White House cool to NKorea’s hinted opening to dialogue with US
“We will see if Pyongyang’s message today, that it is willing to hold talks, represents the first steps along the path to denuclearization,” said White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sunday. She accompanied Ivanka Trump at the Winter Olympics closing ceremony in Pyeongchang.
The head of the North’s delegation to the Winter Olympics closing ceremony told South Korean President Moon Jae-in that “North Korea-U.S. relations must develop along with the South-North Korea relationship, while noting [Pyongyang] has enough intention to hold North Korea-U.S. dialogue.” The remark was attributed to General Kim Yong Chol, the head of North Korean national intelligence. Kim was in the same VIP box for the ceremony with the US official delegation. There was no interaction between them.
can we trust North Korea & how do we know it is not a tactical move and would become wind?
North Korea has not suddenly turned nice. Their leadership is evil to the core. They are cruel and calculating and will run the knife into our back if we let our guard down for one minute. Do not be deceived into thinking otherwise!
Luckily we have Trump as President not that imbecile Obama.
I love that Trump is cool to NK’s outreach, ain’t happening. Step down fat boy Kim or else?
Obama (WPE) bows, deeply, to the King of Saudi Arabia.