Israel attacks Iranian-Hizballah concentrations – report
Israel reportedly struck Iranian-Hizballah concentrations near Damascus overnight after two rockets from Syria were aimed at IDF Mt. Hermon positions overlooking the Golan Saturday night, June 1. No injuries were caused by the Syrian rockets.
Since there is no current fighting in the area of the Syrian launching site – some 35km east of Mt. Hermon – the attack was believed deliberately aimed at an Israeli military target rather than errant fire. This followed another incident in the past week, when Syrian anti-air artillery fire targeted an Israel fighter jet which was on a routine patrol over northern Israel. Israel retaliated by striking the launch site. Syria reported one soldier killed and a second injured.
Bit by bit, we are going to war… Now that Israel has no government, it is a window of opportunity for Iran / Syria & Hisballah..
Bibi is still in control if there’s a war
There obviously was no attack on the squatters–just another invention from desperate liars. No damage, no wounded, no pictures, no evidence. Ever. If it happened, it probably came from the Saud family’s cannibal mercenaries that ABigDoor loves so much.
The desperate cowards ginned up the fake attack to justify their temper tantrum over Nasrallah’s factual remarks. Reflecting desperation and paranoia, they punish Hizbollah by attacking the Syrian army and blaming Iran!
Funny if it wasn’t so tragic.
israil tüm dünya için tehdit 500 adet nükleer silahı olan israil katil siyonist bir devlettir
I am Lebanese and I tell you, F*** your Hezbollah, F*** your Syria, 2x F*** your Iran, they are the cowards, and the murderers.
I am so glad there is someone like Pres. Trump and PM. Netanyahu to make them pay in blood.
And btw, I live in Shia7, and I’ve seen the monstrosity of Hezbollah first hand.
@Jp. Thank you for telling the truth about those people.
netanyahu tüm ortadoğu ülkelerini hatta tüm dünyadaki ülkelerin güvenliğini tehdit ediyor bütün ülkeleri işgal ediyor israil hiçbir ülkenin toprağına saygı duymuyor
yea, yea. keep trolling with your stupid comments. nobody cares for your remarks which have no basis in truth.
you learnt to lie from your illiterate mother and your pig humping father and your Imams and Mullahs. The only way you will find peace is when you go and kill them
@Weaker than a Spider’s Web.
Troll is like a hit and run coward.
netanyahu katil hiç akıllı olmayan allah tarafından lanetlenmiş siyonist yahudilerdir yahudiler tüm dünya için tehdittir
You half-pigs-half-dogs obviously are unable to learn any kind of civilized language. All you say is oink oink. Go suck your sultan-wannabe c**k (if he has one – if not, you can always brown-nose).
This is not my comment
yahudiler hristiyanlar allahın varlığını tek olduğunu bildiği halde ha muahmmed s.a.v tüm alemlere rahmet olarak gönderildiğini bildiği halde inanmamakta direniyor inat ediyorlar peki o zaman soruyorum neden gökyüzü direksiz duruyor diye hem hristiyanlara hem yahudilere soruyorum üstelik bu gökyüzünün üstünde 6 kata daha direksiz gökyüzü seması var bunların direksiz ayakta gökyüzünün durduğunu bildikleri halde gökyüzünün nasıl direksiz durduğunu kavrayamıyor hristiyanlar yahudiler halbuki hristiyan ve yahudi kavramı yoktur bunlar inanmayan kavimlerin uydurmuş olduğu sözde din kavramlarıdır hristiyan yahudi dini yoktur
israil ortadoğunun en kanlı işgalci soykırımcı bela ülkesidir
ortdoğuyu karıştıran tek terörist devlet ve tek nükleer silahı olan israildir
turek turka w dupe szturcha
debka medyası niye yazdıklarımı tersine çeviriyorsun yazıklar olsun debka medyası yazılanları ekrana doğru dürüst şekilde ver lütfen rica ediyorum
netanyahu bir deli rivlinde akıllı kurnaz davranıyor israil ortadoğu ülkelerini tehdit ediyor nükleer güç olduğu için
…now that Israel has no government … Which school did you go to for you to say that Israel has no Government? Can you you go back to that school and claim your fees. There can never be a vaccum in any country.
