Pro-Iran PMU forces take over Iraq’s Saudi, Jordanian borders, threaten Israel from the east
Iran was on its next move by the time the US announced on Sept. 21 the deployment of more troops and enhanced air and missile defense systems for Saudi Arabia and the UAE in response to the attack on Saudi oil facilities. As the USS Nitze destroyer deployed to the northern Red Sea opposite the Saudi coast, armed with Aegis combat systems for tracking and intercepting cruise missiles, Iraqi Shiite Population Mobilization Forces (PMU) swarmed up to Iraq’s borders with Saudi Arabia and Jordan, DEBKAfile’s exclusive military and intelligence sources reveal.
Washington’s cautious response to the attack on Saudi Arabia and US sanctions were met by Iranian aggression in full momentum and its heightened threat to Saudi Arabia and US allies. By posting its Iraqi proxy PMU forces on the two border regions, Tehran directly threatens the Saudi capital Riyadh from the north and Israel from the east.
The Iraqi militia far outstrips Iraq’s national army in scale and armament, possessing new tanks, ground-to-ground missiles and an array of explosive UAVs.
This is also Tehran’s countermove for the Saudi-Israeli air strikes on the IRGC Al Qods-PMU military compounds at Abu Kamal in eastern Syria and Al Qaim on the Iraqi side of the border. (See the previous DEBKA report).
According to our sources, the PMU’s double border takeover began on Sept 18 and was in place by Saturday. Sept. 21. The operation was set up by the Al Qods chief, Iran’s Middle East commander Gen. Qassem Soleimani, who spent part of last week in Baghdad in conference with PMU leaders. An officer called Col. Qassem Masliyah was appointed to lead Iran’s seizures of the two key borders. The operation was codenamed “The Will of Victory.”
The Iraqi militia used the Iraqi national army’s operations against ISIS remnants in western Iraq to camouflage its movements, at times even exploiting the Iraqi air force for its secret purpose. However, by Sunday, Sept. 22, The Will of Victory cat was out of the bag. Iraqi prime minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi ordered the army to recover the border regions from the PMU. This was largely an empty step, since the Iraqi army is no match for the powerful pro-Iranian militia and its commanders are unlikely to take on the challenge.
Apocalyptic maneuvers afoot.
Tehran’s IRGC Junk Yard Generals Barking Don’t Attack Iramn, “We Will Never Allow Any War To Encroach Upon Iran’s Territory”! While Shia Regime Funds Wars On Yemen-Arabian Lebanon-Israel, Gaza-Israel, Syria-Jordan, Pakistan-Afghanistan Borders?
Iran doesn’t get a vote on where and when they will feel the hot blade of reprisal.
Trump does not want a war! the Iranians do! he thinks he can make a deal I hope when the time comes he can pull the trigger.My fear is his generals do not entirely trust that he will unleash the dogs of war if necessary.We do not need a war of attrition, just an overwhelming victory.
America can Wait Out Iran out or Waste Iran easily! Power Is The One Thing You Have It Or Not, Power Cannot Be Faked!
Bone Spur Trump is a coward who barks like a trembling chihuahua.
Trump-PutinDuo… Notice How Iran’s Supreme Leaders Khamenei Spouts, “No Sanctions Then Talks”, & President Trump simply Responds, “Talk A Deal Anytime” without Anger Nor Shouts? The Whale That Spouts & Sprays Of Hate Gets Harpooned Sooner Or Later & Is Afraid! Calm Down The West Will Win!
A coward would just nuke Iran and ask questions later. Fuggers like you hate seeing the masters move the chess pieces their way!
So far he has not done anything tangible that is for sure. If he does not have the backbone to pull the trigger this time, then he will end up being as big a coward as obama was and is.
PaulM… Your Lack of Knowledge is Appalling! Removing Regulations On Opening Shale Drilling, Pipelines, & Opening American Lands has Made America #1 Producer of Oil & Gas with the Biggest Oil Fields Again! Ending Joint Agreement on Iran Nukes & Paris Accords was a good Move As Well. The Arabian & American First Meeting is exactly What President Reagan did his 1st Year in 1981 & Help Bring Down USSR in 1991!
Wars are very expensive. Trump calculates cost in $ and in lives above all. Congress will have to vote to start a war before he starts it. If there are US casualties then they will start screaming for Trump to hit back and they will not be satisfied with just a slap on the wrist.
