Turkey reneges on NATO’s Baltic defense plan to extort US concessions in Syria
In another anti-US provocation, President Recep Erdogan ordered the Turkish ambassador to NATO to withhold signature on Wednesday, Nov. 27, from the alliance’s new defense program for Poland and the Baltic states against Russia. On Tuesday, the Turkish army pointedly practiced the S-400 air defense system recently acquired from Moscow in defiance of Washington’s warnings.
The new NATO defense program must be approved by all 29 member nations before it can be applied. Ankara announced that its approval would be held back until NATO extends its political support to the Turkish army’s intervention in northern Syria against Kurdish forces and their YPG militia.
DEBKAfile’s military sources note that the YPG is the backbone of the Syrian Democratic Forces operating alongside the US contingents based in northern Syria and under US command. Turkey’s ultimatum to NATO amounts to a demand that US forces in Syria operate contrary to American security interests in that country. It is also tantamount to Turkey reneging on its commitment to the Western alliance to line up with the Russian position against Poland and the Baltic sates as well as the US stance in Syria.
A senior NATO official who opted to stay anonymous slammed Erdogan’s ultimatum: “The Turks are taking eastern Europeans hostage, blocking approval of this military planning until they get concessions,” he said.
Our sources reveal that on Tuesday, Erdogan paid a visit to Qatar to formally inaugurate a new Turkish military base set up to bolster the oil emirate’s ruler Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani in his quarrel with Saudi Arabia and the UAE. In a speech marking the occasion, the Turkish president chose to denounce Israel whom he accused of “stealing Muslim land.”
1. So then who will protect Turkey against Russia? It’s not like Turkey isn’t getting something out of being in the NATO. 2. The NATO should vote to rescind Turkey’s voting rights and give Turkey an observer status.
It was Turkey in the 1920s that refused to accept WWI Powers in creating Israel, Kurdistan, Palestine Nation States, but had no problem taking and creating Israeli-Palestinians Lands for King Hussein being booted out of Saudi Arabia to be given Jordan & did the First Genocide on 3 Million Armenians! As England Stood By doing nothing.
nato işgal ittifakı olmaz olası lanet ittifaktır keşke nato dağılsa ülkeler özgür olsa
Ukrainie katıldığında Türkiye’nin yerini alabilirler
Give the arrogant enough rope to hang himself.
A historically informed and informative comment. How refreshing to see on Debka.
Yet we are the de facto master race, the masters of whole continents and you speak our language. We don’t speak yours. we are a small land with a glorious history. the shtskns would rather drown than exist without us.
Post in English…Kick double crossing back ward Turkey out the US the EU/UK and out of NATO…They don’t deserve to be among civilise nations..
Who will protect Israel against everyone ? Turkey has military the size of popilation of Israel. And it has nukes –in its base . No one can protect anyone against anyone . everyone does good for themselves , not for some Norad defence system , that soon will get to be tested with few nukes .
@Solomeo… Israel Always Protects Itself & Cultures that Require Protection against Ignorance, Charity towards others, & misuse of Violence Against Human Rights! https://www.iranherald.com/news/263218508/iraq-decries-torching-of-irans-consulate-in-southern-najaf Iraq Decries Torching Of Iran’s Consulate In Southern Najaf!
One False Move By Israel or Iran Will Lead to War Over the last two years, Israel has warned about Iran’s entrenchment in Syria. But Iran has continued its role in Syria, and it continues to threaten Israel and transfer precision guidance to Hezbollah for converting its rockets.
It’s very obvious that Russia is coordinating this with Turkey against the US and NATO. Turkey is aligning itself with Russia and knows they will exit NATO at some point.
@Yosef. Turkey and Russia are allies. Turkey has been a member of the SCO for several years but remained in NATO to continue to supply Russia with NATO’s operational secrets. In return Turkey has now got the S400 to defend its against NATO for the day that Turkey is no longer in NATO and has to defend herself from it. Both Russia and Turkey have expansionist plans and this is one of the things that bind them.
Turkey should have been booted out of NATO some years ago but the US then had Obama as President whose main object, due to his hatred of the West and his religion, was to weaken the US and the West in general, and to reduce most other countries in the ME to failed states. Another goal was to create chaos around the world that the NWO can exploit as it steadily gets closer and closer to centralised control of the earth.
