The cruise missiles that struck IRGC Air Force HQ in Syria – a telling blow for Iran’s Mid-East plans
The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Air Force chief, Gen. Amir-Ali Hajizadeh, escaped the fate of the “three foreigners” killed when 3-4 cruise missiles flew from warships off the Syrian coast on Sunday night, Dec. 22, and crashed into his Syrian headquarters at Agraba, south of Damascus. But the three victims were almost certainly air force officers, which sparked reports that the general was among them.
The hit clearly came a lot too close for comfort. Indicating that something important had just happened, Tehran moved fast for damage control. Within hours, Iran’s state news agency IRNA informed reporters that Gen. Hajizadeh “is in perfect health,” while also claiming that the missile attack’s targets had ranged from the tomb of the Shiite Saint Seyyeda Zeinab south of Damascus up to the big T-4 air base near Homs.
Even if the IRGC Air Force general escaped unharmed, the missiles striking his Syrian headquarters carried this message: “We know exactly where you are and are tracking your movements. Be warned.” Gen. Hajizadeh, our sources disclose, was the master-planner, who designed and oversaw down to the last detail the execution of Iran’s massive cruise-missile-drone attack on Saudi oil infrastructure on Sept. 14, which for a while knocked out half of Saudi Arabia’s oil production.
The unidentified party which attacked his Syrian headquarters on Sunday was warning him against repeating his Saudi feat anywhere in the Middle East, especially Israel. Should he nonetheless try again, he was duly notified that he would pay the price. The missile strike on Sunday therefore raised the contest between the US and Israel on the one hand and Iran on the other to a new level, with both sides ready and willing to strike at their opponent’s core strategic assets.
With ISIS now mostly defeated within Syria, there is only one very obvious reason why Iran and its proxies have extensive military resources remaining there.
Just another fine day in the Middle East…………………on the horizon.
Stated months ago, if the IRGC Generals are Targeted they may well come to the “Conclusion” it is time to “Remove” the Sinful Shiia Cult. Why be Servants to Sins when they can become Sons of Cyrus Persians?
GST001. Your pie in the sky idealism is ridiculous. You are not a man but a mouse. You are a typical armchair idealist. If you want to improve anything then start from reality and act, don’t talk. Then when you have achieved something you can talk. But to know reality and act from it you have to study first. Start reading the old Chinese strategists, then Alexander, Hannibal, Charlemagne, Napoleon, Clausewitz, and don’t forget Macchiaveli re coups. You might just learn something. Otherwise shut up. Then to find out what powers are really fighting it out in the US check this link below out just for a start. It is talk by someone who has achieved some things in his life, despite working in some toxic environments. You don’t have to believe everything he says but take note of what worked in his strategies and tactics. He has a lot of other revelationary information he gives away on his other 5 minute talks on his own website – ‘Steve talks’. You need at least half of them.
Using cruise missiles that fired from a ship was a poor choice. It’s too slow to hit and no surprise that goal wasn’t achieved.
You don’t know anything about anything. T.N.U.C.
The three suddenly vaporized Iranian generals might disagree, if they still could.
You can run , but you can”t hide.Kudos to the IDF / IAF.
but they missed.
The whole trick for all Iranian generals is to work only out of their offices inside Iran borders.
This way, no notifications are needed.
@Avra… Good point, The IRGC will be visiting Nasrallah that Hides in his Own Bunker just to feel Safe?
Even that,s not safe
Got Moshiach??
No one wants another N Korea, Clearing the Iran mess will also send a strong message Kim Jong Un could hardly ignore . A long 5 year waiting needed to see Trump out of the White House, China will accept reality and throw in its NK joker. This is now a Trillion Dollar poker game , Will Trump call China’s hand
@Norbus… what is going to be Laughable is watching those Iranian Motor Boats Drills with Russian & China Ships on 28 of December as a Show of Force Water Sking the Arabian Gulf & Chinese Wondering Why Are Here in Harms Way for these Shiia Cowards?
Remember how Gaddafi died – after he gave up his nuclear program? That was the educational lesson for the North Korean leadership. As long as he hold onto his nukes that won’t happen to Kim Jong Un.
As for China, China is like Israel – filled with well educated hard working people. The difference is China’s population is 150 times larger and their economy continues to grow faster. Start learning Mandarin.
When the Iranian response eventually occurs its going to be justified by years of aggression against it. Its good that Iran is not reacting emotionally, best to wait another year so that the weapons sanction are removed and its has the ability to inject that technology into its weapons program.
I look forward to waking up one morning and seeing the fruit of this strategic patience and see Tel Aviv, Haifa and the other major cities in flames from tens of thousands of missiles. I hope that they go for the business parks, factories, research centers, water and power, ports and bridges and not residential areas.
