US ponders stopping Iranian arms-lift by posting UNIFIL at Beirut airport
Arab sources report that Washington is thinking of posting UNIFIL at Beirut international airport in order to halt the Iranian air lift bringing military supplies for Hizballah. US sources add that the Lebanese government will be asked to allow the UN monitors to inspect the cargoes of incoming Iranian flights for weapons, in line with UNSC Res. 1701. DEBKAfile: The Lebanese government is unlikely to go along with this request since security at Beirut airport is the responsibility of a crony of Hassan Nasrallah, Intelligence Chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim.
It won’t help, UNIFIL failed with the tunnels just discovered on the Lebanese-Israeli border, they WILL fail at the Beirut Air Port ! The UN is THE most useless, wasteful, corrupt, biased org. in all of human history !