place on Tuesday night. US Vice President Mike Pence called off an appearance in New Hampshire after being recalled to Washington for a conference called by President Donald Trump without explanation.
Russian President Vladimir Putin cancelled an engagement and headed for the Kremlin to confer with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and military chiefs, after learning that 14 submariners died in a fire that broke out on a nuclear-powered “experimental submarine in Russian waters.” This account carried in Russian media varies in most respects from the first reports reaching this site and may refer to a separate incident. They report between 14 and 17 members of an AS-12 nuclear powered submarine died of poisonous fumes caused by a fire aboard the vessel. The submarine was described as experimental and unarmed but often used in spy missions. It is unclear how many of the 25 crew survived. Local media suggest four or five are receiving treatment in Severomorsk’s military hospital for poisoning and concussion injuries. Another news account said the majority of the officers died in or on their way to hospital. These reports do not cite the cause of the fire.
If US lives were lost by the apparent unprovoked Russian sub(s) firing upon a US while in US waters, then we have the makings of war. I expect that ultimately war will not occur, but certainly tense times are ahead. Peace.
Its attack on Russia, and Putin as Yeltsin before him and Medvedev are finished . The answer will not wait very long –probability of strike on Canadian American forces . The only order will count is that of that in counter intelligence , and if Europe will say even 1 word , it will become a second moon together with Canada and USA.
I presume you refer to a nuclear attack by Russia on other countries. Keep in mind that the US keeps a minimum of 2 SSBNs at sea at all times. Together, they carry enough warheads atop their SLBMs to incinerate every city in Russia of 100,000 population and higher. Such an attack would leave Russia just as devastated as the countries Russia attacked. The Russian leadership knows this, so I very much doubt, unless they have some kind of Star Trek weaponry to defend with, that Russia will initiate any nuclear exchange. It would be suicide for them as well as everyone else.
Why would anyone believe the Russians were in US waters? The govt recently made it legal to brainwash Americans, and they’ve all but declared war on Russia. Nothing coming from DC is believable, especially info about Russia. The Russians are little better. IF this is not another Debka error, the US started this. Putin doesnt want his people destroyed, so will have a restrained response.
You have obviously never been station on-board a submarine.
Are U fat Russian troll?
Putin sends his people to be destroyed every time to different locations: submarine “Kursk”, Georgia, Ukraine, Syria. His people are expendables.
Lies and impertinence – that’s his creed.
Путину абсолютно безразлично,что будет с русским стадом.
Путин — это русская мафия.
Нельзя было оставлять русским атомную бомбу в 1990-х.
Why would anyone believe Russians in US waters? Because they’ve been performing just such “tests” since the Donald took office. I pray this one didn’t occur, “US Submarine sailor” (otherwise known in the US Navy as submariners).
Oh really? Putin is a crazy person do not idolize him please
Why would anyone believe it? Well, let’s see. I worked a fishing seiner in the 80s off Adak Island AK and saw Russian trawlers all over the Aleutian islands (American waters). They had fishing gear but never seemed to catch any fish. Putt-Putt and his minions has been pushing the Red hand toward a USA-RUS confrontation since day 1 following WW2, so now that the USA has a Prez who doesn’t tuck tail to commies or any other dictator (in the vein of Reagan), I applaud and encourage prudent conversation and all prudent preparation.
That is true, war monsters are pulling the ropes.
I concur.
So much wrong here. Are you a Democrat?
Russian subs regularly sail into Puget Sound. Perhaps they want to shop at Pike Place Market, who knows.
Россия ответит взаимно
Я уважаю и согласен с господином Путиным в некоторых вещах, но это не одно из них. Если Россия хочет жить, Россия будет сдерживать себя, потому что Сам Бог использует западные державы вместе с Израилем, чтобы прижать к России кулак, когда придет время.
Поговори со своим отражением в зеркале. Вот где взаимность.
Поэтому Запад должен уничтожить Путина и его страну первым.
Полегче, Америка и Россия теперь используют одинаковые флаги красного, белого и синего цвета. Кроме того, как известно, оба используют свои медиа для целей перекрестия? Америка будет приветствовать российское вторжение в Иран 1946 года сегодня. Америка убила более 300 русских в Сирии за один день, когда Трамп стал ПОТУСОМ! Мы можем получить это вместе!
You do realize the Russians always enter our airspace/waters on or around Independence Day. So yes I would argue that part of this could be true.
Ронник: Вы исходите из того, что Запад и Израиль правы и искренни, а Путин неправ и безумен, и Россию нужно уничтожить. Что, если верно обратное? Кто такой агрессор, бродящий по миру, как рыкающий лев, ищущий, кого он может сожрать?
It would be very helpful if there were translations of international comments.
Карту гугл открой, и посмотри сначала на какой площади земного шара находится Россия!У нас все есть,нам другие не нужны! И свои страшные сны апокалипсиса планеты отсавь при себе. Изучи историю России в библиотеке. Россия первой не напала и не нападет ни когда! А Крым как дали ошибочно просто так при СССР, так и забрали,когда Украина повернулась задом к своим братьям,предав их.
А вот где влезла Америка,там смерть и хаус! Я был в Косово в 1999 и все видел сам,как вы уничтожали страну а мы спасали братьев сербов!
