Tehran’s planned two-border offensive prompts Israeli attack on Al Qods & Hizballah at Quneitra

Iranian Al Qods and intelligence personnel and their subsidiary Shiite militias, chiefly  Hizballah, are embedded in Syrian command posts opposite the Israel Golan.  They are disguised in Syrian uniforms. An IDF artillery and drone assault was reported by Damascus on Feb. 11 as hitting a former hospital in Quneitra and two Syrian army camps at the nearby village of Jabata Al-Shaab. The notice omitted to mention that all three sites are occupied by Iranian, Shiite militias and Hizballah forces. They have been there for roughly eight months.

In July 2018, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and then Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gady Eisenkot reached an understanding with Moscow, with support from President Donald Trump, for the Russian army to undertake to keep Iranian and their proxy forces out of the Israeli border region after the Syrian army recovered Quneitra opposite the Israeli Golan and southern Syria. Moscow promised that eight posts manned by Russian military police would keep a 45km deep strip from the Golan off limits to those forces. That understanding never stood up. DEBKAfile reported on July 19 that the Syrian posts had been taken over by Iranian and Hizballah forces posing as Syrian troops. Three weeks ago, on Jan. 21, an Iranian Al Qods battery posted outside Damascus launched a Fatteh-110 missile towards Mt Hermon in reprisal for an Israeli cruise missile strike on Iranian facilities near Damascus.
DEBKAfile offers three explanations for Israel’s decision to go for the Iranians and their proxies now, after giving them eight months to settle in just a few kilometers from the Golan:

  1. Iran and Hizballah have decided to inflame Israel’s northern and Gaza borders in turn in the run-up to parliamentary election on April 9. As voting days approach, they will turn the heat up for conflagrations on both borders at once.
  2. Prime Minister Netanyahu and his Likud party can’t afford to let a security crisis veer out of control, especially when it is engineered by Tehran and Hizballah.
  3. The IDF’s new chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi is revealed as having taken issue with some of his predecessor’s principles and may be expected to be more pro-active.
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30 thoughts on “Tehran’s planned two-border offensive prompts Israeli attack on Al Qods & Hizballah at Quneitra

  • Feb 12, 2019 @ 23:03 at 23:03

    The Russians, Iranians and Syrians are just waiting Netanyahu out, keeping their powder dry and heeding Bonaparte, staying out of the way of the Israeli trainwreck with the incoming imminent Mandelblit and Mueller gamechangers detonating this week
    Expertly and maturely played, Sun Tzu and Clausewitz would be proud – nobody took Netanyahu’s bait.

    • Feb 12, 2019 @ 23:23 at 23:23

      if there is a war there will be a national unity government. mandelblit or not won’t matter. neither will mueller. in fact with the US so self focused israel will be able to unleash what it needs to do.

      • Feb 12, 2019 @ 23:29 at 23:29

        You do know that Muellers charges on Kushner are Netanyahu’s encrypted/conspiracy orders to Kushner, and Muellers charges on Don Trump Jr are Netanyahu’s orders to Joel Zamel/PsyGroup don’t you. Your fantasy football ‘Unity government’ is nothing to Mueller and the Americans

        • Feb 12, 2019 @ 23:39 at 23:39

          Another Iranian Troll. We know who you are!!!

          • Feb 13, 2019 @ 11:58 at 11:58

            No, he’s just an idiot.

        • Feb 13, 2019 @ 6:25 at 6:25

          Meuller and you need to GFYourselves

        • Feb 13, 2019 @ 12:33 at 12:33

          Just wait for the special counsel report on how Obama enlisted British intelligence (his handlers?) to spy on a President-elect. That one will be interesting.

          • Feb 13, 2019 @ 13:55 at 13:55

            Totally incorrect SIS had nothing to do with spying for Obama,You must be a Kremlin troll

        • Feb 13, 2019 @ 14:14 at 14:14

          You don’t know the strength of Jewish union. It happens when a common threath is in the horizon

          • Feb 13, 2019 @ 22:35 at 22:35

            These idiots actually believe their own propaganda. They think Zionists are not really Jews eventhough Israel is now the most populous Jewish country in the world (again). Their bubbles will be burst, but they will likely remain willfully ignorant forever.

      • Feb 13, 2019 @ 3:25 at 3:25

        Amen to that.Israel is not one prime minister.

