Palestinian ties with Israel continue despite Abbas’ rhetoric. Hamas to attack Israel until Cairo lets its leaders return to Gaza

The Palestinians are not really breaking off economic and security ties with Israel and the US, according to discreet messages passing from Ramallah to Jerusalem on Sunday, Feb.2. Those ties are still alive and well, despite the orders publicly issued by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmud Abbas in his furious response to the Trump peace plan. Those messages further explained that Abbas’ fiery rhetoric was mainly meant for the ears of Arab rulers – not practical execution.

The day after the peace plan was launched in Washington, Abbas allowed his senior lieutenants to receive CIA director Gina Haspel in Ramallah – hardly evidence of a Palestinian boycott of ties with the Americans. DEBKAfile’s Washington sources report that administration officials were furious with the Palestinians for leaking word of her visit, despite a commitment to keep it dark.

The same officials continue to press Israel to hold back from declaring sovereignty over West Bank settlements before its general election on March 2, contrary to the wording of the Trump plan. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who had planned an immediate announcement, therefore reversed his decision and will not declare the annexation of the town of Maele Adummim near Jerusalem or the Jordan Valley in the coming days. He may just go for a smaller target as a token gesture with a promise to do more after the election. A decision on this is still being weighed in Jerusalem.

As for the Palestinians, Egyptian President Abdel-Fatteh El-Sisi has firmly rejected appeals by Muslim nations, led by Indonesia, to allow Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh to return home to the Gaza Strip. He is stranded away from home with 12 senior Hamas officials because Cairo is refusing to grant him entry. Hamas’ current multiple rocket and balloon barrages against Israel are intended as pressure on Sisi to relent. Haniyeh and his party are being punished for violating a written pledge to Cairo not to include Iran in their foreign tour as the condition for permission to travel aboard. This group was, however, filmed in Tehran embracing Iranian officials at the funeral of the Iranian general Qassem Soleimani assassinated by the US.
So long as the Egyptians keep the door shut against Haniyeh’s return home Hamas intends to keep up the barrages against Israeli communities. This leaves it up to the caretaker government in Jerusalem to sort out a predicament generated elsewhere.

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37 thoughts on “Palestinian ties with Israel continue despite Abbas’ rhetoric. Hamas to attack Israel until Cairo lets its leaders return to Gaza

  • Feb 3, 2020 @ 10:24 at 10:24

    Palestinians & Jewish Communities, Cultures & People were Partners of Prosperity under many Empires until Arab Powers that were under Ottoman Empires until European Imperialism Removed Turkey from the Mideast. Many Arab People became Independent Kingdoms & Nations after WWI & WWII Forgetting About Judea, Palestine Syria, & Lebanon. Until the English & French Left. Yet, Arab Nations now chose to reject Freedom for the Jewish Culture & Used the Palestinians that actually were quite Prosperous among Partnerships in Business for Mutual Families Together. They Advocated Fighting One Another After 1948 for Arab Nations own Advantages. Poverty Replaced Prosperity In Palestine Seeking Conflicts, Wars, & Terrorism. It is good to see Palestinians & Jewish People coming together again and seeing New Economic Opportunities to come Together over Continuing Conflicts in this new Dawn of Global Age Economies.

    • Feb 3, 2020 @ 22:30 at 22:30

      Hamas is sending explosive balloons to Israel to pressure Egypt to return Hamas leaders? Only in the Middle East could that occur.

      It also shows that Hamas is afraid of Egypt but not of Israel, as they know Israel will not retaliate.

      Israel should do two things:
      1. Shoot down the explosive balloons with ammunition before they leave Gaza, and

      2. Announce to the world that hamas is afraid of Egypt and is taking out its frustration on Israel. Show hamas to be crybabies.

      • Feb 4, 2020 @ 8:00 at 8:00

        Israel should do much more than shoot down the balloons, which is a difficult task. It should bomb ten sites for every balloon that bombs Israel, because that’s what these bombs are doing. When I say bomb, I mean structures with Hamas and PJ people in them, not empty sheds.

