Quarter million new Syrian refugees. Turks take Afrin city. Al Ghouta about to fall to Assad
The Turkish army and its surrogates took control on Sunday March 18 of the Kurdish Afrin City in northern Syria,
More...The Turkish army and its surrogates took control on Sunday March 18 of the Kurdish Afrin City in northern Syria,
More...The US, Russian and Israeli leaders tried toning down their saber-rattling over the weekend – especially regarding Iran – even
More...An armed clash between the Turkish and Syrian armies over the disputed Afrin enclave was narrowly averted this week by
More...The Turkish president has told Trump and Putin he would not seize N. Syrian Afrin from the Kurds after insignificant
More...Russian forces did not interfere when 72 Turkish jets Saturday night pounded 100 Kurdish YPG targets in the north Syrian
More...Russian and American army chiefs conferred urgently Saturday, Jan. 20, about Turkey’s escalating assault on Kurdish Afrin in N. Syria.