    • Feb 12, 2019 @ 23:36 at 23:36

      Syria will be a killing ground for Iranian and affiliated groups. Just wait and see.

    • Feb 13, 2019 @ 0:46 at 0:46

      idiotic theory! sun tzu What! your poor wife!

    • Feb 13, 2019 @ 12:30 at 12:30

      Netanyahu has won 4 elections and counting, and your best hope is “Muller & Mandelblit”. Lol

  • Feb 12, 2019 @ 23:24 at 23:24

    The only train wreck will be for the Mullahs and their IRGC as the Russians will not go to war to protect them and their malign actions. The Russians have a long memory of an alliance with a suicidal leader.

    • Feb 13, 2019 @ 2:17 at 2:17

      russia will supply but not engage combat troop’s at least not conventional that would create a quandry..Israel will strike repeatably to weaken their will to fight…to all anti-Israeli..you best pray to your God that the God of Israel isn’t watching over his chosen people. prophet’s have forseen our present point in history and a main prophecy is Israel returns to homelands, thats done and now all her enemies are circling waiting to strike…I will let you read the result’s of what happen’s to all you coward’s with only hate in your heart and soul…your time is measured and it’s getting near the end….

      • Feb 13, 2019 @ 4:52 at 4:52

        Reread your Bible, the Bear shall cause you great pain as reprisal for treachery. Daniel prophecies to you who shall come to rule you, the one called Beast. Best pray to your God messiah comes speedily to deliver you from the pain that awaits.

  • Feb 12, 2019 @ 23:24 at 23:24

    “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting” –

    • Feb 12, 2019 @ 23:26 at 23:26

      Netanyahu is history – the Americans (and thus the Israelis) are leaving the Grand Duchy of Rojava. The Clean Break Drive is kaput

      • Feb 13, 2019 @ 0:18 at 0:18

        @ Dr Merkscheisseliebe, you are welcome to answer or even better, to contradict yourself, but keep your cool, and stop short of committing violence, if not both of yourselves might suffer equally, there can not be an upper hand.

    • Feb 13, 2019 @ 12:36 at 12:36

      Iran & the pLO are being subdued financially before the lights are turned off. Netanyahu knows the art of war too.

  • Feb 13, 2019 @ 0:20 at 0:20

    The big question is should conjugal visits ever be allowed Sara and Bibi, at which prison should they take place – Her place or His? And think of the children – how are they gonna let a stripper in to Yair’s crib?

    • Feb 13, 2019 @ 5:12 at 5:12

      Will Jared Kushner get his conjugal visits. He and the NuttyYahoo share a bed, don’t they?

      • Feb 13, 2019 @ 14:38 at 14:38

        Yes and your mother is in between u f I k

  • Feb 13, 2019 @ 9:59 at 9:59

    The same lefty ideals are targeting Netanyahu as Donald Trump. Not the same people, but the same mentality. They just cant seem to accept God’s plan and they will do anything to obstruct and disrupt. It will fail miserably as always.

    • Feb 13, 2019 @ 12:39 at 12:39

      Its amazing that they are still digging their graves deeper 2 years after Trump KO’d the Globalists. Deeper and deeper they go, in their delusions of recapturing power.

  • Feb 13, 2019 @ 10:00 at 10:00

    Time to step up the bombing raids, and please no more Putin talks.

  • Feb 13, 2019 @ 15:39 at 15:39

    That sure looks like one wasted landscape. It’s good to see that Israel’s stopped messing around.

  • Feb 17, 2019 @ 19:04 at 19:04

    Israel show announce that any attack by Hezbollah on the territory of Israel shall be viewed as an direct Attack by Iran on the people of Israel. That in the event of that happening Israel shall launch a full retaliatory response on the territory of Iran that will include any and all weapons available to the Israeli forces. We will send Iran back to the dark ages from whence they came…

  • Feb 17, 2019 @ 19:06 at 19:06

    Israel should announce that any attack by Hezbollah on the territory of Israel shall be viewed as an direct Attack by Iran on the people of Israel. That in the event of that such an attack on Israel takes plac;, Israell shall launch a full retaliatory response on the territory of Iran that will include any and all weapons available to the Israeli forces. We will send Iran back to the dark ages from whence they came…

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