The Golan is next after Iran hit 3 Gulf oil targets, say Rev Guards associates

Two staffers on Iranian Revolutionary Guards publications reported on Tuesday, May 14 that the Israeli Golan is Tehran’s next target after its attacks on UAE and Saudi oil infrastructure. Hamed Rahim-Pour, international editor of the Khorasan daily and Amin Arabshahi, a senior reporter for the IRGC’s Tasnim news agency, wrote this on Tuesday:  “All our options are on the table; the [Saudi] port  of Yanbu [on the Red Sea] and also the [UAE] port of Fujairah [in the Bay of Oman] were attacked. [These] two ports are meant [to supply oil] to replace Iranian oil! They received such a blow that they didn’t see where it came from.”

The two journalists went on to say: “The scope of the {US} war against Iran should not be defined only by gigantic US aircraft carriers, or {its] strategic bombers stationed in Qatar or the F-35 fighter planes. The range and scope of the possible war against Iran may be defined by quiet infiltrations of Fujairah, Yanbu and Golan, and dozens of other points in the region.

DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources disclose that last week’s missile attack on Saudi Arabia’s main western oil terminal of Yanbu, which went unreported by the US or the Saudis, was in fact the opening shot of a series carried over this week to two more Iranian attacks on oil infrastructure – the sabotage of four oil tankers outside Fujairah port and the explosive drone attack on two Saudi pumping stations on its east-west pipeline. Washington and Riyadh have avoided explicitly naming Iran as the culprit or even linking the three episodes. Two IRGC mouthpieces have now admitted who was responsible and furthermore revealed the order of the “blows” on Tehran’s agenda. Israel should therefore be prepared for the Golan to be next in line.

US military sources revealed on Monday that pro-Iranian Shiite militias have been armed with three types of rockets for attacking the Golan and US military bases in eastern Syria and western Iraq: Short range Fatteh-110, Zelzals 2 and 3 and the Zulfikar, which have a longer range of 700km.

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89 thoughts on “The Golan is next after Iran hit 3 Gulf oil targets, say Rev Guards associates

  • May 15, 2019 @ 11:18 at 11:18

    No one wants war except the jihadis and twelvers. The should keep one thing in mind if they make a move on Israel, the will be fighting the Hebrews and not some motley, ragbag desert outfit (that they struggled to defeat without all the Russian, US and Turkey help). Israel has survived far worse than the Iranians, as they saw the old Persians go into the sands of time, so will they be around when the new Iranians also go back to the dust.

    • May 15, 2019 @ 14:21 at 14:21

      The fake Hebrews and their corrupt pedophile allies start wars.

      Just ask the Yemenis and Palestinians.

        • May 15, 2019 @ 18:38 at 18:38

          er yada geç isralin sonu ortadoğuda yakındır allahın izniyle ne olursa olsun sonuna kadar israilin tarihe gömülmesi için elimizden ne geliyorsa yapacağız katil siyonist netanyahu firavun ve kavmini unutmayın ad semud yahudi ve hristiyan kavimlerinin nasıl helak olduğunu unutmayın irem ve petra yahudi şehirlerinin nasıl helak olduğunu unutmayın firavunun nasıl son anda pişman olup denizde boğulacağı an nasıl secdeye durduğunu unutmayın bugün ingilterede firavunun nasıl secdede durup öldüğünü unutmayın bre allahsız kitapsız yahudi soyonistleri allahtan başka galip yoktur bunu iyi bilin allaha karşı gelmekten sakının allahın kitabı kuranı kerimi okuyun öğrenin çünkü o sizin yaptığınız gibi tevratı değiştirmemiştir sizde lütfen hiç değişmeden bugüne gelen indirildiği andan itibaren allah tarafından korunarak bugüne gelen kuranı kerimi öğrenin müslüman olun çünkü hesabınız yaptığınız katliamlar soykırımlar o bir tarafta misliyle allah soracaktır sırati müstakimden eçmeniz için katliamı bırakın allaha yönelin çünkü ondan başka kurtarıcı yoktur allah arşı göğü direksi tutan yüce tek eşi benzeri olmayan tek yaratıcıdır

        • May 16, 2019 @ 0:35 at 0:35

          Yes, there is no such thing as a “Palestinian”, but there is the clown band of fake refugees – The Nakbalese Comics and Trickz. The only problem is nobody gives a sh!t on Nakbalese sad lies.

