The IDF disables two more Hamas terror tunnels

The IDF for the first time deactivated a Palestinian terror tunnel on Sunday, March 18 by filling it with a poison substance from the end running under Israel. The tunnel, which began in Rafah at the southern tip of the Gaza Strip and led to the Eshkol district in Israel, was part of an old network which Hamas was busy reactivating. Ahead of the operation, military police set up roadblocks on the roads leading to the Eshkol district.
The second tunnel was destroyed while still under construction. Before dawn Sunday, Israeli fighter jets targeted the site of a fresh tunnel which Hamas crews were digging at Sejayia in the central Gaza Strip.
The IDF issued the following statement: “For some weeks we have been watching Hamas’ efforts to reactivate the underground network which served them in the last Gaza war. We kept track of the operation and then chose the moment for disabling the system before it was inter-connected and dug under the border to enable terrorists to carry out surprise attacks inside Israel.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu praised the operation, saying, ”Overnight the IDF destroyed two terror tunnels. We are resolute in our policy of striking back at any attempts to do us harm, and we shall continue to systematically take down these terrorist substructures.” He added: “It is time that the international community grasped that the aid funds they send to the Gaza Strip are buried underground.”
Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman had this to say: “We have methodically, by using high quality intelligence and ground-breaking technology, disabled one Hamas tunnel after another. Those who think they can harm us from under the ground’s surface are meeting an iron wall.”

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28 thoughts on “The IDF disables two more Hamas terror tunnels

  • Mar 18, 2018 @ 13:30 at 13:30

    “It is time that the international community grasped that the aid funds they send to the Gaza Strip are buried underground.” So even those dumping their ill-destined gains are on notice that they are simply spitting the money into the ocean.

  • Mar 18, 2018 @ 13:52 at 13:52

    Think of what it might be like if Hamas/PA used this money and effort for improving Gaza.

    • Mar 18, 2018 @ 14:04 at 14:04

      Why would the PA do that? To what end? Take over the Strip?

      They don’t want to become a service provider, could even if they tried
      and secondarily, in order to keep the fundraising coming in, they need to play the victim, show some gains.
      Sort of like certain groups in the US

  • Mar 18, 2018 @ 15:22 at 15:22

    The only reason why there are Fakestinians (Jordans, Syrians, Egypts, Libanese) is to weaken the state of Israel and its jewish people.
    If they can not do this “work” they could disband the terror groups and leave to their home countries.
    But why should they leave as terror is such a nice business.

  • Mar 18, 2018 @ 15:39 at 15:39

    Palestinians are by rule, poison.

    • Mar 18, 2018 @ 15:50 at 15:50

      YOur terrorist P.O.S. There’s a special “chosen” place in hell for you

      • Mar 19, 2018 @ 2:35 at 2:35

        Bruce Pee, You fascist P.O.S., there is a special place in hell for “rejected” pigs like you and the rest of your klan.

  • Mar 18, 2018 @ 15:48 at 15:48

    You people in here are all dillusional, you conveniently forget that Israel’s is illegally occupying Palestinian land! You cannot expect to live in peace while terrorizing and subjegating an entire population and the rightful owners will never allow you to. Go back to your countries of earth Europe and Russia, before you get thrown out of yet another country ( not that they would take you). It’s only a matter of time before your satanic cult get pulverized.

    • Mar 18, 2018 @ 16:43 at 16:43

      Its bruce the takkiyah cuck . how long have you been cucking for islam , bruce ?
      You would be wise to concentrate on :
      Indonesia occupation of papua
      Moroccan occupation of western sahara
      Turkish occupation of cyprus
      Turkish occupation of Kurdistan
      Iranian occupation of Kurdistan
      Russian occupation of Chechnya
      Russian occupation of crimea
      Russian occupation of Kaliningrad
      Russian occupation of dagestan
      Sudanese occupation of Darfur
      Nigerian occupation of biafra

    • Mar 18, 2018 @ 17:28 at 17:28

      you and your bunch of adepts of the religion of peace,may a new heydrich come and gets the world rids ot this islam vermin

    • Mar 18, 2018 @ 18:40 at 18:40

      His post name “bruce lee” should tell all about the creature: an impotent, brain-defective Jew-hater –
      two-legged reptile – (two – if lucky)

      • Mar 19, 2018 @ 4:48 at 4:48

        Don’t we all have 2 legs?? Now, now.

    • Mar 18, 2018 @ 21:59 at 21:59

      And only a knuckle dragger would repeat the old meme that Jews need to go back to Eastern Europe and Russia. How about Italy France, Greece, Croatia, Iraq, Morocco, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Algeria. Oh you didn’t know that over half of Israel’s population came from the Arab world and predated Arabs? Hit the books genius and drop the propaganda.