The NATO-Turkey contradiction is slowly moving along to a showdown. Erdogan just has to do one more crazy thing and Trump will likely have him sacked him from NATO, probably after some event in Syria, and especially if Turkey shoots down a US aircraft, something that is increasingly likely now that there are several armies and air forces, all within the powder keg that is Syria. Trump’s strategic concern is Eastern Europe, not Turkey. Truman supported a strong US influence throughout the ME including Turkey which he saw as a bulwark against Russia. But Turkey is no longer of any use in keeping Russia out of the ME, and should Poland go down again, the rest of Europe would be gravely threatened and there would be the acute risk of another world war.
Hasn’t the Christian West seen enough of the unhandedness of Muslims? What bonus does NATO gain from such a rabid dog being part of their defense pact. Nothing.
nato dağılsın oruzbuçocukları ittifakıdır nato başbelası alçak köpeklerdir nato tüm dünyanın güvenliğini bozan bir aldatma ittifakıdır keşke nato dağılsa
president of Trickey
From the Debka article:
” In a speech marking the occasion, the Turkish president chose to denounce Israel whom he accused of “stealing Muslim land.” ”
What “Muslim land” did Israel “steal”? The Land of Israel has belonged to the Jewish people for well over 3000 years, and all of the archaeological and surviving written documentation proves it.
Have you got a 3000 year old deed from God? If so, let’s see it. If not, you are thieves.
Yes! The deed is called the Bible starting with Avraham’s purchase of land in Hevron and culminating with G-d’s promise. Get over it!
The same way you stole Orlando from the Seminoles?
@Haldoon… The Seminole Wars https://youtu.be/CbrcKDsNw-8
nato dağılsın oruzbuçocukları ittifakıdır nato başbelası alçak köpeklerdir nato tüm dünyanın güvenliğini bozan bir aldatma ittifakıdır keşke nato dağılsa
Orlando Bloom?
Yes. There is a new Deed written in a very, very large book; a huge one belonging to
Israel. It is the new warranty of the Israel. Whenever Israel opens it the whole world
Shakes! It’s name is Order of Battle of IDF.
nato dağılsın oruzbuçocukları ittifakıdır nato başbelası alçak köpeklerdir nato tüm dünyanın güvenliğini bozan bir aldatma ittifakıdır keşke nato dağılsa
Yes it is called the Torah the guiding tome of Jeudo-Christian civilization.
eeee sıktın ama hep aynı şeyi tekrarlıyon.. mal mısın olum sen !!!!!
The deed is called the Bible. And even the Qur’an concurs.
So the covenant applies to a certain bloodline correct? So how then do you non semitic Jews have any right to the land? I’m more than happy to rehash the fact that you are descended from Gomer brother of Magog and lived in Magog as shown by your DNA andby the writing of Josephus? Also for Israel to be established does not your writing say that the Messiah has to first come back?
yeah we have the deed! but it is written in our hearts. Too bad for you that you are on the outside with no way in… remember Ishmael? rejected! his descendants trouble for the whole world. enjoy your ride trouble…
This is a very complex situation for Nato and especially the US with dealing with Edogan and his AKP party. There are 2 major bases in Turkey, one Incirlik which hosts nuclear weapons in a shared responsibilty for nato members and Izmir which is close to the Aegean sea with direct access to the middle east. Erdogan and his inner circle have been wanting closer ties with Moscow and have pivoted from the west to Putin/Shoigu in style of foreign policy. Kicking Turkey out of Nato would give Putin his dream scenario victory on making Nato weaker and Erdogan would play to his domestic audience that he stood up to the west and all along they couldn’t be trusted also weakening his opposition to his rule. One major mistake is Erdogan making threats towards Israel and he will have to back up his words or risk losing credibility.
nato dağılsın oruzbuçocukları ittifakıdır nato başbelası alçak köpeklerdir nato tüm dünyanın güvenliğini bozan bir aldatma ittifakıdır keşke nato dağılsa
Maybe Erdogan understood that Comrade Putin is stronger.We will see.
Macron is a despicable NWO stooge, and quite accordingly and therefore not surprisingly, a pervert to boot.
Maybe a bit of prophecy is suddenly relavant . When you see the Russians in Istanbul, Don your garments to greet the Messiah.
Yes prophecy is relevant. Turkey will be part of the Northern Confederacy what soon invades Israel, but the Messiah destroys this confederacy by a huge earthquake and volcanoes that reshape Israel. And it takes the remaining Israelis 7 months to bury the dead. Read Ezekiel 38 & 39.