І що ти робив в Косово? Захищав “руский мир” як на Донбасі, Придністров’ї, Грузії?? Не нападали ні на кого??? Кому ти грузиш? Країна гопник без честі, порядності, правди і людяності
Баран, Россия напала на Украину и захватила Крым.
Relax, God has never ever allowed the destruction of a nation nor of its people before first sending His warnings hoping that the hearts of the people might turn to Him to be saved… And He (God) changeth the times and the seasons: He removeth kings, and setteth up kings: He giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding (Daniel 2:21).
God has clearly given us His warning of USA’s destruction, God does take His warnings lightly and we should either. Our destruction will be by Russia, China and there is a good possibly that one other nation will be involved. But first there most likely will be the 2nd major attack to come, it will be approx. 1000 times greater than the Sept. 11, 2001 attack and most likely in at least three areas, Southern California and two areas on the upper East Coast, looking as if it will be in or near the Philadelphia and Boston areas. I believe the 3rd and final attack will be approx. 40 days later the fire will fall in one hour, one night, from the East to the West and USA will be no more.
Ваши братья сербы такие же чудаки на букву”М”, как и вы, и получили по мордяке совершенно заслужено. Правильно тут чувак в коментах сказал: позволить в 90-х оставлять рашистской педерации ядерную бомбу было ошибкой… И подкармливать гуманитарной жрачкой за американский счёт тоже.
Ах да! Ёще кое что – вы, русские, нам не братья. Даже близко. И вообще не родственники скорее всего… Вас же вся Азия там перетрахала… И половина кавказа 🙂
И “предать” мы вас не могли априори, так как на верность изначально не присягали.
It’s better for the rest of the world if Russians and Americans consumed each other in a nuclear rain.
If there were even 50 weapons unleashed in a limited conflict in such a place as India/Pakistan there would be nobody alive in 2-3 years time. So, you keep wishing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7hOpT0lPGI
Russia is a backwards nation that has never known freedom. The people are fed a steady stream of lies and propaganda. Don’t hold their national pride against them, they don’t know any better.
the only sane comment
And you think that somehow you would be spared in such a conflict? Be careful what you wish for.
And who believes that such an event would only destroy the US and Russia? Would there remain the ability to grow food for the world? Who would then become the world’s nuclear superpowers? China, India, Pakistan, Iran, who believes that world would be a safe place?
But of course… the only downside is that the WHOLE WORLD will also cease to exist in such an event, dude.
Exactly right.
Yeah well said, at least I hope MAD is still in place and people not going insane, just imagine what we could accomplish by bury the hatch and face space together as one united planet instead? Not a new world order and Earth president, same laws everywhere and all that carp, no just united towards a common goal and eliminate corruption, like that will even happen?
После ядерной войны.
Says who? Hollywood?
Noone wants nuclear war, however the Russian air defences are more capable in interception of ballistic and other threats. You do not need Star Treck weaponry to intercept these missiles.
US has demonstrated the technology to intercept and destroy ICBM’ in flight as well as satellites in space..
A nuclear exchange with Russia would kill 100,000,000 Americans, but the NWO does’t care.
If it happened it’s a complex situation. Nobody wins a war between the US and Russia. It’s definitely a huge international incident. Let’s hope the hounds aren’t released.
When two tribes go to war, one is all that you can score.
You mean the dogs of war. Not hounds. I haven’t I taught you anything yet?
Известно, что по побережью США давно натыканы “СПЯЩИЕ КРОТЫ” от которых государство США образовавшая из нечисти и ублюдков которые называют себя американцами будут потоплены в считанные часы …Жаль Жукову не разрешили это сделать в 50 годах. И от “ПЕРИМЕТРА” не шансов спастись прокажённым янки Да и вообще у России столько тузов в рукаве ,что америке КИРДЫК на 200% ,а вот по России ещё вопрос открытый ..
Так чё ж не задействуете свои “кроты”, клоун?
Hey can we pls leave poor Canada out of this? ???? canada has no issues with any country..we seek peace and love
The reason Canada has stayed protected and peaceful is because of its alliance with the UK and USA. If something were to happen to one or both, you’re screwed. Canada is also a member of NATO so you are obliged to get into the fight anyway.
can I get a big eye roll emoji…. Canada is a pawn.
No, we can’t. As a Canadian, I want us to be strong and supporting US in our mutual seek of peace and love. But savages (and Russia is among them) understand the language that we, Canadians, have to learn yet.
russian army is an army of the third world!!!!! russian was beaten by german in the WWI in the WWII russia was help largely and decisively by US against german. . in korea war russia took a big beating and retired quickly in other not to turnish its myth of big military power.today if russia triggers a war with west russia will be demolished and will be occupied by US. so said be aware PUTIN YOU HAVE MUCH LOSE.
Russia beaten by Germany in WW1 and WW2? Where do you get that nonsense. Reminder Russia reached Berlin first not the US. Russia wasn’t involved in Korea to any extent. US occupy Russia? US can’t even control Afghanistan.
Really? Russia had 60km to advance to “get to Berlin first”… If the USA, UK, Canada, and others had not invaded in Normandy and pushed west, Russia would not exist. Get some intelligence please.
Pushed east. My bad.
FDR held back the US advance to allow Stalin and the red army to save face from the devastation of their homeland by the Germans.