In agreement
Must be fast
Must be decisive
Must be complete
Michael… Disagree with Respect, Every Day Make Iran’s Weaker & Every Attack Emboldens Iran Regime Making Mistakes More Desperate, & Global Powers See Iran is the Problem, Aggressor, Needs to be Removed Permanently. Trump Smart Beats Iran Dumb!
“————– Global Powers See Iran is the Problem—————”
Does that mean that the Europeans are finally realizing that the problem in the Middle East is NOT the Israelis?????
@Michael – Must be dreaming again.
Of course, there are still details to negotiate for the reconstruction of Iran.
Yusuf… Rebuilding Iran is Easy, Once Executing The Plan Targeting, Hunting, & Hanging Iran’s Shiia Regimes & IRGC Puppet Servants Replacing Them & Breaking Up Iran Into Several Independent Nations Where Chaos To Iran Comes Home After Causing It Elsewhere.
“Where Chaos To Iran Comes Home After Causing It Elsewhere.”
Just like in Nazi Germany in 1945!
NO EU will not blame Iran. they are afraid of the Muzzies in their countries.
Interesting move , just move Israeli subs from Saudi Uae borders , since they will be all exposed , since there is another army coming together against American Israeli Saudi interests , and that one you all will need to see…. As was said in here , Peace conference needed , without Americans , and by now probably without Israelis , which is sad , since Israel is part of the people of ME , and some American yo-yo.Peace needed , or Israel as was described before will face 4 million army and invasion.
Solomeo… Don’t Worry, POTUS Trump is Confident, Cool & Collected Verses Iran’s President Rouhani use of Threats, Anger, & Regrets under Ayatollah Khamenei Servitude. America Bullfighting No Longer Feeds from Mideast Region Land of Milk & Honey for Global Oil Trade Prosperity. USA still Stands with Hungry Global “New Capitalists Calves” needing Milk, Oil, & Gas. While America’s Military Stinging Bees Always Working to Protect the Mideast Hives of Honey Money! Trump & Allies In Full Control!
Indeed he is confident, cool & collected. That’s the real story.
@Mazdayasna – Could you repeat that in ancient Greek. It might make more sense.
Weak coward 4 million “army” vaporised faster than saddams.
“———————-and by now probably without Israelis ,———————”
A major agreement was signed by the Obama Administration,the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Europeans, the Russians and China which severely impacted the security of Israel but the Israelis were left out from the conferences (thank you former President Obama and former Secretary of State Herman Munster) which gave Iran everything it wanted, did nothing to stop Iranian aggression and would become null and void when its sunset clause would go into effect. Leaving the Israelis out is simply not an option.
Apocalyptic for whom? Israel and the US?
Hit them with neutron weapons and let God sort them out!
It’s a chess game for Iranians. But all I see is sitting ducks waiting to be slaughtered by an air bombardment.
How do you react if you have sanctions and the dead enemies selling oil-saudi and americns?Tomorow will be even worse.It’s logical.
Cosmin D… Iran Is Laughable Logical Not Much More? “Iran Says It Will Hold Naval Drill With Russia, China Soon”! Now that is an Oxymoron since those Nations Navies Have Not Won a Battle in Centuries?
This is such a bad development. Why should Iran and Israel be even enemies. We used to be allies before the revolution and the jewish people and Persians have always been close to eachother, both culturally and historically. This new (40 yrs) hostilities started after the Islamic revolutipn which was secretly instigated by the Soviet and the British and also partly by the Carter administration. The Iranian theocracy is to this day controlled and run by the Russians and the Brittish which want these hostilities between Israel and Iran.
hi ..regarding the Iraq units..they are called the popular mobilization units (PMU) not population!!
NadimK… Iran Shiia Regime Can Rouse & Growl, but Young Persians Won’t Fight for the Regime! This is Why Iran Uses Proxies? Perception Is Not Power!
Power Wears Out Challengers That Do Not Have It! The Last Army that was on Arabia Borders was Saddam’s Destroyed in One Night Time Bombing. The 20,000 Palestinians on Jordan Borders were Killed & Survivors Banish to Lebanon!
” The 20,000 Palestinians on Jordan Borders were Killed & Survivors Banish to Lebanon!”
@Jeretik Droughts,
At the time, the Arab League was silent……………WHY?……………….because the government of Jordan (one of their own) took this action………………….and that’s OK.
