Revived warning of al Qaeda’s intention to use WMD against Americans

FBI spokesman Richard Kolko told ABC News Wednesday, May 27: Although there have been similar messages in the past, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security have no intelligence of any specific plot or indication of a threat to the US.” The FBI has sent a bulletin to 18,000 law enforcement agencies across the country “out of an abundance of caution.”
A group that monitors terrorist messages on the Web described the video entitled Nuclear Jihad, the Ultimate Terror,” as a jihadi supporter video compilation of old footage and not from an official group.
The most serious threat of a WMD attack was reported by debkafile in August 2007, and triggered a high alert. Our monitors of terrorist Web sites connected messages which spelled out an al Qaeda threat mentioning New York, Los Angeles and Miami as targets of attacks “by means of trucks loaded with radioactive material.”
NY police posted radiological sensors on vehicles, boats and helicopters and set up vehicle checkpoints in Wall Street, lower Manhattan’s financial district, and at bridges and tunnels.
Aug 13, 2007 Click HERE
Aug. 17, 2007 Click HERE
debkafile‘s terror experts confirm indications that al Qaeda may have acquired some form of dirty bomb, possibly a primitive one. One US official told Reuters: There is no sign that al Qaeda has acquired the capability to use WMD, “But it’s clearly their intention and it’s something we need to be aware of and concerned about.” Our experts also note that Osama bin Laden’s threats may be long-term – often a year or two into the future.

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