        • May 16, 2019 @ 3:26 at 3:26

          Palestinians are in the bible, the prophet Obadiah talked about Palestine. Are you just slow, ignoring, uneducated or all of the above?

          • May 16, 2019 @ 14:17 at 14:17

            @Iraq_vet. Shut up troll, and stop misrepresenting the Bible. Palestine was the name given to Judah by the Romans after they had sacked Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple in 70-74 AD and carried out genocide on the Judean people. The Philistines, who only lived in the coast in Gaza, were descendants of Ham, who drew up with Noah and with God as judge, to fill Africa and not cross the Nile eastwards. But Canaan, Ham’s son, disobeyed, and that is why they are cursed. God entreated Moses and his people to right that wrong and take back the territory that Canaan was illegally squatting on. Are you just slow, ignoring, uneducated, or all of the above?

          • May 17, 2019 @ 10:21 at 10:21

            I think that applies to the Philistines

          • May 18, 2019 @ 2:42 at 2:42

            Good point!

        • May 18, 2019 @ 2:38 at 2:38

          Yes!Those Iranians should be afraid of what’s coming to them if they attack the Hebrew!!

      • May 15, 2019 @ 22:34 at 22:34


        You are full of hate and foul-mouthed. Yet your name indicates that you were intended to serve the Creator. You should know that the hate in your heart is blocking your ability to connect to the Creator–it does not matter the name you use for Him. Your mind is also blocked. You cannot attain full consciousness. Most likely, you have been programmed to hate and to short circuit your mind.

        You can read and write in English. If you can also learn to read Arabic, you can look in the Quran and find out that Israel was given to the Jewish people, who are your cousins. You do seem to have some intelligence. You can use it to train yourself to think clearly and clean away the hate that other people taught you. Now your mind is poisoned. But you can overcome this. Deep within you is the real voice of G-d. You have the ability to fulfill the vision of your name.

        We Jews originated from the area of Persia. We hold no hate toward you; we are only waiting for you to shed yours. But we are also able to defend ourselves against attackers, even if they are misguided.

        Hadah Haface,
        Your Jewish Cousin,

        • May 16, 2019 @ 8:19 at 8:19

          you are trying to make sense with him when you know full well it is falling on deaf ears (blind eyes). You will never be able to get thru to him.

        • May 16, 2019 @ 22:01 at 22:01

          long live Israel! Iran is doomed

      • May 16, 2019 @ 8:14 at 8:14

        @Ahmadinejad Lives:
        The most famous pedophile is your insane murderer Moha-mad!!! the mad dog created a cult and you are the product of many years of interbreeding. Your illiterate mothers and stupid fathers and your Imams and Mullahs have filled you with HATE. Go kill them. and then kill yourself.

      • May 16, 2019 @ 18:44 at 18:44

        you are a fool

    • May 15, 2019 @ 19:36 at 19:36

      You are afraid now I see.

    • May 15, 2019 @ 20:21 at 20:21

      Iran will defeat the American and Israeli alliance, Iran’s Minister of Defense Amir Hatami said on Wednesday, according to the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA). “We will defeat the American-Zionist Front”!

      Persia Shiia have not defeated anyone dating back to 632 CE AD!

    • May 15, 2019 @ 20:35 at 20:35

      hahhha jist remembered the words of golda meir in arab israel war that “””israel is burning”””.at that occasion she was begging to the world that please save me.otherwise the dirty blood will not now on the world map…and yes also remind the 2006 and recent gaza 700 missile after which suddenly israhilly begging to egyptian for dialogue with hamas ang islamic jehadist

    • May 15, 2019 @ 20:48 at 20:48

      haha where was the state of israhill in the world from Hazrat David A.S and Hazrat Sulaiman A.s to the 1948….only the life of 71 years

    • May 16, 2019 @ 5:41 at 5:41

      A real toss-up who wants war the most, the 12’ers or the US military-industrial complex, aka “neocons”. My money is on the neocons, for the simple reason that they have the most financially both to invest AND to gain. I’m guessing their love of power and money is greater than the 12er’s love of whatever 12ers love.

