US warns airlines against flying over Persian Gulf
The US Federal Aviation Administration has warned commercial airlines flying over the Persian Gulf of the risk of being “misidentified” in the heightened tensions between the US and Iran. The warning came as Lloyds of London also cautioned shipping in the region of increased risks.
Who caused this “of being “misidentified” in the heightened tensions” ?
Anyone “misidentifying” a commercial airliner, . . . and shooting it down, . . . shouldn’t be allowed to have such weaponry. The global community should then just shut them down, . . . permanently, . . . by whatever means is available.
Psychopaths Bolton and Netanyahu (USA psychopathic “deep state”) should be stopped.
Remember: It was the CIA handing the blueprints for modern ultracentrifuges over to Iran via Pakistan.
The greater the psychopath’s influence, the greater harm done!
Seems to me it was an Iranian airliner accidently shot down. Help me…Iraq pilot shot up an American ship accidently once. Oh…Russians dropped an American 747. Then the whole Malaysian thing. Some we know about. Some we do not. Did not the IDF Navy blast an American ship. Friendly fire is pretty common.
Conflict zones are no place for innocents.
Toppling the leader and mastermind of this Clean Break aggression on Iran and the author of his ghostwritten Clean Break Plan itself, Netanyahu, Bolton’s slap down by Trump falls on a flailing Netanyahu as well
The incoming Mueller unredacted report on Netanyahu-Kushner conspiracy over UN 2334 is a terminal event for him in the US, and falls like a ton of bricks on a Netanyahu desperately grasping at straws as he fails to form a government as Mandelblit indictments start to crush him
Getting Iran was Netanyahu’s lifelong raison d’etre
Instead of ‘getting Iran’, Netanyahu’s legacy will be that of being the man who lost Israel
Getting Iran is way above USA , Israel and anyone abilities; Its a big country the size of USA , with mountain regions not common landscape as in Iraq , roads that do not exist in half the country , and worse, tribal areas that hate America, Israel , and the whole Europe from the times of Darius . Maybe the southerners have military and set fighting abilities ,But, whenever you cross the tribal areas with intent to take over their lands , cut throat fighting will hit Americans and Israelis on the extend they never see before . And chance is that those ex skiff mixed nations not going to stop in there , they will come to Israel again , Europe , and than to America —those people know how to fight , and how to bring it to USA .