DaveOrange… Agree, The Problems Afflicting Iran’s Regime In Equal Measure Is A Spiritual Crises”! Iran’s Nightmare Is A Coalition of Mideast Nations Protecting Borders Plays Into Foreign & Mideast Hands.
They Should Call It, “The Bill For Victory”! Iran Turning to Iraq Militia, Russia, or China is a Sign Of Weakness. Since America, Arabia, England & Israel Confidence has been the Immaterial Residue of Material Competence already Witnessed in Mideast. This Proves Iran’s Regime Lacks Competence!
The Mideast & World is Better Off Challenging Iran’s Regime Penchant for Conflicting Chaos. Even Desperate Attempts by China or Russia Cannot Bridge the Unprepared Void of Risky Hazard Options that Iran Regime Incapable to Provide?
Just another fine day in the Middle East……………………on the horizon!
Soleimani panicked , bluffing with a desperate move fighting to the last Iraqi PMU mercenary ; Israel needs to hand him a severe set back ; Bibi will oblige as he can’t wait for Trump to make up his mind so close to 2020 election
@Norbus -….yes and then…you woke up. Get real.
Iraq Militia “Bill” Dying For Iran Regimes? “Highway of Death” Iraqi Army 26 February 1991:
King Hussein’s Challenges Palestinians Black September 1970:
“King Hussein’s Challenges Palestinians Black September 1970:”
At the time, the Arab League was silent……………WHY?……………….because the government of Jordan (one of their own) took this action………………….and that’s OK.
If the EU, Russia and China, etc, would follow strict sanctions of Iran, the Iranians would fail. It is the EU looking for snother Holocsust who are strengthening Iran.
How about Trump tweets that he wants to buy a part of Iran. ‘It will be like a big real estate deal’ buuuuuuhahahahhahahahah
The US lost the last war to Iran. Now Iran wants Alaska for war reparations.
US is standing alone without any allies. Defeat is certain.
What an idiot.
What an idiotic thought! If Spander had a concept of the size of Iran, he would know that it would take a tens of thousands of American and allied soldiers to land and fight their way across Iran. THINK for a moment, Spander: Even if the American Congrsss and the US public would support this adventure –which they wouldn’t– and Russia wouldn’t supply the Iranians with mnilitary supplies, which they would, and the Iranians wouldn’t send their missiles to hit American bases acrosss Europe, and the Iranians would just roll-over, just how do you think our military would be able to set up and distribute a supply network for food, fuel, armaments, and air protection and military intellegence for the tens of thousands of American troops that would be required to march and fight over a thousand square miles??
Span… Follow the English Way Of Creating Chaos. There are Plenty Different Cultures & People that will Divide Iran & Create Independent Nations for Their Own People! Global Powers Will Help Many Of The New Republics!
@Spander- That’s right, real easy hey…go ahead then, just make sure the caps are off when you give the keyboard back to your dad.
iran on the attack with humvees payed by us-taxpayer while us + saudis keeping their heads as low as possible…
This is unbelivable / a shame !
USA+saudis hiding/running away from the medieval iranian nazis – the world has turned insane !
Sitting ducks without air cover. Iranian generals love to waste Iraqi lives
Send more weapons to the middle east YANKS!! Arm everyone!!!! buuuuahahahahahahaaa
Taliban in Afghanistan and Houti in Yemen are also waiting for fresh YANK arms … saudis will pay. jews will pay. send the rest as peace keeping mission.
Iran called Washington’s “posturing” threats to expand the military contingent in Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Not afraid of troops: Iran accused the USA of posturing
Not afraid of troops: Iran accused the USA of posturing
Sitting ducks without air cover. Iranian generals love to waste Iraqi lives
Agreed,times of Israel report even today’s air strike, they will be reduced to dust
jews has to lean two thing
1) Air Attack on Hisbullah , Hashd , Iran will not stop them, that is only desperate action , without any long term effect. You can not win the modern asymmetrical war with only air force
for land operation does israel have neither people nor courage.
IDF is only good to shot the unarmed plestinian.
2) iranian missiles , drones attacked , undetected and unitercepted saudi most important oil filed and Raffinerie
the saudi oil prduction is cut by half. tomorrow thy will fly over israel
abbas, don’t hold your breath for number 2 to happen any time soon. Or better yet, DO hold your breath.
Operation The Will of Victory was an operation to flush out ISIS presence and used US air power. I trust Debka, but I also verify.