How aggressive ! It was a way of speaking.
you are not going to war , which you will loose ; You are going to election ; Instead of making peace with neighbors and this way to be elected , some think that bombing this or that will solve the problem ;
There is nothing Israel can do if it will get invaded –fly drones ? or aircrafts , bombing invaders in populated centers ? Sounds like BIBI Tramp plan.
Don’t be fooled!!, Israel will be defended as it should!!!. thanks to the brave people of the IDF and IAF.
netanyahu bir çocuk kadın katilidir soykırımcıdır
You make a good point, my friend! It is about the time for Israel, first to think than to act, and not an other way around.
Stop investigating (= procrastinating) and shoot back.
Oh – couldnt they wait until the childish , irresponsible israeli politicians stop their stupid games ?
Thats so mean…
israil ortadoğuda tek nükleer silahı olduğu için ortadoğunun tüm ülkelerini tehdit ediyor
Surprise… a staged provocation! Whether it was alCIAda or ISISrael who did the staging hardly matters.
Right. Must be staged. The peace loving Syrians and their Iranian pals would never ever do such a thing.
The world is accustomed to lies from Israel. Everyone someone farts over there they declare bomb
Maybe you did
Give ’em some credit. Sometimes they declare “kite” or “balloon” or “medic” before shooting unarmed protestors.
Good one
I forgot to mention that there are never any innocent, unarmed protesters.
They’re all savages that don’t deserve life anyway.
Weaker, Too bad you werent there to defend the unarmed terrorists, you lousy apologist.
….how about I lob hand grenades, fire bombs, onto your home daily like Gazans do to Sderdot, is that alright with you?
I’m declaring myself unarmed, right?
I don’t know a Sderdot. I know a Najd. Perhaps that’s what you mean. They were ethnically cleansed from their homes 70 years ago.
Debka’s fake ‘sources’ don’t count as evidence of bomb throwing! How many brave heroes have sacrificed their lives in the name of ethnic cleansing from these deadly bomb attacks?
Are the infants throwing bombs? What about the medics? The journalists?
Give proper credit to the squatters’ terrorist snipers. When they want to murder semitic people, they’re deadly accurate.
“The world is accustomed to lies from Israel. Everyone someone farts over there they declare bomb”
Interesting comment coming from “Farmer Brown” who sounds like he must be spending a lot of time in the HOG PEN where no offense is taken from his involuntary body functions.
CARRY ON, Farmer Brown!
Everything that comes out of your mouth is a fart!
“For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.”
– Zechariah 2:8
…better not touch Israel.
“Israel” translated = “Prince with God”
lawless idolatry-a false Messiah
Woe to those who shall have supported and pandered to them when that time comes. In the Holy Land it is as clear as the sun that the Land shall vomit them out because the Land is the Palace of the King, and cannot tolerate sinners, especially intentional sinners (I don’t say this either to curse or to bless, but because these are things which are written in the Torah and which will take place).”
Syria would look a lot better, . . . flattened, . . . period.
Bomb, Bomb, Bomb….Bomb-Bomb Iran ?
Stop it !! You’re giving me a woody.
Make Hezbollah to bravely die, and they will be added to the line or tens of millions of heroes waiting the reward from the team of 72 virgins. But time is of no matter, anyhow we are talking about a whole eternity.
Those virgins are actually male goats.
From the Debka article:
“Since there is no current fighting in the area of the Syrian launching site – some 35km east of Mt. Hermon – the attack was believed deliberately aimed at an Israeli military target rather than errant fire. This followed another incident in the past week, when Syrian anti-air artillery fire targeted an Israel fighter jet which was on a routine patrol over northern Israel.”
The Iranians must be really upset over the latest sanctions imposed on their oil exports but, at this point so far, wouldn’t risk the implications of attacking the USA directly so they get one of their proxies to stir up the pot for them………………………..stay tuned for another fine day in the Middle East!
The mullahs are slowly ruining their own country because of their Islamic goal to conquer, suppress and enslave others – to make everyone into dhimmis or kill if they don’t surrender and comply. Tohey have a huge resource-rich country but the Ayatollah is happy to starve them to satisfy his Islamic urges and goals. The Iranian people would be better off with a new non-Islamic government.
” The Iranian people would be better off with a new non-Islamic government.”
The same applies to Turkey as well.