      • Feb 4, 2020 @ 8:01 at 8:01

        Israel should do much more than shoot down the balloons, which is a difficult task. It should bomb ten sites for every balloon that bombs Israel, because that’s what these bombs are doing. When I say bomb, I mean structures with Hamas and PJ people in them, not empty sheds.

      • Feb 4, 2020 @ 8:46 at 8:46

        @HC… Hamas & Islamic Jihad must Disarm. Gaza is Surrounded & a Global Coalition Invasion may be required just like what happen to ISIS. Hamas will Change or Go Away living in Caves like ISIS. Time Will Tell!

  • Feb 3, 2020 @ 10:42 at 10:42

    What puzzles me is that the Palestinians themselves are terrified at the mere thought of not being under Israeli rule. They resist being taken to Palestinian authority, do they really want a nation?

    On Hamas issue, looks like Israel has become their soft target for expressing their grievances

  • Feb 3, 2020 @ 10:53 at 10:53

    The true “Land of Palestine” is incorrectly referred to as “Jordan”………………….rectify that and the problem is solved.

    • Feb 3, 2020 @ 12:10 at 12:10

      But, why? Jordan is the homeland of the fake “Palestinians”. It is up to them to name it. Otherwise, the best name I see is Crookland, not Land of Palestine.

    • Feb 3, 2020 @ 12:47 at 12:47

      The true land of those economic migrants recently (1964) invented as Palestinians is in lands outside those west of the Jordan. The miracle would be to separate these people from the Jews. The Koran recognises the land west of the Jordan as God Given to the Jews . Therefore the 25 Arab Nations created after WW1 should absorb their bretheren for consideration. Once that truth registers, and we are getting there , there will be no problems with Arabs,, Blocking this scenario, is the British creation, the Arab League milking the situation fort power, and the EU who want to destroy Jews and wipe Israel from the map.

      • Feb 3, 2020 @ 19:03 at 19:03

        @Norbus… Exactly, History Short Version is the British had a hand in creating taking Palestine and handing it to King Hussein calling it Jordan after Hussein was Kicked Out of Arabia by Saud in 1902. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Alliance between followers of ibn Abd al-Wahhab and Muhammad bin Saud’s successors the House of Saud. In 1916, Britain & France Fighting the Ottomans in WWI, with the Sharif of Mecca, Hussein bin Ali, led a Pan-Arab Revolt against Turkey The Allied Victory in WWI resulted in control in Arabia and Hussein bin Ali became King of Hejaz.

        The revolt was led by Sharif Hussein of Mecca, and his sons Abdullah, Faisal and Ali, of the Hashemite Family of Hejaz, Descendants of the Prophet Muhammad & garnered the support of the Transjordanian Tribes. Britain & France, Imperial Oil Interests (Shown in 1960 Lawrence of Arabia Movie), with the Arabist Revolt when Faisal took Damascus in 1918, created Arab Kingdom of Syria. In 1920, British recognized 600 Transjordanian Elites establish Transjordan, which was to be kept separate from that of Palestine & later became Independent Arab Transjordan led by an Arab Prince Emir Abdullah Hussein to redeem the Greater Syrian Kingdom his brother had lost. These Events caused many reasons why these areas ungovernable with its dysfunctional local governments.

        As a result, it was agreed that this area become Divided into Nations of Israel, Palestine, & Kurdistan as well. But Turkey now formed objected & only Jordan became a Nation mostly of Palestinians. In 1948, Israel was formed with Palestine but Arab League never accepted the UN Creation. Also, Kurdistan was kept from forming as well. Palestinians rebelled in the 1970s to remove Hussein Family & take over but 20,000 Palestinians were killed & many exiled by their own Arab Brothers from Jordan exiling Palestinians to Lebanon just like the Egyptians did to them earlier sending Palestinians to Gaza.