@Armageddon is coming… More than 20 Centuries Overdue? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dates_predicted_for_apocalyptic_events
Hahaha, nice one@shimri, hypocrite read Bible and don’t follow…..did you know that all the twelve disciples of Jesus were all Jews, even with documentation of educated and religious gentiles in Capernaum in those days.
Turkey is a good price for Russians,NATO will have to undergo major changes, i.e. formation reshuffling and code changes.
BUT the biggest question is, what kind of a threat away from the Eastern block nations can warranty an s400 defense capability? Or is turkey in a long term project against some Western nations, say Israel?
This is just diplomatic leverage been applied by Turkey to get something that it needs. Its going to have consequences and ruffle a few feathers but this is entirely in keeping with how the US operates with its use of the dollar system for sanctions and the undermining of international systems and norms. It was inevitable that other nations would eventually start playing the same type of diplomatic games to the detriment of all.
Yes i’m sure that one of the S400 use cases is to be able to engage Israel aircraft if ever the diplomatic environment had deteriorated to require it. It shows the Turks are smart and realise that the Euphrates to the Nile is likely to negatively impact Turkey, so best get ready for a potential conflict.
Turkey is the Sickman of Europe thru out history. It is time the West/NATO stand up to Erdogan and his band of Corrupt Thugs.
A real Turkish Spring that clean sweeps out Erdogan and friends is the solution
@Yaakov… “Excellent” & Deus Vult “God Wills”, Mashallah “God Has Willed It”, & Inshallah “God Willing”!
Byzantium for the Byzantines!!! Turks Raus!!!
@Educated One… https://youtu.be/HIs5B2U7US0
All indications are that Erdogan is going to do everything in his considerable power to “make Turkey great again” and overturn the Ottoman defeat of 1917: https://raptureandendtimes.com/2019/09/20/erdogan-rising-the-ottoman-empire-strikes-back/
Iran says hundreds of banks were torched in ‘vast’ unrest plot https://www.reuters.com/article/us-iran-gasoline-protests-minister/iran-says-hundreds-of-banks-were-torched-in-vast-unrest-plot-idUSKBN1Y10GY
With this latest ottoman snag, it is evident that NATO has lost relevance. Just as the soviet block disbanded, time now for NATO to disband, and mend our own fences. As always, our greatest enemies are ourselves. “We have met the enemy, and he is us!”
@walter. US Democrat NWO shill.
Turkey cannot be trusted. The US should not back down, continue sanctions and withdraw nuclear weapons from Turkey.
And neither is the US to be trusted. Just ask the Kurds
@Montu… Kurds are Happy with Oil Revenues secured for them by America Protection!
I have stated DOZEN times. Trump the US pays 80% of NATO S FUNDING the UNITED STATES should withhold this money until the members of NATO VOTE TO banish TURKEY from NATO it was needed during the cold war so as to stop the soviet union from invading turkey
That guy is a Turkey and he should be thrown out of NATO.
Turkey did the same bullsh*t in 2017 on NATO-Austria cooperation. Nothing happened! NATO, after series of meetings, overcrossed Turkye’s veto and continued the cooperation with Austria.
It seems Erdogan is cruising for a bruising, as the saying goes. An appropriate response to his delusions of grandeur would be to expel Turkey from NATO.
Turkey needs to be expelled from NATO where it acts as an enemy state from within, a completely untenable position. Furthermore, the US should lay down an ultimatum……….if the Turks continue to act as our enemy, they will not be sanctioned, we will break off all trade with them.
Don’t Forget it was a “Dog Named Conan” that made Isis’s Leader Blow Himself & Children & Conan Survived? Terrorism is Obsolete & Obliterates Themselves Without Killing Anyone But Them More & More Every Day! Happy Worldwide Thanksgiving!
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Islamic Nations will always do what advances their conquest. Turkey should not be in NATO. Erdogan never dtopsattacking, and propagandizing against Israel because he is a Jew hater and whatever he says about Israel must be taken with that fact in mind.
Makes me wonder how much truth we are been told about many thing. – A mainstream media and academic expert Max Abrams this week issued a rare admission: that pretty much everything the establishment has fed the public on Syria is false or distorted; but it remains that after tragic eight-year long war is slowly coming to a close, new indisputable facts are coming to light. “Truth did not matter at all,” he admits after years of providing commentary for mainstream publications.