ABBAS: Your post must have resulted from a wet fantasy dream you had last night. Yes, an army is necessary for invading and occupying territory, but a superior air force is the preferred method for destroying an invading ground force or a set military base. Israel has used its air force to effectively destroy everything from the Egyptian and Syrian Air forces, the Syrian and Iraqi nuclear plants, Iranian and Hezbollah attempts to set up military posts and missile bases, and it will continue to do so as necessary.
EXCELLENT points, StanG!
Just the way that US did in Iraq, haha. Wake up child. When saudis and all friends, incl. USA can not defeat the poorest country in arab world, do you really think that they can defeat Iran. Another interesting subject here is that some who call themself Jews has start licking arbs B…. and just asking for attacking Iran. Why should US soldiers die for you or Fat arbs, Just a question.
King Darius… Iraq Still Has Allied Forces & Going Through Chaos Not Conquests Same Fate For Iran As Well! Iraq Shiia Vine Controlled & Iran Shiia Divine Proxies Will Be Too! Just Like Persian Guards Did To Darius III Head As Gift To Alexander 330 BCE!
Tomorrow Iranian drones try to fly over Israel? Then Tuesday Iran ceases to exist.
Bank on it!
Just pour water on the wicked wizards with the Rags on their heads and the bed sheets covering their women slaves–Barbaric Anmials–Time to Shock and Awe Those pieces of——-Excrement
@gladiator- …and ofcourse your plan is not going to happen. Trump is an orange coward. Now go back to sleep.
I keep hearing reported terrorist groups, and yet they have better militaries than the sovereign nations they are up against.
That’s not a terrorist group. That’s a real military.
Terrorists don’t have tanks. Terrorists can’t take on a country’s military and stare them down. That’s a real force. Not some derps shooting civis
Iran already solidly defeated the US in the last war and now owns Iraq politically and economically. Now they are going on the offensive.
The Jewish state has been pushing for war with Iran for over 15 years. They wanted the US to do the dirty work but now it is coming to your door.
Congrats on getting exactly what you asked for. LOL
TrumpProphet… Made Up Myths of the Past Do Not Create Today’s Reality Nor Better futures For Iran!
Why does everyone always sit on their thumbs and let it happen? They should never have been allowed to get this far fueled with Obama’s $150 billion. Let’s not forget. That idiot, is responsible for all this. Hang on let me quote Oprah, “HE’S BRILLIANT” . Yea, for an imbecile!
Dear pro-Iran PMU forces, please camp at night tightly closer together for a shorter perimeter, easier to patrol for safety. Even better, fighters could sit around a nice wood fire in the middle and sing songs of victory.
Ismail, There Ishmael Emails already suggests they are on the Run Back to Iran after their Parade was subject to a Bombing Raining Raid!
Israel attacked and killed many pro Iranian so does the Saudis but this is not working. Iran only understands the message when its own territory is attacked with substantial damage.
Iran, China and Russia are waiting out this administration by delaying tactics . Once Warren or Biden is in office, then the real offensive against the West begins.
SloopJohnB… They Will Be Waiting A Long Time, Global Policies Have Been Forever Changed!
Does Iran believe that Israel will allow this army to invade it’s country? Iran will cease to exist within an hour. The Saudis have a powerful army also. They are going to put 600 bombers in the air and field 10 armored divisions. The Iranians are asking for a fight they can’t win.
Iran knows it will not win but see who they send to die? They send other Arabs to be killed by other Arabs or Israel.
Yemen Houthis, Hizbulla, Hammas are all controlled to some extent by Iran. They are all Arabs but Iran is not. So it looks to me it’s a win win for Ayotallahs until they get hit in their own territory.
Dear Joe, Do you really mean that Saudi can do anything about Iran. Just look at 4,5 years that they have bombing women and children, hospitals, schools etc. and has said they are fighing Huthis who had not even boots for their soldier and they could hit the heart of saudi economi and nothing happend. You just deceive yourself that fight against Iran will be easy.
This is the prelude to the Shiite conquest of Mecca from both Iraq in the north and Yemen in the south. Since Saudi Arabia is already weakened from fighting the Houthis in the south, it will be a walk in the park for the much more powerful PMU in the north to invade and conquer Saudi Arabia. Mecca has to be taken over according to an end time Shiite prophecy before final Imam Mahdi returns.