        It is up to Arab League to do what it was supposed to do in the 1920s when not just Turkey, Jordan, & Syria, & Armenia, were formed or added as Nations. The never followed through the creations of Israel, Palestine, & Kurdistan as promised due to Turkey Objections? Time to change that as well.

        • Feb 4, 2020 @ 0:32 at 0:32

          @GST001. Totally agree.

          People have acted and keep acting like in the Planet of Apes, but we are on Earth and this is real life, not some Arab, Turkish or Islamic fiction media franchise.

          Hopefully the Apes League with their 22 countries and some observers listen and behave.

      • Feb 4, 2020 @ 2:12 at 2:12

        I agree

    • Feb 3, 2020 @ 23:18 at 23:18

      57 Islamic nations occupy 99.66% of the land in the Middle East. But apparently that’s not enough and they are willing to sacrifice it all in an attempt to conquer Israel and destroy the Jews.

      Sad, because most sane humans know exactly how this ends.

  • Feb 3, 2020 @ 10:56 at 10:56

    The true “Land of Palestine” is incorrectly referred to as “Jordan”………………….rectify that and the problem is solved.

    • Feb 3, 2020 @ 19:19 at 19:19

      Even the Zionists Movement that helped formed Israel were also in favor of forming Palestine since many were Partners in Business with Centuries of Prosperous Deep Neighboring Jewish & Palestinians Family Ties until the Arab League Divided, Exiled, & made Failed Attacks against Israel in 1948 during Decades Later.

      The Arab League blamed only the Jews and later Betrayed Palestinians they later Promised too? Time for New Palestinians Leaders to join Jewish Leaders & Resolve these Long Broken Promises that were turned into conflicts on both them by others that formed their own Sunnis Arab & Turkish Nations but abandoned Jewish, Kurdish & Palestinians People. Now doing the same to Persians & Iraqis that need to take off the yoke of Shiia Rule! They Fear & Envy Kurdish, Jewish & Palestinians Prosperity for Centuries as they thrived & excelled under many Empires. Using the Lessons of Abraham of making Fine Neighbors Together among Judaism Culture, Christianity Religions & Islam Civilizations.

  • Feb 3, 2020 @ 11:06 at 11:06

    Deport all pals and “arabs” to the great nation of Jordan.

    • Feb 3, 2020 @ 19:32 at 19:32

      @DKatz… No need to Deport anyone, just support & allow Palestinians to return to Jordan as they choose along with Syria and form Kurdistan with Palestine as promised in the 1920s. Tell Turkey, Iran, Syria, & Iraq you can fight it Out or Accept these New Nations & Cultures that were in Mideast all along with Persia, Greeks, Romans, & Ottoman Empires! It is the right thing to do and will Unite the Mideast & bring Peace & Prosperity to the Middle East just like King Cyrus did before Christianity & Islam Fruits ever existed from Jewish Roots?

  • Feb 3, 2020 @ 11:53 at 11:53

    The excess bureaucracy in Jerusalem is visible all the way down here in Indonesia!
    Ma’ale Adumin is a suburb of Jerusalem , isn’t it?
    Then, why get into complications?
    ? Ask the Mayor of Jerusalem to extend the city limits. ?

    Oh, and by the way, why there is no Ⓜ️ metro in Jerusalem ???

    • Feb 3, 2020 @ 12:05 at 12:05

      On second thought I forgot to say: About this Snow White Haniyeh with 12 clown dwarves, why there is no ?drone circling above already?

      • Feb 3, 2020 @ 13:48 at 13:48

        Show the others the cost of breaking ur written word

        • Feb 3, 2020 @ 20:06 at 20:06

          @Tommy& Gabe… The Expounding of Old Hates, Ancient Sins, & Teaching Educational Text Books to Youth, so they can be Recruited to become Suicide Shiia, Sunnis, Proxies Terrorists just as Christians did during the Crusades until they renounced such Promises & Holocaust Policies Worldwide? This was & still is the Source of the Information Pointing Fingers at Others.

