Trump heads for summit with Rouhani. Israel caught by surprise
President Donald Trump said Tuesday night July 31: “I have a feeling they’ll be talking to us pretty soon. And
More...President Donald Trump said Tuesday night July 31: “I have a feeling they’ll be talking to us pretty soon. And
More...DEBKAfile Exclusive: On July 2, Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei initiated secret inquiries into the Trump administration’s conditions for
More...Rex Tillerson, Chairman an CEO of Exxon Mobil, was named this week as the next administration’s Secretary of State to
More...Donald Trump's ratings soar in Iranian media too In more than one campaign speech, President elect Donald Trump declared that his
More...The nuclear accord signed a year ago with Iran has become a hot US presidential campaign issue. On Thursday, Aug.
More...US President Barack Obama will make his final trip to the Persian Gulf as president when he visits Saudi Arabia
More...US President Barack Obama has retracted on his pledge of an extra defense package to compensate Israel for the damage
More...The latest DEBKA Weekly out Friday reveals the last-minute nuclear concessions Iran, with sanctions relief in its pocket, squeezed from Washington on
More...The crowing this week over Barack Obama’s success in gaining congressional support for his Iranian nuclear deal against Binyamin Netanyahu’s
More...The Obama administration’s battle to win congressional backng for the nuclear deal signed last month with Iran took a double hit early Friday,