The weird thing is DRUDGE REPORT had postings about this yesterday. Today they are all pulled. Weird.
Well, the good news is that I will not need to pay off my credit cards.
Best post yet… ????
I think you need some pills, comrade 🙂
Россия может тихо ждать пока у них там само все валится. Ей, России нет никакого смысла нападать. А вот правокации США возможны.
What language are you writing in?
That’s unintelligible gibberish, bro’.
It’s Russian. You just make your self look un=intelligent with your comment. https://translate.google.com
It’s right on the internet numb nuts…Look up Balkan 2000 torpedo…Have you heard of Google?
fake news, possible debka site is fake
DEEP STATE at it’s most evil I suspect!
Fake news?
A) A Balkin 2000 Torpedo cant be found on the internet.
B) Sinking an American Sun in US waters is an act of war and The left would already be blaming Trump for the loss. Even though the left Considers The Russians Trumps best friends.
OI think the fire makes more sense and its all over the Russian media.
planet x the earth destroyer is on the way most news is just a distraction by the illuminazi controlled world gobernments WAKE UP & investigate
Was not intentional. No US sub destroyed. Russian got too close to US sub during a NATO exercise that was known by all nations ( including Putin and Trump) was being done in the area. Russian sub’s missile fired by accident because the sub did not know it was that close to operations. Caused their own fire aboard their own sub.
If this was true, something would’ve at least been on Fox & OAN news channels about American casualties.
We all want peace, but the US is willing to fight to keep our peace.
Regarding Russian “fishing trawlers”; I have personally witnessed Russian trawlers following behind US warships, picking wreckage debris from the water after a combat incident. I have listened to Russian anti-submarine sonar transmissions emanating from Russian fishing trawlers and witnessed Russian fishing trawlers moored to Russian warships refueling.
But as was stated earlier, never witnessed one harvest any fish.
My best friend’s cousin makes $65/hr by simply doing some work on the laptop for few hours in his free time.
He has been unemployed for eight months but last month his income with big fat bonus was over $7000…
He told me all he did was that he started following steps on this website he found online…
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Try not to duplicate ²² Thank you
But, WAS it an unprovoked attack?
Did the US Sub fire first?
this could spiral out of control fast, russian is playing a fine line here. will see what happens, they seem to wanna push the limits, the limits soon may be pushed to far.
It’s not the Russians, it’s the Cabal, the Deep State, the Illuminati’s, the Satanists and whatever other word you want to use for them. They are in every country, trying to incite WAR.
You are quite probably correct in your conclusion that this incident was perpetrated by “Deep State” actors.
Why ain’t main stream reporting this
Probably because they can’t confirm through trusted sources that the incident actually occurred?
You don’t have deep state actors (could be a good pun) at 400 ft in the Pacific Ocean during firing point procedures. Whatever happened, if it really did happen, occurred between the Capt of the Russian boat and the Capt of American boat. I hope this is mis-reported news.
You are mistaken about no possibility of Deep State actors in a boat under water.
Quite possibly, you don’t understand what “deep state players” means. The US has its very good military, but that doesn’t mean we don’t still have our military industrial complex which is filled with deep staters. A better grasp of how things are might help you to understand.
What happened on MARS ? The UTOPIANS – V- THE CEDONIOS…HUMMMM???
Yea I to think the Russian capt was at fault and the Kremlin didnt know, at least I hope so. If so I would not want to be that Russian sub captain when he hits port.
What happened on MARS ? The UTOPIANS – V- THE CEDONIOS…HUMMMM???
“Deep state actors” are people in positions in power. They have the authority to order Russian naval forces to act without the Kremlin’s knowledge or approval. Same for several other countries. Under Trump, doing this in the US has become more problematic.
you guys are so dumb its funny!
It’s not the Cabal….It is you…You are insane…
Вся ситуация попахивает заговором. Ни один компетентный капитан подводной лодки не нападет на другое судно без провокации. Просто звучит неправильно.
If only we knew (((who))) they are.
Debka File is a Jewish propaganda outlet.
Debka не первый раз соврала!
The Jewish State would not give out false information. Just ask them and see for yourself.
Carly….you got it right. Those who pull the strings are beholden to the Prince of This World until the coming of Messiah for the first time or second depending on your point of view.
Daniel http://www.knowingforyourself.com
Money has no value there.
‘for the first or second time’
what a maroon!
Good point. But war tends to strengthen a sitting president.
you forgot the jews
Das Vedanta Vlad! The B-2’s Spirits are over
Vladivostok now.
Both will quench. Russia would be destroyed . America would be destroyed.
Only if the Zionists foment the tension with the two sides at the moment.
Do you support abortion?
Al of this data is days old. Nothing has spiraled out of control. Even the earliest rumors were not known beyond the military in real time.
I can find no reference whatsoever to a “Balkan 2000 torpedo.”
because there is no such torpedo
Could be an Israeli designation for a Russian torpedo. Or could just be a Hebrew to English mistranslation.
Hahaha. Exactly. We know (((whose))) behind these stupid pro war posts
“scuttle” is a term referring to the self-sinking of a vessel, not being hit or sunk by another vessel.
Possibly a Hebrew/ English mistranslation. If the Russians “scuttled” a US submarine, it sounds to me like they “sunk” it.
