Palestinian Suicide Car Bomber Kills 17 Israelis

Early Wednesday, June 5, a Palestinian terrorist drove a stolen vehicle from the West Bank into Israel, trailed the early Tel Aviv-Tiberias bus that was packed with commuters, mostly soldiers, drew up close and detonated the 100-kilo charge in his car behind the bus, as it passed Megiddo junction in northern Israel. The blast ignited the bus’s fuel tank, setting the entire vehicle ablaze. Of the 17 passengers killed, 13 were Israeli soldiers on their way to base. More than 50 were injured, some in surrounding vehicles. Firefighters had to control the flames before first-aid paramedics could reach the trapped victims. Police inspected the ambulances racing to the scene for hidden charges.
The attack took place the morning after CIA director George Tenet warned Yasser Arafat in Ramallah that if he did not put a stop to Palestinian terror and suicide killing, he would be left to face Israeli military might alone. The bomb-car is believed to have been rigged in Jenin. Israel holds Arafat and Palestinian Authority responsible for strike.
These are the names of 14 of the 17 victims who have been identified:
From Hadera:
St.-Sgt. Eliran Buskila, 21
St.-Sgt. Tzvika Gelber, 20
Sgt. Dotan Reisel, 22
Cpl. Liron Avitan, 19
Sgt. Violetta Hizguyev, 20
St.-Sgt Genadi Isakov, 21
Cpl. Dennis Blumin, 20
Cpl. Vladimir Morari
From Netanya
Sgt. Sariel Katz, 21
Sgt. Yigal Medipur, 22
St.-Sgt. David Stanislavski, 22
Cpl. Avraham Barzilai, 19
Sgt. Sivan Viner, 19, from Holon
Zion Agmon,50, from Hadera and three other civilians were killed in the blast.

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