Saddam trial judge granted defense a 45-day adjournment – half the time requested to prepare their case. Saddam refuses to recongize court, defies judge
Saddam Hussein refused to identify himself in first trial on crimes against humanity before an Iraqi special tribunal led by judge Rizgar Mohammed Amin, a Kurd from Suleimaniya.
Asked for his identification, Saddam said he was president of Iraq, refused to recognize the court or give his name. He argued with the judge until he was told to sit down. He wore a suit unlike his seven co-defendants who were clad in Arab dress. Appearing frail and weak, they complained guards removed their headdresses. The judge ordered them restored.
With seven associates, the deposed Iraqi ruler is charged with the 1982 massacre of 140 people in the small Sunni-Shiite town of Dujail north of Baghdad after a Shiite group attempted to assassinate him.
His lead defense lawyer Khalil Duleimi argues the his team was not given time enough to examine the documents, that the tribunal has no legitimacy on the grounds that it was established under US occupation rule. They claim that in present-day Iraq the five judges are not capable of a fair trial.
The Iranian government has also filed charges of genocide and use of chemical weapons against Saddam Hussein