    • May 16, 2019 @ 16:13 at 16:13

      They already made a move on Israel —maybe you just missed it ,m the 700 rocket barrage ;
      Maybe some of those American morons will finally understand and so the Israeli rulers , that they cannot fight all the world , especially Muslim world . Nothing those 2 can do , maybe nukes , but than they could be nuked as well .Peace conference is needed , nothing else . Not some all around USA stupidity , supported by blinded Israelis with their fighting ipads and iphones . Israel cannot fight what is coming against them , and this they understand , but all those USA propagandists do not . You cannot fight 100 million armies of cut throat hating fighters .You do not know how , not the Americans…. And they are coming to America , just wait and if live long enough you will see….

    • May 18, 2019 @ 2:35 at 2:35

      Yes!Those Iranians should be afraid of what’s coming to them if they attack the Hebrew!!

  • May 15, 2019 @ 11:28 at 11:28

    Please do so.The response will be delivered very quickly!!

  • May 15, 2019 @ 11:32 at 11:32

    Surprise, surprise – more threats from those whose god is always missing when needed. It’s getting monotonous.

    • May 16, 2019 @ 5:48 at 5:48

      “It” was noticeably present (their “god”) for over 300 years. We don’t want to get over confident, telh.

  • May 15, 2019 @ 11:34 at 11:34

    Shame on the vicious Khamenei for his terrorist attacks and for his terrorist threats!
    Shame on the terorist Khamenei!
    Shame on the terorist Iran!

    • May 15, 2019 @ 18:08 at 18:08

      This time the attack on Israel maybe two pronged one from Syria, the other from Gaza & yes Iranian long range missiles , May God be with Israel

    • May 18, 2019 @ 3:02 at 3:02

      Anybody who reads knows the truth and the truth is that Israel is the light of the world with all the goodness Jews brought to the world at all levels of Human existence. God is Love and this means respect through truth and peace. Lies lead nowhere only to misery and destruction. If Zidane continue this type of violence towards women and the democratic world it will end up like Irak

  • May 15, 2019 @ 11:35 at 11:35

    Interesting events, hope jews and iran destroy each other and solve the problem of bad smell in the world

    • May 15, 2019 @ 12:16 at 12:16

      Try deodorant

    • May 15, 2019 @ 17:14 at 17:14

      another stinking goy or muslime

    • May 15, 2019 @ 20:54 at 20:54


      • May 15, 2019 @ 21:24 at 21:24


    • May 16, 2019 @ 14:22 at 14:22

      the bad smell comes from people full of hate and lack of knowledge, like yourself.

    • May 18, 2019 @ 3:06 at 3:06

      Anybody who reads knows the truth and the truth is that Israel is the light of the world with all the goodness Jews brought to the world at all levels of Human existence. God is Love and this means respect through truth and peace. Lies lead nowhere only to misery and destruction. If Iran continue this type of violence towards women and the democratic world it will end up like Irak

  • May 15, 2019 @ 11:37 at 11:37

    happy war. Saudi arabia will nuke them

    • May 15, 2019 @ 14:18 at 14:18

      Like apartheid zionism, the Saudi crime family is preoccupied with the slaughter of civilians in Yemen, a desperate and impoverished country, in an effort to install an amenable puppet.

      • May 15, 2019 @ 15:00 at 15:00

        Something new!

      • May 15, 2019 @ 20:40 at 20:40

        Not so preoccupied that the Saudi’s do not know where all the trouble is coming from, yes the Saudi’s with their purchased nukes will use them on Iran, cutting the head off the snake without blinking an eye. Iran is giving the Israeli’s and the USA an invitation to destroy themselves, creating their own perfect storm.

