Russia vaunts Su-57 operation in Syria: In answer to F-35 over Beirut?
Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu disclosed on May 25 that the fifth-generation Russian Su-57 stealth fighter took part in a battle over Syria in February and fired Kh-59MK2 cruise missiles. DEBKAfile’s military sources describe this missile as a new Russian product endowed with stealth features for evading radar. According to the Syrian military the Su-57 in action in February attacked rebel forces around Hama. Why did the Russian defense minister suddenly disclose a four-month old Su-57 missile strike in Syria at this time – that is, unless Moscow was moved to demonstrate that the Russian stealth plane was comparable to the US-made F-35 displayed by the Israel Air Force over Beirut last week, with the warning that Moscow could decide to recall it to the Syrian arena.
I also remember the same guy telling us “the Iron Dome is a failure”.
the shit-57 was followed since its departure from iranian to syrian .it cannot hide itself
‘…57 was followed…’
of course, The Debkafile have reported it?
But end it with these catrices, those at the top let them fly on the parades on the red square as long as it is not dangerous because they fall on your head
sorry the flight of shit-57 was from russia to syria
Will they ever buy a f 35 if it was shot down with old Russian material. Think back.
Fu35c or Su57, both build with Russian materials. Both cannot hide from kids satellite games , with one exception the 1st cannot fly past strato , the 2nd can , and the electronics for 1st more dedicated and advanced in the area of surrounding systems , while the 2nd is way past that type of thinking . If the fight would happen the 1st could hide to the point given by analog trace , but second actually could fight in space , whereby F35 has limitation in oxygen system and probably will kill pilot before even getting there , not to say it will loose its avionics , engines and probably blow itself , since it has defective pressurization technology . Israelis could affirm this one , since they lost about 5 pilots to respiratory dysfunctions.
You’re full of it! No airplane can fight in space. Remember and airplane needs AIR. It’s even part of its name, dufus!
The SU 57 is a prototype which has extremely limited stealth – especially from behind. It had best stay on the ground if any F 35s are around because the 35 can ‘see’ it far before the 57 even knows the 35 is in the neighborhood. The F 35’s radar eyes are combined with maritime and AWAC eyes to give it essentially UNLIMITED eyesight. And since the 57’s engines are recycled from earlier Sukhoi fighters, they are obsolete. The 57’s heat pattern is easily detectable far farther than the 35s. No contest!
Russia does not have enough SU-57’s to worry about unless production has been hidden.
enough or not enough that does not changes anything the su-57 is the shit-57 like the shit-300 or shit-400 even the shit-500 as liebarman said whatever it will be the S or s-700 or 1000 it will be destroyed. now russia is embarassed. now it cannot hide its weakness since it entered in syria
ROFL is a piece of flying shit,Stealth in name only,The Russian comedy goes on.Just like the rest of Russia’s hardware ,,Russia is about to get the shit kiked out of it when it comes into contact with US forces,
It is enough to check Indian Air Forces opinion of FGFA. Su-57 is garbage.
The SU-57 is actually being played down and underestimated strategically. The SU-57 is formidable. And does feature certain stealth requirements. However, the apparatus on board is seriously advanced. When an SU-24 rendered the USS Donald Cook blind and deaf. – A similar fate awaits those that challange the SU-57. There is actually quite a bit of concern amongst western air forces as the SU-57 is actually a very serious piece of kit. Underestimation at your priory.
Yeah, sure. Su-24 is so advanced it’s pilots actually saw the Donald Cook screens turning blank, computer systems crashing and operators going insane.
Posts like yours make people all over the world think russkis are idiots.
Wow, still buying that B.S. story about the Cook? That story was proven to be a lie. You can believe it If it makes you feel proud , but it’s still untrue. The pushka can’t even stop the U . S. from blowing up the shit out of Syria.
The real difference between the Russkies shit and uncle Sam’s shit, is that the jews have tested and prefected uncle Sam’s equipment so it has to be superior
yeah, ‘superman’, whatever you say, Kryptonite is coming.
That’s one arrogant and ignorant statement. The Jewish state couldn’t survive for a week without US protection.
Lol, they survived two wars without us. Kicked the crap out of the Arab alliance. Try doing your history lesson.
Comment from a Child of Sharmouta and her FAVORITE DONKEY.
But it HAS US protection, so what
Good comment. This is more to the point.
Why need a stealth bomber for hitting rebels with machine guns in hommed?
Because Russia needs a sledgehammer to kill a gnat?
Shit-57 is so much superior will soon demonstrate flying backwards and fly-by-dick no hands capabilities.
Maybe even compensate for drunk and under trained pilots! Maybe
I don’t know the the true capabilities of Russia’s stealth cruise missile but the F-35 fighter that was recently photographed over Beirut is not fast, is not maneuverable, is not stealthy enough and tries to accomplish too many missions to be good at any one thing. S-400 is a very effective and hard to kill AA platform and if it comes to Syria then it will become a huge problem. IAF should not become overconfident because it now has the latest fighter platform. F-22 is the only real 5th generation fighter that is truly effective and the US is no longer manufacturing them.
All we see lately is shit being blown up by the IAF. Right now, until I see something different. I’m backing Israel.
Yep, keep hoping. The us and Israel never disclose the full capability or their hardware
On the other hand, and Europeans have this feeling, maybe Russia uses Iran to snare out of IDF the real weapons and IDF army capabilities which represent US, which represent NATO, for a small incurssion and take of 1/2 Europe like before.
A shit blown out. It was unused and standing . Hezbollah is eaiting for Isreal to get their shit tanks blown out again. What csn Isrealmake seriously, without America’s help ? Let Isreali jets fly over Syria again. Syrian S-200 , 1960 anti-aircraft systems would take them out, hence the reason they fly over Lebanon to lsunch misdiles from Lebanon airspace. I think the Europeans must sell Lebanon anti-misdile systems to confront Isreal.
What a stupid comment. If the US did not support Israel – it would find another way. The most resourceful people in the world whether you agree or not, and right now belting the crap out of the big talkers.
Most resourfseul?. What crap. Israel gets hands out from we Europeans. My country gives you money every year, and a lot of it. Germany gives you , America gives you. I can see any finished Isreali product on a market here in Europe. Perhaps you see drones to the US. Isreal is not important.
All you Israelis can say what you want about Russian technology. You have forgotten that S-200 a Soviet 1960 designed anti-aircraft system shot your F-16C . Since then Israel flies over Lebanon to fire standoff missiles to Syria for fear of being downed. What jet fighter has Israeli made?. All fighters are are American made F-16,F-15, F-35. Apaches and the rest.Subs are German made. Your Arrow and Dome anti-aircraft and anti-missiles were produced with American help. Perhaps only drones but some components were American.
I live in Europe I am yet to see any Israeli “finished” product on European market except fruits. You don’t make passenger aircrafts and many more.
Dont matter who made it. Only the capabilities of the men and the machine
The best thing Russia has going for it are YouTube fail videos. They should stick to what they are good at.