Putin is starting to make his move. t The USA wont do anything. Putin owns Don the con.
You’re on crack. Trump represents the white hats, has full military backing, is cleaning house, ending corruption, and has already accomplished more than any other President. I say stop watching FakeNews, you’ll feel better.
100% agree.
I have not laughed so hard in ages. Good one.
Absolutely. It’s so discouraging to see that STILL so many people drink the kool-aid of the MSM.
Don’t feed the trolls…they are ether paid disinfo agents or just dumb as a bag or rocks…
Wow. Kool-Aid much?
Cleaning house ending corruption? What drugs are you eating? Trump is as crooked as they come.
You are just upset because I did your mom last night.
Very mature comeback!
you are off the CNN deep end , wake up and smell the roses , this is all BS to freak you out, just like Jussie.
Oh is THAT what’s happening??? Okay FANK VOU KOMRAD!!!
Well if that were true then the US wouldn’t have destroyed a Russian battalion of contractors in Syria. This is common knowledge now.
Before this discussion is over, which has no doubt already lasted longer than whatever incident may have occurred, the lefties will be claiming that Trump himself, and sidekick John Bolton, was in command of the sub that initiated a false flag attack that they intended to blame on Israel, trying to start WW III, so that the 2020 elections could be delayed and Trump could be declared Emperor for Life!
heard nothing from Trump for hours
He hasn’t surfaced yet.
Everything is a distraction. There are only 3 countries left without a rothschilds central bank, Syria, Iran and N korea .
The world’s ah stage,all allies distracting u until they can open the pit and release the demons. More ufo 2ill b the norm 3vil coming fast now.
You left off Venezuela.
No.. you need to add Greenland and Russia to that list
I dreamed last night a nuclear bomb exploded and destroyed everything around me and it killed me immediately.
The “Balkan 2000” is the export name for the Swedish Torped 62. Beggars the question, ‘what’s a Swedish torpedo doing on a Russian sub’?. Near as I can make out, Sweden did not export any of these to Russia.
Yes, strange story. I couldn’t find anything on the navy’s or DOD’s twitter. So either DEBKA knows more than others and there is momentarily silence until both sides have a response for the public or this didn’t take place.
Ask Google: DETAILS, DESIGN OF TORPEDO BALKAN 2000….. It’s made by SAAB
Of course, now is the best moment for Iran to attack and sink some oil tankers or to show on TV new centrifuges being installed, just to annoy Trump and see how he takes it.
So a US drone sub?
Horse hockey. No way to keep this under wraps for this long.
I sincerely hope Debka file puts up an apology for putting up fake news.
The latest on the story. No apology. No mention of a US submarine sinking.
Not a Balkan but VA-111 Shkval?
I smell MOSSAD….
You certainly do smell.
but wait? what is that? its UFO Jesus come back in the nick of time to save the world from global destruction! yaaa! we are saved! peace and safety shall rain at last! but we are not dumb? its the freemason antichrist 101!
Jesus is coming back to take we who are His OFF this earth. You unbelievers will NOT be “rescued” so I STRONGLY suggest that you actually SEEK Christ and salvation while there is little time left to do so. Mock all you want, the Bible predicted that too.. I am telling you the TRUTH from the Holy Scriptures. Believe it or not at your own peril and LOSS of eternal life with Jesus Christ!
Jesus Christ, the Father, and Love is the answer.
The rapture is a lie invented by John Nelson Darby. For 1800 years their is no teaching on this.
Rapture means ‘caught up’ or ‘snatched up’.
Here ! Thessalonians 4: 15-18
15 According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.
I used to believe this too. All of my professors stated this emphatically. Then, I began to read the writings of the early church fathers. Tertullian wrote about it at least eight times throughout his life. I am not sure if other early writers did, but the fact that Tertullian did makes the statement about Darby inventing the doctrine wrong.
In what may be his earliest mention he writes, “When in the end the church will suddenly be caught up from this, it is said, ‘There will be tribulation such as has not been since the beginning, nor will be.’ Fro this is the last contest of the righteous. When they overcome in this contest, they are crowned with incorruption.” This is found on page 551 of Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs by David W. Bercot.
Yeah sure, I will believe an Internet stranger over the Bible. Uh hu. I’ll stick with the original, thanks, that foretells all of this Northern Bear business of Gog and Magog against Israel and it’s allies. Go play, doggy.
Not true, early church teachers wrote about the rapture, you can look it up.
Мутная история ,пока ничего не ясно,одни версии
Yes… muddy history; nothing is clear.
This is all fake news. No way. No how. Tom Clancy thought this up years ago.
Ask Sean Connery, he’s an expert on this sort of incident.
Do you know the distance between Alaska and Severomorsk?
3,226 mi
If only we knew (((who))) they are.
Someone at DEBKA should apologize if this is proven false.
As I sit here in the radioactive wasteland that was America, I realize that once again the press has spread fake news!!
Debka is an Israeli intelligence misinformation site.
Господа, евреи, когда сочиняли эту новость перепутали Баренцево море с Беринговым морем, а то как-то не связываются между собой события у берегов Аляски и в Североморске.
That’s easy for you to say.
Thanks for the additional info.
