The US and North Korea continue to bandy words
North Korea’s foreign minister said Monday that President Trump’s latest statement was ‘‘a declaration of war’’ against his country, which now had the right to shoot down US bombers in international airspace. The White House responded that the claim that the US had declared war on North Korea was absurd.
North Korea wants war, they want to provoke us into a war. The North Korean government and miltary leaders are all evil and wicked warmongers. People like them need to be iradicated. The world would be far better place without them. There can be no peace with men and women like them.
This insane war of words is shown to be the more senseless due to the fact that south korea, china, and russia all are trying to promote deescalation and dialogue, while trump alone has drunk the neocon’s “kool-aid”.
wars and rumors of wars….
So I suppose that the USA should wait 10 years for North Korea to have perfected it’s arsenal and have hundreds of nuclear missiles? History has proved that talks accomplish nothing, and North Korea works on, and gives all the technical info to Iran. Remember how President Clinton supplied nuclear power plants to North Korea in return for a promise they would never get nukes. As If. Kumbya just doesn’t cut it.
10 yerrs from now North Korea would certainly try and blackmail the USA into withdrawing from South Korea so they can have a 2nd go at conquering South Korea. What if a democrat was in the white house, 100% certainty they would cut and run? Most of the rest of Asia bar India would go cap in hand for terms of surrender to China, who aftrerwards will say, “Thanks Anglo-American Globalists and George Soros, we will take over the whole global governance stick now!”
Other experts like Stratfor say that Russia and China have a long range plan to have the North Koreans nuke the USA on their behalf and sit on the sidelines, until they follow up with a ground invasion of the USA. Stratfor is advising to take the North Korean regime out now while it is doable.
Harry S. Truman is really the father of this whole mess, first when he put an arms embargo on the Nationalist Chinese, handing mainland China to Mao. Then his secretary of state in 1950 said South Korea was outside the USA defence perimeter in the Pacific. Of course, Grandad Kim invaded, and then the UN jumped in. Then Truman fired Douglas Macarthur for trying to win the Korean war. How many violent deaths of Koreans from 1950 to today? Shame. Same scenerio when Saddam Hussein asked the US ambassador to Iraq what the US attitude would be for him using force against Kuwait. She said it was “an Intra Arab matter.” Well, Saddam took the bait, and the US and others went to war with Iraq in the name of a “new world order.” Only the Messiah can stop this.