AbuAliGhost… The Problem with Fortune Telling is the Shiia have been Predicting that since 632 AD-CE & Always been Wrong caused by Satan’s Blinding Untruths of Allah. Time to Convert to Sunnis to End Earth Roaming Ghosts of Abu Ali! Iran Shiia Regime Cares about Oil Money Honey! Pray To Allah, Ishallah!
“Pray To Allah, Ishallah!”
You do know that this is an Israeli web site, right??????
My bet is that the Israel Air Force will batter this force to pieces. USAF may provide some logistical help.
the 3rd thing that jews must understand
is the most important issue
USA is a falling power , they are military not more strong
they will protect not the saudi, not the israel , nobody else
they wnt only to milk Saudi , emirate ans other arabs
Abbas… Just Glad to read “Abbas Culture of Peace”, was not a PMU’s Border Casualty being Gone & Forgotten like Arafat Ended Up? Ishallah!
The 1st and ONLY thing Abbas must understand: You understand NOTHING!
Relax, Just a Great Way for Iran to Save Face & get rid of Proxies the Iranians Can No Longer Control. It Is A Mideast Clean Up from Previous Iran’s Shiia Regime Mistakes. Iranians Won’t Die For Iraqis! Iran & America Committed Avoiding War
One or several EMPs and it’s all over for Iran.
No need, but first the mullahs must spend ALL the money, including the billions from Obama, and start seriously starving the Iranians on the account that IRCG deserves all resources in priority.
Yasmine… The Iranian Shiia Regimes Fears It Own People & Military, Global Powers Will Remove Them & Blame It On ISIS doing it! World will Clap with Voices Sounding Like Thunder In Celebration, Last Days Iran Regime Is Upon Them!
This is a target rich environment and America’s A10 Warthogs and F35’s, Israel’s F35’s and F15 Strike Eagles along with the Saudi’s F15’s will turn the Iranian Muppets tanks into a pile of twisted metal and dust.
you’re a traitor yank. stay away from BIBI!! Go to walmart instead.
gst001!! suck it!!!!!!!!!
Fake Ginger… Prefer ALDI, But Happy With Democratic Elected Gantz Or Bibi Or New Israeli-Arab Voters Compromise Together. At Least That Is Better Than Any Supreme Leader, Caveman Hiding Nasrallah, Or Other Terror Tyrants!
@USA1- Now stop playing that video game and give back the keyboard to your dad. It’s way past your bedtime.
Latest from Iraqis themselves, don’t deny it, we’re counting
Viva IAF,7340,L-5594317,00.html
Times Are Changing First Official Judaism Synagogue Open Multi-Faith Christian Churches, Hindu Temple & Sikh Gurdwara. First Egypt, Jordan Peace Now UAE! More To Come Iran Isolated!
In chess this would be called a fork: you are going to loose the queen or the king.
Good chess players these Iranians. Really educated people. Maybe it’s better to leave them alone.
Btw: PMU stands for “Popular” not “Population” ?
Iran may have good chess players. They ought to…they invented the game.
But this battle will not be played on a board of black and white squares. It will be played on a field upon which Iran has only imitations of the pieces which will do battle. It is a field owned by the opposition’s technology. Imitations don’t win wars.
JerseyProphet… Correction, History of Chess, India Not Iran, Just Like Numeric System. Persians Adopted Chess!
Ameretat… The Middle East is about Oil & Gas Not Chess. It was known in Ancient Times, but the Americans that First Develop Oil Wells For USS Navy Oil Burning Ships. Global Powers Have fought Over Since Its Discovery & Development in Pennsylvania, USA! Mideast Wealth Is Western Not Iranian.
@Jersey Prophet:: Tech alone doesn’t win wards either.
“Good chess players these Iranians. Really educated people. Maybe it’s better to leave them alone.”
@Yisrael Fokhiuh,
That applies only if Iran LEAVES EVERYONE ELSE ALONE!
Israel nor the Saudis have the ground troops to do the dirty work. IDF can guard borders around Israel. Go into gaza and that is all. Saudis can not do anything at all. Air superiority can do a lot of things but it can not win a war on its own.
Limitations do not win wars. I agree.
Anon… Once Iran Shiia Regime & IRGC Military & Infrastructure Targeted By Air Strikes No One Needs To Send Ground Troops To Iran, Just Use Current Persians, Kurds, Lurs, Arabs, Baluchs, Turkmen & Turkic Tribes To Have Independent Kingdoms & Republics!
