US air strikes, artillery repel pro-Assad army assault on SDF

An estimated 100 Syrian government troops were killed by US special forces backed by US air strikes and artillery Wednesday , when they attacked a headquarters belonging to the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) 8km east of the Euphrates River. There were no US casualties. The US-led anti-ISIS coalition in Syria called the attack an “unprovoked act of aggression on “well known” SDF headquarters east of the de-confliction line separating the US area of operations from that of Russia and the Assad regime..

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14 thoughts on “US air strikes, artillery repel pro-Assad army assault on SDF

  • Feb 8, 2018 @ 11:24 at 11:24

    lol again were was s400 ?? sounds like putin is a coward or s400 sucks balls

    • Feb 8, 2018 @ 13:46 at 13:46

      It seems east of Euphrates is belong to US and west of it belongs to Russia
      I think russians and assad knowing this, the only force that maybe cross that river to attack SDF is turkish forces, i think maybe they cross the river and pushed back.
      I don’t think assad even had a single unit in those area in the middle of turkish invasion

      • Feb 8, 2018 @ 14:35 at 14:35

        Manbij is west of the Euphrates River and the SDF control Manbij. There are many areas south of Manbij that The SAA controls with Russian and Iranian help so it is entirely conceivable that it was the Syrians not the Turks. If it had of been the Turks then Erdogan would probably have wasted no time at all complaining ABOUT IT from behind his Lectern in his 1000 room PALACE.

        • Feb 8, 2018 @ 16:27 at 16:27

          Debka says the attack was happend at 8 km east of Euphrates

      • Feb 8, 2018 @ 14:57 at 14:57

        This attack was in the Khsham area which is south east of Deir-Ez-Zur City which is south east of Raqqah on the Eurphrates, Deir-Ez-Zur is controlled by the Syrian Military. It is nowhere near any Turkish forces at all. Henry you like making stuff up do you?

        • Feb 8, 2018 @ 16:28 at 16:28

          Debka says the attack was happend at 8 km east of Euphrates, look up there :))

  • Feb 8, 2018 @ 15:07 at 15:07

    The US led Coalition is saying that the SDF was attacked by a force of around 500 with Tanks APC Artillery and Mortars etc whilst the Syrians are trying to claim that they were ” Local People” that are supposedly fighting Daesh and the SDF.. Locals with a Task Force? Right! So basically 1/5 of the locals were wiped out by a hand full of US fighter bombers.. F15E’s, F16’s or A10’s ?

  • Feb 8, 2018 @ 16:53 at 16:53

    Why is nobody launching a terrorist attack against the international illegal occupier lucifarian US in Syria ?? like a real Beirut classic!!

    • Feb 8, 2018 @ 17:56 at 17:56

      Illegal Occupier ? Just like the Turks, the Russians and the Iranians ? The Kurds of Syria requested help against Daesh and have mostly managed to not get involved with the Syrian Military. After Kobane the Kurds saught help from the US colitition which makes up 70 or so countries to help them defeat Daesh in Syria and Iraq, but they did not ask Russia, Iran, Turkey and obviously not Assads Syrian Military (or what’s left of it) with it’s Proxies like the Shabiha, Hezbollah and Iran’s Shiite militias for obvious reasons. Assad and his regime is basically Alawite which makes up aproximately 10% of the Syrian population and since Assad is a dictator and the Alawites are a Minority and deny the right of other minorities even the Sunni majority then he has no right to claim that he and his regime owns the country of Syria let alone accuse anyone else of occupying Syria. Having said all that I think Watever needs to lauch a suicide attack on his Brain!

      • Feb 9, 2018 @ 9:53 at 9:53

        He dont allow minor.?Look at Damascus when all together where dancing at Christmas.
        And what did the Muslims even in Europe did at christmas?Driving Trucks into people or dont gave money for a xmas tree if its in their hand(but the stupid christians gave them before allways money for Ramadan).

    • Feb 9, 2018 @ 6:33 at 6:33

      But they DID just launch a terrorist attack against USA, Whatever! Didnt you just read the article? Oh, and look what happened to them

  • Feb 9, 2018 @ 4:17 at 4:17

    Lucky U.S. troops! It must be like repelling waves of Mudslime zobbies. Let loose w. the .50 cal chugga chugga chugga chugga.

  • Feb 9, 2018 @ 4:26 at 4:26

    Thanks for a decent summary.


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