Pakistan claims Indian aircraft violate its air space

Pakistan Air Commodore Himayun Viqar said several Indian aircraft crossed the border in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir and over the eastern city of Lahore Saturday, Dec. 13. The violations apparently occurred twice and the aircraft were chased back across the border. The officer did not indicate when they took place or how many Indian aircraft were involved.
New Delhi denies the report. The Pakistani information minister Sherry Rehman said the Indian Air Force had informed Islamabad that the incursion was “inadvertent.”
debkafile‘s counter-terror sources report that Lahore in eastern Pakistan is a hotbed of Islamist terrorist groups, including Lashkar e-Taibe.
As tensions continued to rise over the Mumbai attack, the lone gunman captured, Mohammed Ajmal Kasab, confirmed he was a Pakistani national and trained by Lashskar e-Taibe. He said he and his partner had planned a rooftop standoff with hostages to be broadcast by the world media but could not find a suitable building. They then started shooting indiscriminately in Mumbai’s crowded rail station and then stormed a hospital. The assault which started Nov. 26 had been set originally for 27, according to his confession which was obtained by the Associated Press. DEBKA-Net-Weekly 374 reported on Nov. 28 that an attack on Mumbai was scheduled for September to be carried out by 30 terrorists. This figure was confirmed after the rampage which left 174 dead, including nine of the terrorists. Twenty are still missing.

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