    • Mar 18, 2018 @ 21:59 at 21:59

      israel is not gaza. clearly you are a fool who knows nothing.

    • Mar 19, 2018 @ 4:55 at 4:55

      Look at what Terrorstinians do to their own polluted land and the dead victims of Islam-on-Islam slaughter and you will see what Israel wants to avoid.

    • Mar 19, 2018 @ 6:02 at 6:02

      Its a shame you don’t know any history. The land these “Arabs” claim as their own belong to Abraham Isaac and Jacob the forefathers of the Jews also known as the Israelites. They can’t occupy land that has always been theirs that even the Koran admits to. Its time to realize that the fake history being written by the “Palestinians” has the goal of justifying basic untruths. Its just so sad but when the lord will reveal himself in the great war that is yet to come those in the wrong will see the error of their ways and as they say “pay the piper”.

    • Mar 19, 2018 @ 10:28 at 10:28

      “You people in here are all dillusional, you conveniently forget that Israel’s is illegally occupying Palestinian land! You cannot expect to live in peace while terrorizing and subjegating an entire population and the rightful owners will never allow you to. Go back to your countries of earth Europe and Russia—————”

      @Bruce Lee,

      That land does not belong to the so-called “Palestinians”: it has belonged to the Jewish people for well over 3000 years and the archaeology and surviving manuscripts prove it! It’s the “Palestinians” who need to “go back to your countries of earth” (as you put it) where their clans originated from including Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya and Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. In fact, Yasser Arafat was actually born in Egypt, not Jerusalem!

  • Mar 18, 2018 @ 18:37 at 18:37

    Nobody is a prob problem with Islam. Jews aren’t he only ones that are constantly getting thrown out of countries due to their their racism and violence. You people at a a cancer that needs a dose of radiation.

    • Mar 18, 2018 @ 18:55 at 18:55

      ahahahaha nobody is a prob problem with islam,begin to write english correctly stinking monkey,you are the emanation of the devil on this earth

    • Mar 19, 2018 @ 6:10 at 6:10

      Jews are the first to help others and are very respectful of others not necessarily fanatical Muslims which impose their beliefs on others and still follow antiquated sharia law which is based on original biblical punishments which Jews don’t which are stoning burning hanging and cutting off ones head. Tell me who are the tolerant respectable modern peoples here.

    • Mar 19, 2018 @ 10:40 at 10:40

      “Jews aren’t he only ones that are constantly getting thrown out of countries due to their their racism and violence. You people at a a cancer that needs a dose of radiation.”

      Bruce Lee is showing his true colors———and they’re not too pretty!

  • Mar 18, 2018 @ 18:41 at 18:41

    His post name “bruce lee” should tell all about the creature: an impotent, brain-defective Jew-hater –
    two-legged reptile – (two – if lucky)

  • Mar 18, 2018 @ 19:01 at 19:01

    Israel and Palestinians must cut the crap and start to learn to live with each other.
    Their government act like a bunch of kids, pm of israel must know when a palestinian driver crash his car to israeli soldiers, or someone knife them in the middle of a city, that means they have a very big problem that can’t solve with this speaches.
    Islam isn’t a new thing, they cant blame islam for this probles and hide their weakness. weakness for make peace with 1-2 million palestinian.

    • Mar 18, 2018 @ 19:54 at 19:54

      Wow- you are really stupid- hard to believe anyone could be that dumb…

    • Mar 19, 2018 @ 6:21 at 6:21

      You are absolutely right. Its not all about just Islam but the hate being propagated by those in charge to brainwash their youth. They send their children to their death using them as fodder to create sympathy in the world to a cause they created themselves based on lies. It is not only a problem of Islam because their true god is not alla but Molech of the changes which demanded the sacrifice of their worshipers children. These self proclaimed “Palestinians” are therefore idol worshipers convincing their children to die for fake reasons resulting in the waste of life youth and innocence. So tell me who is really being robbed here of a future.

    • Mar 19, 2018 @ 10:48 at 10:48

      “Israel and Palestinians must cut the crap and start to learn to live with each other.
      Their government act like a bunch of kids, pm of israel must know when a palestinian driver crash his car to israeli soldiers, or someone knife them in the middle of a city, that means they have a very big problem that can’t solve with this speaches.
      Islam isn’t a new thing, they cant blame islam for this probles and hide their weakness. weakness for make peace with 1-2 million palestinian.”


      One could only guess that you live far enough away so that you’re safely out of range from the car rammings and knifings———-right, Henry?

  • Mar 18, 2018 @ 19:42 at 19:42

    Henry and Bruce Lee are 2 different kind of idiots. The one is a naive idiot and another is Islamoidiot.

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