Saudis Lead GCC Quest for New Strategic Allies after US Letdown in Yemen
What are President Barack Obama’s chances of hauling Gulf Cooperation Council rulers into genuine military cooperation when his Middle East
More...What are President Barack Obama’s chances of hauling Gulf Cooperation Council rulers into genuine military cooperation when his Middle East
More...Egyptian President Abdel-Fatteh El-Sisi has deployed his troops for all-out war on ISIS strongholds in Libya, the first Arab ruler
More...The chaos in Libya goes from bad to worse, notwithstanding the strenuous efforts US President Barack Obama has been making
More...The US is utilizing the CIA’s muscle to quietly re-engage militarily in Syria and Libya. This is a seismic turnaround
More...The latest DEBKA Weekly out Friday homes in on the Obama administration’s seminal Middle East policy turnabout, performed unannounced almost overnight: The
More...Gen. Khalifa Haftar’s assaults on the Libyan parliament in Tripoli Sunday and Islamist strongholds in Benghazi last week, at the