          When Abraham Long Ago Taught that Strangers Must Become Families Together & Enemies Must Become Friends Even If Words Are Often Misinterpreted & Broken can be Amended & Corrected! Just like Persia King Cyrus Promised to all Cultures, People & Religions. As well as, the Messengers & Prophets in the Torah, Bible & Quran by Moses, Jesus, & Mohammed that Taught Faith over Hate.
          The Shiia Religious Caliphate Regimes need to return Charity, Education Not Exploitation to Export Revolutions Violence by Proxies using Persian Oil Revenues.

          Hamas, Houthis, & Hizballah need to put down the Swords of Sins & Promote Negotiations for Peace & Prosperity. The Arab Sunnis Nations need to do the same Acknowledge Mistakes from the Past of Pride & Conquests of other Cultures, Religions, & People deserve their own lands as for Centuries were under many Empires now need & Deserve Freedom for their own People & Cultures to occupy Lands they always had to Trade together not Buy weapons to Kill & Maim? Or the Middle East will End Up on the Heap of Atomic Ashes where No One Wins! Importing People agreeing with the Rule of Laws brings Prosperity & Deporting People cause Conflicts & Teaching Children to Hate Helps No One Either too!

          • Feb 4, 2020 @ 0:24 at 0:24

            @GST001. Totally agree.

            People have acted and keep acting like in the Planet of Apes, but we are on Earth and this is real life, not some Arab, Turkish or Islamic fiction media franchise.

  • Feb 3, 2020 @ 13:56 at 13:56

    I want to see Israel and all the world which panders to the Terrorstinians to break off any and all support for their violent Islamic regime until they end their terror and propaganda war against Israel and others.

  • Feb 3, 2020 @ 16:00 at 16:00


  • Feb 3, 2020 @ 17:11 at 17:11

    all arabs in israel should be deported to arab countries were they came from thats the end of those terrorist problem

    • Feb 4, 2020 @ 15:23 at 15:23

      Yeah, but then they’d be living in less dignity than they are now.

  • Feb 3, 2020 @ 20:43 at 20:43

    What most of you don’t realize or want to admit. Arafat was offered more than what he asked for when Clinton was hosting a meeting. He declined because he would lose his power. Now the Palestinians must pay for this self-centered response. Each offer is less because they have made it necessary. Abbas, likewise is only power hungry, not nation building hungry. Also why is it not a war crime to launch missile at the Israeli civilians but it is if the Israelis defend themselves?

    • Feb 4, 2020 @ 7:33 at 7:33

      Anita… Exactly, Arafat Legacy is helping create Airline, Olympic, Tourism, & Global Victims of Terrorism. While Pretending to be a Victim. Even Worse, Arafat Died leaving $11 Billion in his Will to his Wife Living in Paris. This was Money for Palestinians Poverty Not Arafat Pockets? Abbas has Chosen the “Arafat Wasteful Way” to Keep the “Palestine Property for Poverty” instead of “Palestinian Peace & Prosperity” with Jewish Neighbors!

  • Feb 3, 2020 @ 23:08 at 23:08

    Debka is not working properly

    • Feb 4, 2020 @ 1:28 at 1:28

      For quite sometime now…..

  • Feb 4, 2020 @ 2:28 at 2:28

    Can someone tell me why Netanyahoo does not retaliate when attacked by these baloons? Or at least shoot them down with sniper fire? PLEASE !!!!

    • Feb 4, 2020 @ 3:58 at 3:58

      Why retaliate?
      Show me in the Koran where it says Jews should retaliate?

      • Feb 4, 2020 @ 12:05 at 12:05

        Phuck the Koran

  • Feb 4, 2020 @ 2:58 at 2:58


  • Feb 4, 2020 @ 10:53 at 10:53

    everything is possible and when I read and hear the real comment of people, I find that the most people hate Israel and we will lose the game soon.

    • Feb 4, 2020 @ 12:08 at 12:08

      We meaning the haters, of course.

  • Feb 4, 2020 @ 20:41 at 20:41

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