  • May 15, 2019 @ 11:59 at 11:59

    once again a debka fake news
    neither any oil flow through golan, nor the iran will say , where they will strike again.

  • May 15, 2019 @ 12:06 at 12:06

    Han. Stinking rats that follow your ideology should disapear from the next clean world.
    people like you are really toxic…

  • May 15, 2019 @ 12:44 at 12:44

    diane shalem:very nice to allow the han publishing

  • May 15, 2019 @ 13:02 at 13:02

    I really want these guys to do something. I am praying that they do.

    • May 15, 2019 @ 14:00 at 14:00

      Advice for uranian medieval nazi
      dictators :
      Get some exercise on a hometrainer – soon you meet your 70 virgins….

  • May 15, 2019 @ 13:59 at 13:59

    I do think Debka may be making a little too much of the comments in those publications. But I didn’t read the original, non-English version so maybe the original language was more clear about a Golan threat.

    I’d generally guess, however, that Iran will consider continuing their attacks on Saudi-related targets for now. The pattern is there and might carry less risk of major retaliation while causing problems with the oil supply of a major producer who is also a top opponent/rival.

  • May 15, 2019 @ 14:10 at 14:10

    What absurd hyperbole. Mossad is scare-mongering with dumb propaganda.

    Of course all options are on the table if and when the Zionists launch a terrorist attack against Persia’s extensive resources in the region. But even they are not so stupid!

    Ayatollah Khamenei has it right: “there will be no war.” Only the lunatics–the Saud family and their servants on these pages–want war.

    • May 15, 2019 @ 14:22 at 14:22

      There is already war. The question is how it is being conducted and how it will be conducted.

      • May 15, 2019 @ 14:38 at 14:38

        Apartheid Zionists will know there’s a war when they’re ALL hiding in caves from a REAL missile onslaught.

        • May 15, 2019 @ 22:55 at 22:55

          Ahmadinedjad lives (?) in a luxury toilet and eats gourmet s^*t !

  • May 15, 2019 @ 14:25 at 14:25

    Iranians are generally educated and sophisticated. They must be terrified by the prospect of a war with America and Israel.

  • May 15, 2019 @ 14:42 at 14:42

    Our great PM Netanyahu will show the world that he has the courage to stand on his ground. We snatched Golan. Now live with it or leave.
    It is written in the Bible! And theere is the true truth

  • May 15, 2019 @ 14:49 at 14:49

    I love Israel. I came to live here a couple of years ago with my family. But despite all the financial benefits, we still feel unsafe. It’s like living on top of a ticking bomb. My kids are stressed. We all are stressed. Anfmd we are afraid of what Arabs may do to us (the ones living in the settlements).
    We should wipe out every Iranian, just to show who is the boss here

    • May 15, 2019 @ 15:03 at 15:03

      Should is $hit.

      Think you’re scared now? Just try and attack Persia, and you and the rest of your apartheid-addled buddies will be homeless.

      • May 15, 2019 @ 16:44 at 16:44

        @ Ahmadinejad Lives, yeah he’s just like you.. A child molester!

      • May 16, 2019 @ 1:09 at 1:09

        Those who curse Israel are cursed by YHWH

  • May 15, 2019 @ 15:35 at 15:35

    Do the Persians, know their anti-aircraft missiles are useless against the F35 and F16i?

    • May 15, 2019 @ 17:31 at 17:31

      Do the antisemitic squatters realize that Iron Dome isn’t worth the already cashed welfare checks used to buy it?

  • May 15, 2019 @ 15:38 at 15:38

    Does anyone actually think that Iran is going to make a move for the Golan? Even the Mullahs don’t believe it. Any real, “gloves off” conflict with the US and Israel will have these Iranian clowns wondering what hit them long after it’s all over. We know it. The Israelis know it. The Mullahs know it.

    • May 15, 2019 @ 17:36 at 17:36

      The Persians have no need or reason to move on the Stolen Golan.

      The Syrian Arab Army can retake that which was “snatched.”