Iran and it’s allies are planning for a strategic long-term war with Israel involving millions of fighters geolocated in different areas of the Middle East. Iran is now fully-allied at the strategic level with Orthodox Christian Russia as well.
Iranian forces and their allies are becoming well-trained and well-equipped to handle large groups of Israeli tank forces with cheap and highly portable anti-tank missile systems from Russia.
The Israeli Air Force won’t be effective since the allied resistance forces will be spread out across the entire region with critical bases protected by highly effective Pantsir and S-300/S-400 and improved Iranian-variant systems.
Iran wisely understands Israeli military power and they are acting accordingly to neutralize it.
” Iran is now fully-allied at the strategic level with Orthodox Christian Russia as well.”
@ “Christian Palestinian Arab”,
Russia was once allied with Nazi Germany (in the late 1930’s) but that ultimately didn’t work out too good for them and resulted in the Russians changing sides.
“Iran wisely understands Israeli military power and they are acting accordingly to neutralize it.”
It’s not just the Israeli military which Iran is up against and at least one of Israel’s allies would prove really difficult for Iran to “neutralize”.
I’m not really sure if your stating this just to present all possible scenarios or if Iran’s objectives are what you’d like to see but you should take into consideration that your “show name” (“Christian Palestinian Arab”), would literally cease to exist as no such thing would be allowed if the radical Islamist allies of Iran were ever to get their way so if my speculated latter intention of your post is what you want, then you should be careful what you wish for.
Putin Warns Foreign Rivals Not To Use Islam To Weaken Russia:
JerseyProphet… Good Point, if Iran did have a Vote, it would be the wrong vote Anyhow Based On Shiia History!
Neryosang… Correct, China Cuts Trade Deal With USA As Part Of The Deal To Remove Shiia Regime Power! Russia Cuts A Deal With Trump & EU To Be Back In G-7!1 Mideast Powers Divide Up Oil Properties Investments. Persian People Become Wealthy & Happy Under New Leadership of Living Not Regime Saving Dying!
Ayelet Shaked:
Bunker busters on Iran coming soon
More America Fracking Or More Mideast War? Today, the United States World’s Largest Exporter of Petroleum Thanks to Fracking. Washington War Rooms spend less time on Tankers Strait of Hormuz, means the United States has more Free Hand Dealing Riyadh, Tehran, Other Pits of Vipers National Capitals in World. The Environmental Challenges of Fracking are Manageable. The Saudis & Iranians are Manageable, too, but at a Radically Higher Cost in Blood & Resources.
============================= in conclusion to this article =============================
Iran is kaput, only they do not know it yet. This is mainly because of the issue with the Shia goggles.
Yasmine… Iran People Are Not Kaput! Mideast Nations Will Expand Nukes To Meet Iran’s Threats. The Mideast Will Become Kaput & All People They Attack With Iran’s New H.O.P.E. Program Demands Nations “Do It Our Way Or Face Revolutions & Destruction”! Why Tehran Will Overthrown Or Become Atomic Ashes!
Send a message to Iran. 1. Send in F-35s to knock out all air defenses. 2. Fly 50 B52 bombers over Tehran low and slow and drop leaflets that say “Next time it wont be leaflets”
Live Feed “Triangular US Space Force Ship” Hover Over Earth Recorded By International Space Station & “Trinity Mystery Craft” Explodes Over Area 51 As USSF Testing Alien Tech No Other Nation Has Dark Star Technology Take Out Nukes Ground Launch!
Mideast Islamic Shiia & Sunnis Fate China Footage Reveals Hundreds Uslamic Blindfolded Shackled Uighur Prisoners!
China Belt Road Reminder China-Mongol Invasions of Khwarezmia, Persia, Iran in 1220 Conquests 800 Years Ago. China Will Neutron Bomb Tehran Iran!
Perfect targets for A-10 aircraft.
Thực hiện mờ cụm vết rạm sạm, tàn nhang
và đốm nâu.
Thực hiện mờ cụm vết rạm sạm, tàn nhang và đốm nâu.
These PMU militias are at the Iraq-Jordan-Saudi borders waiting for unrest in Jordan against the king since the Palestinians and Brotherhood there are sympathetic to Iranian aspirations. They are waiting for the right moment to enter Jordan to help the opposition against the king. Their ultimate plan is to have an eastern border against Israel. The other purpose is for the PMU to enter Saudi Arabia and head for Mecca in order to control it. This is the goal that the Shiites must do before Imam Mahdi is to return.