Presidents of Pakistan and Afghanistan vow to stop feuding and work together against Taliban and al Qaeda

Together, Pervetz Musharraf and Hamid Karzai closed a four-day cross-border tribal council, or Grand Jirga, of 700 elders and politicians from the two countries. The Pakistani president’s arrival in Kabul Sunday repaired some of the damage caused by his absence from the opening session. “There is no other option for both countries other than peace and unity, trust and cooperation,” Musharraf told the jirga. “There is no justification for resorting to terrorism.”
Direct talks eased some of the strains in relations between their two leaders. Karzai has accused Pakistan of harboring terrorist bases, while Musharraf has maintained that 80,000 troops are deployed in the frontier regions to crack down on terrorist activity.
The delegates unanimously declared an “extended, tireless and persistent campaign” against terrorism and pledged not to allow sanctuaries in their respective countries. The two governments agreed to set up a smaller jirga of 25 members apiece for regular meetings and to organize a second Grand Jirga in Pakistan. The Kabul session is seen as the first step on the road to a unified approach for combating terrorists and securing the 2,430 km. Pakistan-Afghan frontier.

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