Shatter the cbd with fuel air in the midday to take the staff with the company’s. Have cobalt ready to go should Israel use wmd’s.
Its going to be richly deserved and make for lots of awesome movies ?
LOL , that bunch of mullahs / infidels can only murder their own people.By the end of next year they will be history.
Before that happens Reza Shah will be in charge again!
Your dream is not realistic. I look forward to the day the hypocritical mullahs meet their deserved fate!
Gay Persians will do to Satanic Ayatoolas what they do to Gay Persians.
The Gallows for the Ayatoolas and
Tommy – you are not going against flesh & blood by going against Israel…
You go against the living God who said : ” I will curse those who curse Israel !” Better start blessing the Jews and be blessed than having the living God going to cut you down !
God is patient, but better dont test HIM …
Wishing you merry christmas, Tommy
Thats just Zionist ideology to keep the funding and support coming… American evangelicals give Israel 10 Billion per year, not counting the billions that the Federal government hands over. Guess what since 1960 American is worse off, decade by decade since this started. So where is the blessing, point 2 Israel can only be create when the messiah returns (so this is a work of man, not god)… so seriously go read what the religious Jews actually say and not what you are fed via the Zionist lobby
I am the real Tommy…the fake impotent Tommy can only come out with childish, infantile comments…so screw that little mutt.
Crazy antisemite Tommy foaming at the mouth while under dark visions of cataclysmic proportions, forget ’bout will never happen!
Them Israelis are there to stay and prosper.
But you…. take care, hate damages the liver, not only the brain.
“I look forward to waking up one morning and seeing the fruit of this strategic patience and see Tel Aviv, Haifa and the other major cities in flames from tens of thousands of missiles. ”
bwahahahaha, you might as well wait for a pink unicorn because you are more likely to get that than your fantasies about Israeli cities.
Tommy, the bed wetting, jew hating leftist will among the first to go when push comes to shove. Only a fool would dare to mess with Israel and America and dead men tell no tales.
Your bloodlust illustrates precisely why Iran needs to be contained.
Refresh your recollection of the Samson strategy Tommy boy… There are submarines on this chessboard.
Tommy you are sick and twisted. Iran military is only targeted by Israeli IDF. IRG would target holy Israeli Jews. May HASHEM burn your putrid dark soul.
Put down the bong, comrade – you’re more apt to wake up to 100-foot lobsters eating your car than Iran dominating Israel (or America).
You are a sick man and HaShem is going to punish you for posting such dreck.
On that day…the day of Jacobs trouble… the Lord will fight for Israel. Damascus will be a heap and Iran will cease to exist. All the trees of Lebanon will be burnt up.
@Tommy = Fascist, war-mongering one-sided anti-semite. Despicable uncivilised low-level human being.
I look forward to the death of genocidal terrorists like yourself and your murderous friends in Iran, “Tommy”.
Tommy: If as you say “Tel Aviv, Haifa and the other major cities in flames from tens of thousands of missiles” the whole of Iran will be obliterated by multiple nuclear weapons from Israel and the US in less than an hour. The same goes for North Korea. If they make one serious mistake there will be no more North Korea the following morning.
Thanks, Susan, . . . couldn’t have said it better myself, . . . and, oh, . . . that little statement about NK and the following morning, . . . if they would attack the US at 11:30 PM, . . . the “following morning” of their demise would not be past 1:30 AM.
Subs sit on the bottom of the Pacific, . . . playing cards, . . . eating cheese sticks, . . . reading books, . . . just waiting for the “rockets up” command.
And, no, . . . the aftermath will not be pretty.
Also the same goes for Persia, . . . Iran, . . . whatever they call themselves, . . .
In the Blink of an Eye!! Good Bye Damascus!!
Yeshua Ha Mashiach!!
Barry, that will fulfil Isaiah 17. It is not far away. The next after that is the Russian coalition of Turkey, Iran, Libya and Sudan invading both Israel and Egypt.
If Israel or the US used WMD Iran just had to respond with irradiated Cobalt and there will be no survivors and no rescue teams coming to help Israel. Its very cheap and easy to make at $70000 per ton. Just take cobalt and add it to any nuclear plant, dip in acid and take the residue and add to anything. You now have a substance that will prevent any life for 100 years a dead zone that no one can enter. As you only need a gram for 10s of square meters 2 tons will be enough for Israel. Release contents over areas that need to be sterilized, very easy. Israel is the aggressor and if they launched wmd as a response to a conventional attack especially from a party that they have been attacked for years with thousands of missiles… The Iranian response will be fully proportionate and legitimate inlike your response… In the end they win and the Middle East will go back to been a Zionist free zone.