У меня нет разговоров от людей, которые знают, что ни один из военных или правительственных людей, кажется, не настороже. Просто обычный день в офисе. Атомные подводные лодки не просто «затоплены»
Atomnyye podvodnyye lodki ne prosto «zatopleny»
I trust what You say, comrade.
3,226 mi
I smell a “FALSE FLAG” to distract and derail the Take Down of the “GLOBAL DEEP STATE CABAL.”
If a US sub was sunk, there’s no way this won’t get back to the public, which means Trump will be required to retaliate. Which means escalation. And with the left wing media always bashing him, you can bet he will be required to strike hard against Russia. Likely target, their naval base in Syria, or crimea.
And start WWIII?
He does his own thing thing now that the Meuller report cleared him.
When DJT was going to attack Iran the Democrats and the msm excoriated him for being a war-monger. When he decided that it was more prudent not to strike and let the sanctions ramp up the pressure, the Dems and the msm said he was a traitor and in collusion with Russia.
The leftwing media is in total disarray with 300 hacks leaving CNN. Fox news has expanded 3X over since the viewers have been leaving the fake news media because of their false, twisted, partisan rubbish.
Right now Putin can use Trump and Trump can use Putin. For example to get rid of Obama’s and Clinton’s creation called ISIS. This may not be the case for much longer however. Russia has been arming its allies in the region for many years now and the region is becoming a powder-keg.
The Christian Bible has the final word as to the outcome of things. Whatever happens with the US vs. Iran and Russia the US will lose. Ezekiel 38 speaks of Persia (Iran) and Gog (Russia) coming against Israel and the US is not mentioned helping Israel. In Ezekiel 39 God personally saves Israel. The Rapture of the church will happen before WW-3. Isaiah 17:1 says Damascus is no longer a city. That is about to happen also. Know your Bible, “THE END IS NEAR.”
Rubbish. Nations are vanity. Israel is a people. The princes of Zoan are fools.
Israel is indeed a people, but as its enemies cannot simply declare was against Jews everywhere on earth, they must rather focus attacks on a region or nation. Hence, the nation of Israel first recognized internationally by US President Harry Truman will be targeted by its enemies.
This story is false, as indicated by the spot price of gold having risen for the first hour and a half after it was posted, but now having fallen $8.50 per ounce off its high. You can all go back to sleep, the sun will rise tomorrow on an intact world.
This article seems even more from a lunatic asylum than the first two democrat debates.
Hi all!
Friends, I’m from Russia and I can say, that we don’t want it. Government do all they want, we can’t do anything. Product costs like in your country, but we earn 300-500$ in a month, Usually 300, and it’s big trouble. Police don’t protect us, they are like government’s dogs, all that they want – take us to the jail.
We spend to the rent 30-50% of all money, and I can’t understand, why all world says – Russians! Russian!
No! It’s not Russians, it’s a P*tin and his friends.
We just people, who in a bad situation, our governmen hate us, all world hate us.
Government take all our money and makes a fools from us, they have houses in all countries, but we live in a sh*t, we eat not good food, our water is dirty.
In a Russia 2 city – Moscow and Peterburg, Thats all, everywhere else peolpe dying without food, warm…
They sell petroll to us more expencive then in other country, we just resource for taxes and fees(
bull schitt, in england petrol is more than twice the price and petrol is what our oil is good for.
Ну хорош заливать-то.
Всепропальщики и тут появились.
разве не русские отжали крым -не путин же лично это делал
А чем ты помешал своему фюреру убить 13000 украинцев?и тысячи сирийцев,виновных в томситуации,что они хотели выгнать своего путина?
Вы все соучастники и гореть вам в огне!
Я надеюсь,что вы все умрете как умерли немцы в Дрездене в феврале 1945,хотя не все были СС,но они все были соучастниками Гитлера.
Убить украинцев 13 тысяч ? А если не секрет зачем они там оказались ,почему в гости пришли с танками ,самолетами ,пушками ? На что вы рассчитывали ,что будете жечь живьем как жгли в Одессе ? Вы же приходили вместе с немцами и были изгнаны ,вы что решили что с американцами вам повезет?
Хватит чушь нести, встал/а и пошёл/пошла работать, а не жаловаться на правительство и президента.
Смотрю по-английски то хорошо строчишь, вперёд учителем или переводчиком, слабо?
А не на <> сайтах сидеть и в диван <>, пользы будет больше.
Мальчик! Ты поц. Дуй нахуй с России в другую, благополучную страну. И хуйню не неси в инете. Себе дороже.
То же русский. Для чего этот человек написал такую ересь не понятно,это на его совести, возможно это его такой бизнес . . Средняя зарплата в России 700 дол. ,у нас страна большая поэтому есть зарплаты и 200 дол. и 2000 дол. Мы тратим на коммунальные услуги 100-120 дол. в месяц . 85% населения владеет садовым участком с домиком ,называется дача .79% населения живет в собственных квартирах .Налог который собирает правительство в не зависимости от величины заработка составляет 13% .Бензин у нас стоит 70 центов за литр.
Respected. before you write lies, first live in Russia. Yes, not all live well, but do not distress. Who wants to work, works and lives well. Most have cars and their own homes. Do not write fakes)))
Hi Russian Boy!
It’s not true, that all hate you. The german people want to cooperate with Russia, because you are the natural partner of the germans. But the dictators in London, Paris, Washington and others prevent it. And thats the reason, why Poland and the other countries south of Poland have the task to seperate us. Dont’t believe it, that all hate the Russians!
