Olmert in Moscow: In no case will we reconcile with nuclear arms in Iranian hands. There is no margin for error here

After talks with President Vladimir Putin and Russian defense and foreign ministers, Olmert said: “Iran needs to fear that something that they do not want to happen will happen.”
debkafile Reports: Moscow welcomed Olmert but sticks to its nuclear ties with Iran and its lucrative arms business with Syria and other rogue entities.
Moscow is constantly expanding sales to the Middle East to countries hostile to Israel, such as Iran and Syria, as well as Kuwait, Qatar and the Muslim nations of Asia. None of these governments would have any qualms about passing their Russian purchases on to the Hizballah or Hamas terrorist organizations. And Russia is certainly not about to discourage these buyers or jeopardize these lucrative markets by inserting restrictive conditions in their sales contracts.
Still on the table, debkafile‘s military sources recall, are Moscow’s detailed proposals of weapons, including armored vehicles and artillery, to the Palestinian Authority and Hamas security forces. They were submitted to PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniya, when he visited the Russian capital earlier this year.
The Kremlin’s uninhibited arms sales policy is not new. Putin made no bones about it when he visited Israel in April 2005, the first Russian president to visit the Jewish state. He is perfectly willing to maintain good relations with Israel, as long as they are “good” in the Russian sense, which means they do not interfere with Moscow’s ties with – and war materiel sales to – Iran, the Arab states and the Palestinians.

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