      • May 16, 2019 @ 6:02 at 6:02

        Sorry weaker, the SAA can’t even handle its domestic rivals.

  • May 15, 2019 @ 16:39 at 16:39

    The Mullahs will receive an early retirement from the US and Israel.

  • May 15, 2019 @ 16:41 at 16:41

    Look eventually these messianic maniacs in Iran who at a very fundamental level have no idea what they’re doing will all die of thirst..Why because they will have destroyed they’re water supplies… Maybe we should just help them to get on with it?

  • May 15, 2019 @ 17:02 at 17:02

    Some of you sound like you delight in slaughter, genocide, and the misery of others. That’s pretty sickening.

    War is a horrible thing. Sometimes it is necessary to go to war to prevent greater bloodshed or enslavement, but anyone who delights in war or slaughter has severe mental or character problems.

    • May 16, 2019 @ 6:03 at 6:03

      hasbeen; amen.

  • May 15, 2019 @ 17:15 at 17:15

    another stinking goy or muslime

  • May 15, 2019 @ 18:28 at 18:28

    Trump, I voted for you, will vote for you again,

    Whatever you do, make it decisive and a knock out blow, forget the proportional non sense, take out the entire leadership or half the army, plus Bushar.
    Let the UN and EU cry later rather than ask permission, negotiating w leverage works, diplomacy does not.

    • May 16, 2019 @ 6:07 at 6:07

      doron, trump got elected to drain the swamp, but the neocon “alligators” got him in a corner. Nobody profits from this sabre rattling except the mil-ind complex, for whom you are cheerleading. Take your tutu and pompoms somewhere far away.

  • May 15, 2019 @ 18:54 at 18:54

    I think it’s time to test out those bunker buster bombs in Iran. Skip the proxy junk and go straight at the source. And ask no permission…and give no warning. Then use your technology to disable all weapons systems, and take out the leaders…of Iran and Syria. That will leave them dumbfounded…and minimize civilian deaths. Then maybe we can reach a peace deal when they realize they can’t match US and Israel. That won’t happen…but I’m tired of them getting off easy all the time. Just my opinions

    • May 15, 2019 @ 19:54 at 19:54

      do not make yourself any illusion
      the mighty US has not won any war since WWII
      and the mighty israel is helpless against hamas

      why the american does not drive iran out of syria , if they are so gut.

      • May 16, 2019 @ 8:30 at 8:30

        Hamas is a joke they have to murder old ladies, babies in their cribs, innocent defenseless people in order to terrorize people. Most usually they are cowards who attack with knifes from behind sneak attacks or throw rocks when they know no ones looking hiding behind their womans skirts! Hamas image no role models they practice a false religion based on hate and supremacy over others and are not ashamed if having no values. Pretty stupid it is only a matter of time before their evil ways will make them pay and when they do all it will take is a few Jews to destroy them or G-d will destroy them for their evil! Evil never pays and stupid people never learn this lesson! I hope you do if you are deserving!!!

    • May 15, 2019 @ 19:57 at 19:57

      did you even consider if the US attack iran, they will retaliate it by israel ?

      the bunker buster bomb can hit tel aviv and haifa, just look at the pictures of iranian missile above

      • May 15, 2019 @ 20:12 at 20:12

        I know they would try to hit Israel in retaliation. I guess I just think that the US and Israel are capable of doing far more than they have shown in recent years. Including preventing missiles from even leaving the launch pads. But, the time has to be right…which it is not yet. But, sooner or later, Iran will be dealt with. It will of course pose some risks…war always does. But, if the enemy doesn’t fear you, then something has to change. That’s just my take on it. Again, I think all major operations will be on hold until after Trump’s peace proposal. But, I of course could be wrong. Either way, we all know a major war is coming. Just a matter of what will spark it.

        • May 15, 2019 @ 20:22 at 20:22

          ja ja
          you have a bad memory and can not memoeize the last gaza war

          go read the debka report about new hamas missiles with 250 kg war heads , used to breach the iron dome
          and try to prevent them from launching

          • May 16, 2019 @ 10:39 at 10:39

            Last time I checked, Israel has the capability and can successfully destroy hamas(even easier if civilians are not factored in). But unlike Moslems, Israel tries to avoid/minimise civilian casualties. So if Israel were to operate like they do, there would be no Palestinians to talk about.