@Just Russian Boy,We also in America don’t hate the russians,Just the democrats!
Dear Gary. It is good that you understand that we are not evil for You. We don’t want war at all, and neither do you. After all, if we are together, we are people and we do not distinguish, yet not say a word. The question is simple – who should quarrel with us?
It is the US that now a days has very few allies and if it goes to war, the US will find itself on the pointy end of the stick after destroying Iran.
There are ‘globalists’ in USA and Russia who WANT WAR.
Our Presidents DO NOT want war – and there will be NO WAR.
Our Presidents sunk the sub of those globalists.
‘globalist’ goes by many names – –
swamp, deepstate, NWO, Pedos, illuminati, Rothschild, on and on
It’s not the Russians or Americans it’s the cabals and governments, the rich not the average
Maybe time to take up arms and fight your own revolution to take back your country?
Maybe time for the whole world to stand up
It is possible that the very broad outlines of the story are true, but when it tries to get specific the story doesn’t really hang together.
I’d not trust the story at this time although there may be significant elements which are true and there is no doubt that something unusual and worrisome occurred.
Between Alaska and Severomorsk (where the Russian submarine arrived after the fire) thousands of nautical miles. Learn geography stuрid аss.
Torpedo Balkans 2000 – does not exist. Media рiss you in the ears, and you swallow and happily ask for supplements, mоrоns.
Войны не будет. Русский народ и Американский народ этого не хочет.
In fact the ‘2000 Torpedo’ is made by SAAB in Sweden & likely sold globally. It does exist!!
Is it called the Balkans 2000?
Who are the sources for this? This website looks shady.
Вся ситуация попахивает заговором. Ни один компетентный капитан подводной лодки не нападет на другое судно без провокации. Просто звучит неправильно.
It’s possible this site got the scoop first. Time will tell.
N, Search the Swedish company SAAB,—-they manufacture the “2000 torpedo” and likely sell it world-wide. The 2000 torpedo does, in fact, exist.
So Debka, where exactly did you get this business about an American sub being involved in this?
I’m glad I just watched ‘The Wolf’s Call’ on Netflix the other night. I’m a submarine expert now.
Regarding a firefight between Russian and US submarines, I see no collaboration of this report by anyone else besides the unreliable Hal Turner.
Debka is fake news,take off the tin foil hats!
forsure, America would never have allowed that Russian Submarine to be towed away from its waters.
It clearly had to be towed back.
I am Ukrainian, and I know who is such a Putin. he will not stop and will push on. you need to act decisively and quickly, otherwise Putin perceives as weakness.
Артём, действуйте! Тролько решительно и быстро! Вперёд, храбрый воин!
Roughly 10% of the news reports on this site are legit. I suspect this falls in the 90% bucket of BS that this site is very well known for.
I agree !!
A) A Balkin 2000 Torpedo cant be found on the internet.
B) Sinking an American Sun in US waters is an act of war and The left would already be blaming Trump for the loss. Even though the left Considers The Russians Trumps best friends.
I think the fire makes more sense and its mentioned in the Russian media.
Is this real or more #FakeNews?
англо саксам и хохловыродкам ассимилированным в профашистской канаде и мелкобритании – пуканы рвет похлеще ядерной бомбы. Очнитесь черви – если будет война – через 15 минут ваших стран не будет. Что радует – это обилие адекватных комментариев из США.Спасибо !
Полегче, Америка и Россия теперь используют одинаковые флаги красного, белого и синего цвета. Кроме того, как известно, оба используют свои медиа для целей перекрестия? Америка будет приветствовать российское вторжение в Иран 1946 года сегодня. Америка убила более 300 русских в Сирии за один день, когда Трамп стал ПОТУСОМ! Мы можем получить это вместе!
тварь козломордая
America and Russia will work it out with Trump & Putin. After all, Alaska was Sold to America by Russia and America is still giving the Ukraine Millions to Clean up Chernobyl! This Kremlin Strike is an example of Unexpected Blow Back on the Seamen Killed!
planet x the earth destroyer is heading to most news is like this is a false flag for distraction
Ukraine is definitely with US, politicians don’t matter
Trust but verify!
United States is the worldly protector of Israel; thus, United States will be taken out of the picture before the heathen nations will attempt to destroy Israel.
United States is the modern day Babylon, or Mystery Babylon which is spoken of in Revelation 18. Neither Pres. Trump nor all of United States Armed Forces can save that which God has given over for destruction. Ultimately God is in control and reading of the Book of Judges should convince you of that.
God has never allowed the destruction of a nation nor of its people before first sending His warnings through His prophets and watchmen. His first warnings made known to me came on Apr. 3, 1994 by the Holy Spirit leading me to the visions which God gave to Pastor Dumitru Duduman. If interested in this, Google; “The Message for America – Hand of Help Ministries.” If you don’t believe in God nor the Holy Spirit, Google: “Watchman On The Wall – The Greater Message.” It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4).
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The Left doesn’t KNOW about the loss because they don’t read DEBKA. And Trump, Putin et al are going to do their BEST to make sure this doesn’t get it out before they can tweak the narrative.
Well the Russian secret sub was designed to illegally watch HBO by tapping underwater internet cable.
what does HBO mean?