Tommy, time for your hourly masturbation session and wash your hands well when you’re done
gaddafi never had a working nuke, so there goes that theory…
What I forgot to mention was that I’m the biggest idiot on this site…suffering from acute hallucinations of grandeur, mixed with a healthy dose of wishful thinking.
““I look forward to waking up one morning and seeing the fruit of this strategic patience and see Tel Aviv, Haifa and the other major cities in flames from tens of thousands of missiles. ”
” You now have a substance that will prevent any life for 100 years a dead zone that no one can enter. As you only need a gram for 10s of square meters 2 tons will be enough for Israel. Release contents over areas that need to be sterilized, very easy. I
“… The Iranian response will be fully proportionate and legitimate inlike your response… In the end they win and the Middle East will go back to been a Zionist free zone.”
@ ♥️ Tommy ♥️,
In Tommy’s scenario, many people who live within Israel will be wiped out (since those weapons don’t discriminate) including Druiz, Armenians, Bahaiis, and yes, Palestinians as well in which case, Tommy is calling for the destruction of the very people he claims to support.
In the latest findings an all-out war between Iran and Israel would kill around 800,000 Israelis and 20,000,000 Iranians.
The Middle East will all be one land one day and when all walk here even after we are dead we will not be alone and behind the Laughing of our Children, will be Ghosts of the Laughing of as well. IRGC Generals need to Lead Persia back to Sharing being a Beacon of Light & Freedom for all Cultures not Bleed for Shiia Masters.
I bet it was the US who launched those cruise missiles and that means we have good intelligence on the ground in Syria. The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Air Force chief, Gen. Amir-Ali Hajizadeh’s days are numbered. He should resign and go home to Iran, because the longer he stays in Syria the worse his chances are of surviving the next attack. I would just ask the general has he gotten a new watch as a present lately? LOL!
The Iranian Shiia Regime are only good at being on its Knees “Preying” on their own Persian People.
Maybe Russia is responsible for these attacks, perhaps doing it on contract from Israel and U.S. to make some extra cash. They are in perfect position to attrit Iran’s advances in Syria and it is in their interests.
Just joking.
But these attacks would not happen without Russia’s knowledge and permission.
I agree with Tommy that a large Iranian retaliation would make for awesome TV over the cold winter months.
Seeing the images of your cities burning will add a lovely ambiance of flickering flames amd colors to the celebrations. Also the watching politics explain to the public that this was totally unprovoked will add much humor to the entire situation.
So please light the fire and I’ll bring the marshmallows ?
Dont you know that there is only one God Jim. That light is what has inspired and shone though the great prophets of history. Be that Buddha, Zoroaster or Moses.
Sadly your people did not see the light nor follow its truth but followed the external form untill such time as it became entirely separate from the inner truth.
So yes you have brought this darkness apon the world spread it far and wide. This is why you have had and always will have the pogroms. The darkness cant abide in the light so you always try so pull everything down to your level.
But there is still hope for your people, maybe after the next pogrom you will choose to turn back to the light and no longer abide in the darkness.
I am NOT an expert, but my understanding is that the Jews worship the same and only G-d that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses worshiped.
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses knew more than anyone today.
“So yes you have brought this darkness apon the world spread it far and wide. This is why you have had and always will have the pogroms. The darkness cant abide in the light so you always try so pull everything down to your level.”
@ “Return to the light and forget your dark ways.”
The darkness was brought about by those who committed the pogroms, not the other way around.
In tge Blink
In the Blink of an Eye!! Good Bye Damascus!!
Yeshua Ha Mashiach!!
GOOD job Tommy, you frustrated very well these pigs of zionists
Mohammed’s Pig,
Don’t “ban” hizbola,
BOMB hizbola.
Hizballah will soon be toast. Read Isaiah 17. It is already all turning out according to God’s plan.
Happy Hanuka & Merry Christmas From Sea To IRGC Syria Headquarters From ISF Popeye Cruise Line! Midest Season Greetings:
The ayatollahs keep pis*^ng in their skirts – with impotent fury about the Israeli Air-force…
Yes indeed he did a good job Tommy
That’s what happens Crybaby when you attack real soldiers. Iranian Cowards are used to attacking unarmed men, women, and children.
It’s been over a week and Amir-Ali Hajizadeh has not been seen or heard from since. Was he killed in the strike?
Of course, immediately after the strike, Iran informed the world that he was “in perfect health” but hasn’t uttered a word since.
Amir-Ali Hajizadeh is still unaccounted for … which is strange for someone who is in “perfect health” (the odd Iranian claim immediately made after the strikes).
Anyone seen or heard from him?