  • May 15, 2019 @ 20:28 at 20:28

    If Iran attacks Golan Israel must attack Tehran and the entire Iran!

  • May 15, 2019 @ 21:04 at 21:04


  • May 15, 2019 @ 21:07 at 21:07

    If Iran attacks Golan,the retaliation will be unprecedented to communicate that bang can never be vegetable.

  • May 15, 2019 @ 21:15 at 21:15

    Listen up you disgusting bully Ali Bullynei ayatollah of my foot!
    This is what your mother told you, to make war and kill millions?
    You, dark and ugly soul, you!
    You have no decency!

  • May 15, 2019 @ 21:16 at 21:16

    iranians coward have not clamed officially the responsability of their sabotage but their days are numbered

  • May 16, 2019 @ 8:31 at 8:31

    Hamas is a joke they have to murder old ladies, babies in their cribs, innocent defenseless people in order to terrorize people. Most usually they are cowards who attack with knifes from behind sneak attacks or throw rocks when they know no ones looking hiding behind their womans skirts! Hamas image no role models they practice a false religion based on hate and supremacy over others and are not ashamed if having no values. Pretty stupid it is only a matter of time before their evil ways will make them pay and when they do all it will take is a few Jews to destroy them or G-d will destroy them for their evil! Evil never pays and stupid people never learn this lesson! I hope you do if you are deserving!!!

  • May 16, 2019 @ 11:17 at 11:17

    Fake predictions

  • May 16, 2019 @ 14:38 at 14:38

    No-one here has mentioned the real reason for these more than usual outbursts coming from the clerical regime in Iran. The POTUS has imposed searing sanctions on Iran which are hurting the population which will soon have to act and get rid of its government. The Ayatollahs know that there will come a time very soon when the Iranians, who still remember Mossadeq with pride, will throw them off. They are scared and this is why they are bellicose, to divert attention. There are two aircraft carrier fleets in the Med opposite Syria, and one in the Gulf. The ayatollahs may do something stupid because their entire mentality is warped, but they would be more than foolish to give the US any real excuse to take them out by force.

  • May 16, 2019 @ 16:20 at 16:20

    those iranians idiots think if tere is a war they will fight a country like iraq!!!! they are so wrong that if they will have all their country destroy . they can take advice to serbia because the former yusgolsavia was broken apart. now that is waht will happen to them

  • May 16, 2019 @ 16:27 at 16:27

    those iranians idiots do not realise that they are weaks and their country is a weak country. but they are wrong if thewar is started their will be the big looser.

  • May 17, 2019 @ 2:40 at 2:40

    Joshua did not conquer the areas of land known at the Palestine area and West Bank as God commanded. As a result they continue to be a thorn in the side of Israel. Iran will be scattered in all 4 directions. God has special prophecies lined up for Iran, Syria, and all areas surrounding the borders of Israel in Psalm 83. The jealousy and resentment from Arab’s towards Israel continues. It does not go away, finally, until Armageddon. There is still time for everybody to change the road your on: Believe in Jesus Christ and get saved! God bless.

  • May 17, 2019 @ 16:09 at 16:09

    Is Iran oblivious to the fact that it’s going to tick off a lot more than just Israel and the USA by targeting a population that is more than half Arab (Muslims and Druzes)?

  • May 17, 2019 @ 16:09 at 16:09

    Is Iran oblivious to the fact that it’s going to tick off a lot more than just Israel and the USA by targeting a population that is more than half Arab (Muslims and Druzes)?

  • May 18, 2019 @ 3:13 at 3:13

    Anybody who reads knows the truth and the truth is that Israel is the light of the world with all the goodness Jews brought to the world at all levels of Human existence. God is Love and this means respect through truth and peace. Lies lead nowhere only to misery and destruction. If Iran continue this type of violence towards women and the democratic world it will end up like Irak

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