Both keeping it away from the Media, Thus No Story, Never Happen, until they want it Reported, if ever? But DEBKA has Long Ears in Both Nations!
затишье перед бурей. давайте пить друг к другу, потому что это может никогда не быть дружелюбным.
CNN: US navy mistakenly “struck” Russian nuclear submarine in Arabian Gulf
I am illuminati agent with membership ID 6665515. I bring the good news to all who aspire for fame, longevity, protection, wealth/riches/money and what have you. I am a living testimony as I was born into a very poor family and I have the aspiration to become rich in life so a friend introduced me to the illuminati and I key in. to cut long story short at the end of my initiation, I was given $2,000,000.00 USD, A mansion in Washington, A ring of protection, a Visa to travel worldwide etc. since then my life have changed for the better and I am very happy. Because of my devotion to the brotherhood, they made me an agent to bring people to the light and become rich. So that’s why I am here to tell the world the best place to be is the illuminati. I want all to quickly note that joining the illuminati is totally free of charge you don’t pay a dine to become a member. I implore all of you reading this message to join us now and become rich and protected. To become a member call/text the illuminati official line on
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To “scuttle” a ship means to intentionally allow your own boat to sink. You don’t scuttle another ship with a torpedo. Sure would like to know what actually occurred.
Yep. Lots of people who never served in a navy or a submarine, saying a lot of things about which they know nothing!
Perhaps in this discussion, you are the most appropriate interlocutor 🙂
It doesn’t sound like anything happened. Debka conflated the news of a fire aboard a Russian sub with Vice President Pence’s recall to Washington and invented the supposed Russia – US clash. Debka provides absolutely no evidence that the US has lost a sub – presumably with all hands – which could amount to hundreds of sailors. Nobody involved is reacting as they would if there had been a real sinking of a US sub by a Russian sub whether in US waters or not. If the US has lost any subs or sailors that fact cannot be hidden more than a few hours. By now the next of kin will have already lost their regular and routine contacts with the sub crew and will have already contacted known shipmates learnt that there has been no contact with any of the crew. By now the families should already be demanding a public explanation. If the US sailors died by enemy action, their service records will have to reflect that; they will have to be paid higher pensions and survivor benefits, I think. By now, the Democrats would be weaponizing the sub’s loss and attacking Trump as a warmonger, or for refusing to retaliate against his friend Putin: take your pick. By now, earthquake scientists would be reporting that they had recorded the sounds of a submarine explosion and then the implosion of the ship as it was crushed by water pressure. They would even be able to detect where and when the explosions occurred. Whenever there is a hint of a Russia – US clash, the US forces sharply increase their DEFCON – readiness – status, which requires worldwide actions by all US armed forces. But there is no hint of any such reactions. Why are these things not happening? And why did the US let Trump step into North Korea when a war with Russia might be starting?
Good logical reasoning & deductions there JD-
No doubt some environmental activist will suggest that Trump, by initiating the submarine incident, triggered the recent CA/AK earthquakes!
I read the comments. Herd with brainwashed. Russie live and they do not care about your opinion. they have enough of their concerns.
Who after the collapse of the USSR does not cease to expand Nato? Who prepared for the Russian nuclear strike in 1946?
You are not understanding how you are manipulated by the media.
If God forbid someone breaks down, all of humanity will die.
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In all the reports I’ve read about this sub fight there is never any mention of injuries or deaths of those on the US Sub. Why is that? Is this a false flag operation to discredit Trump’s dealings with N. Korea?
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So, let me get this straight:
The alleged incident happened in the Bering sea. In USA waters near Alaska.
Allegedly the Norwegians noticed something…
The fire damaged sub was sailed Severomorsk port in the Barents sea.
The Bering sea and the Barents sea are over 5000 km apart.
Can anyone shine some light?
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Ждём 3 мировой,хотя чего ждать . Смерть уже рядом.Сила в правде .Русскому Миру не быть .Конец близко, ведь мир сошел с ума!
Do not worry, there will be no nuclear war. A 3 world has long been. America has long been the master of the world. But not everyone agrees. For this they are destroyed and take all the oil.
Russia is a huge country, there is a lot of oil, gas, copper, iron and wood. America wants to take everything away. America had been crumbling the USSR for a very long time, and for that it received Georgia, Uzbekistan, the Baltic states and Ukraine. In the 90s there was a powerful attack on the collapse of Russia. Already then all Russian oil belonged to the USA. America has spent on the collapse of Russia billions of dollars. But it did not work, Putin came to power. Putin managed to keep the onslaught of America and do not let Russia collapse. He took away his oil and other natural resources from American companies. That’s why Americans hate him so much. And the Crimea is Russian territory. Russia conquered the Crimea from the Ottoman Empire. Crimea has never been Ukrainian. With the collapse of the USSR, Crimea accidentally crossed Ukraine, under the onslaught of the United States. When the Americans staged a coup d’etat in Ukraine in 2014, a US military naval base could appear in Crimea. Putin beat the United States and returned to the Crimea to Russia. Putin played the trump card from Kosovo (Serbia).
I trust DEBKA.
Something happened internationally. One–perhaps two- underwater vessels were lost. The silence of the American government is deafening; the Russian pronouncements sound defensive and exculpatory. One wonders if a “FAILSAFE” manoever was employed–to avoid war, the offending country sacrificed one of its own.
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Why should I believe this ? How do any of you know that this was not penned by a 20 year old college student for amusement ?
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Nevertheless, cysts within the posterior chamber oftentimes
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Transcleral diode laser cyclophotocoagulation was performed when preservation of imaginative and prescient was the
primary goal however failed to do so on all eleven treated eyes; nevertheless, TSDLCPC successfully managed
the glaucoma in 10/eleven (91%) eyes. Uveal cysts, fluid-crammed constructions arising from the posterior aspect of the iris or ciliary
physique, by themselves are often considered to
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uveal cysts have been related to the event of glaucoma.
The mechanism of secondary glaucoma will be
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“But all of it matches in with the identical beloved tone of the present. The new sequence will see the characters deal with the “complicated actuality
of life and friendship of their 50s” with help from returning faces, equivalent to Chris Noth and Mario Cantone, and new solid members comparable to Sara Ramirez and Sarita Choudhury, shifting the makeup of a show that was a famously straight and white take a look at life in a diverse metropolis. The primary look at the a lot-anticipated Intercourse and the city follow-up has arrived, a 10-half sequence known as And Just like That. “The unimaginable lack of diversity was the achilles’ heel of the show, the primary time around,” Nixon stated lately. “The
writers are skillful about having the characters, whether they’re of
color or not, acknowledge the newness they’re experiencing,” Parker said to Vogue. “The thing that still bothers me is this feeling of being ultimately made to be the baddie,” she stated. Results indicated that women more typically than men chosen the film and liked it more, however, despite frequent stereotypes, males additionally reported favorable rankings for romantic motion pictures seen on a date.
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Three of the sites only supplied cash out to soccer bets, and 23
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betting) have been extra more likely to experience gambling-related problems.
Those gamblers with account closures demonstrated higher stakes per
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betting technique prior to closing their account.
It has been marketed as giving players extra
control over their betting and appeals extra effectively to
millennials (SBTech 2017). During initial trials of the feature,
(which is but to go reside at the time of writing this
scoping review), it was found that those aged underneath 35 years had been early
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As previously mentioned, the preferred method for putting bets was on a smartphone.
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He instructed the WSJ that the research mentioned within the stories have been working paperwork and not full investigations for use for policy
suggestions. Fairness Labs’ research found that of the hate speech permeating
in Fb, greater than a third was directed at India’s Muslim
minority. This is the second time Fb has been accused
of allowing hate speech on its platform to develop in opposition to a Muslim minority.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has usually made anti-Muslim claims
as nationalist teams, like those talked about in the report,
use his speeches to propagate violence against the minority group.
The test consumer’s Information Feed has turn out to be a near fixed barrage of polarizing
nationalist content material, misinformation, and violence and gore,’
one Facebook researcher wrote within the report.
One other Hindu nationalist group linked to Modi, the Bajrang Dal, was reported
to have used WhatsApp to ‘organize and incite violence,’ but the group stays
lively on Facebook.
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and a inventory market fundraising of up to £200million is under method, at £1.10 a share.
Midas recommended Tritax when the business floated at £1
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Midas advisable Warehouse in 2018 when the shares have been 96.5p.
They’ve risen to £1.09 and paid rising dividends along the way in which, together
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Rental revenue elevated 20 per cent to £12.2million, whereas the dividend rose nearly 9
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What is ‘juice’ or ‘vig’ in point spread betting?
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6.5. As a general rule, sizable market moves should give
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as the brand new line. In turn, they respond by moving the line.
Another situations can lead to canceled bets as nicely.
Even in the event that they reconvene the next day and play,
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Port Authority of latest York & New Jersey. It’s owned by the Port Authority of recent
York and New Jersey (PANYNJ), the airport’s operator, and
therefore has a special design than NJT and
Amtrak stations, particularly the signage, which is the same as used all through
the airport. Monthly move holders who wouldn’t have Newark Airport because the origin or destination for his or her
cross must pay the price, which is waived for children eleven and below.
The Port Authority originally intended to name the station “Newark Airport” however modified it to “Newark Liberty Worldwide Airport” after the
airport’s renaming, which honors the victims of the September eleven attacks and the proximity
of the airport to the Statue of Liberty. Nonetheless, in late 2014, there were requires reconsideration of Port Authority funding priorities.
On the NEC, it’s a 6-minute trip to Newark’s Penn Station, the
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It turned out that Swift Air mechanics who had changed the
engine two days earlier forgot to tighten a clamp. The poor security file of the
planes combined with the government’s routine practice
of shackling people already interprets into accidents and
risks lives, in response to Rebecca Sharpless, who directs the University of Miami Immigration Clinic and represents undocumented people transported on such flights.
Beneath Barack Obama, who deported extra individuals than all 20th century presidents mixed, the price range for personal immigration flights
peaked at $ninety five million, earlier than dropping to $88 million in 2017, the 12 months Trump grew
to become president. Regardless of such issues, ICE has increased its reliance on personal jets over
the years. On a deportation flight to Guatemala on Aug.
8, the cabin temperature swung from scorching to cold regardless of the crew’s efforts to regulate it.
Swift Air moved its crew onto a special jet and continued the ICE deportation mission to Mexico.
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