Do you realize that the majority of the population of the two mentioned countries are fanatical islamists?
The Islamic Civilization Leadership by the Iranian-Syrian Connection of Promoting Exporting Terror, Attacking Neighboring Middle East Nations, once again prove to be the Culprits of bringing Misery, Diseases, and Death to all Cultures, People, and Religions, the exact opposite of the Blessings of Jehovah-Allah. Unfortunately, These Evils comes from the Ancient Shiia Caliphate, which Falsely Ruled by Iranian Religious Supreme Leader, who has more political power than the President thinking he is the Sole Successors of Muhammad the Messenger. This is why Iran will be destroyed in the end until the Wisdom of King Cyrus prevails among the Persian People that once welcomed all Cultures and Religions!………The Benefits Bestowed by Jehovah-Allah will end the Iranian Shiia Regime Supreme Ayatollah’s Reign of Terror seeking Nuclear Weapons. It is easier to remove the Iranian Shiia Regime Existence than to Accept their Evil Intentions Condemnations among the Middle East and World into Turmoil. They are reacting to their Own Failures by Attacking All Others, and have earned the Wrath Removal by the Goodwill Nation that follow Messengers of Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad for corrupting the People by these Evil Leaders in Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Gaza, and Yemen.
While Tensions in the Arabian Gulf may appear to be getting lower, the likelihood of Military Exchanges are actually increasing. The Shiia Regime Team have been Trapped into Provoking their own Self Destruction it into an Iranian Action that crosses the Gulf States, American, Russian, European & Nato, UN, and Sunnis Red Lines. Here are the 6 Reasons Why the Iranian Shiia Won’t Last even a Few Days in any War:
Gulf States, America & Russia Strategy is Pure Global Economic Genius:
1. Europe, China & India are Dependent on Iranian Oil for Their Economic Trade!
2. America, Gulf States, Russia are Exporters of All Oil Beyond Iran and Venezuela that are in Economic Chaos. Saudi Arabia has a Pipeline Alternative over Straits of Hormuz!
3. America, Gulf States, Russia have Leverage over Europe, India and China as Suppliers to their Needs that in any way they can Counter, and it is time the World be rid of the Iranian Shiia Regime that cannot exist under Sanction, Straits Hormuz Closed, and their Nuclear Facilities Destroyed in any Short or Long Term Conflict! Global Powers will Decide to Divide, Occupy, Remove, Replace & Restore a New Persian Government even among Chaos as Shiia Change in Iran by Region, Provinces, and Communities and a Great Way to create a Kurdish Nation as well, that would Offset any Iranian Theocracy Regime’s Return to the Future. The Global Powers will Thrive as Iran becomes its slow climb back to Stability with Mullahs and among Shiia’s Chaos in Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, and Gaza, and that is going to happen sooner not later!
Those That Have The Oil Rule Global Trade Prosperity:
You need to read up on the SCO, GingerStooL.
Weaker than a Spider’s Webm Jun 2, 2019 @ 18:54 at 18:54, You need to read up on the SCO, GingerStooL.
You are welcomed anytime to share your education with me and corrections make good discussions and are welcomed by me as well.
As I said, you need to read up on the SCO.
Why so much hate, isn’t hate a sin for a rightful Shiite believer?
Terrorists ayatollahs, who supposedly act in the name of Islam, are proved ignorant of the Quran by their own acts.
Sorry to say it so boldly to your face Khamenei, but it is not for nothing that you are afflicted with impotence, paralysis, and cancer. This is because you are wrong, your whole life is a failure, you are the destroyer of Iran
Indeed, Allah. according to the Quran (45:16) said
16: And We did certainly give the Children of Israel the Scripture and judgment and prophethood, and We provided them with good things and preferred them over the worlds.
Khamenei is principally afflicted with a sick mind, that’s all, no secret. All terrorists are sick, sick, sick, very very sick in their minds.
Not to mention Quran (2:62): “Those who believe, and those who are Jewish, and the Christians, and the Sabeans − any who believe in God and the Last Day, and act righteously − will have their reward with their Lord; they have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.” Moreover, synagogues and churches, along with mosques, are praised in the Quran, as these are the places where the name of God is much mentioned (22:40).
I say, sickness of mind sicker than Khamenei’s is hard to find.
Can’t take Quran for true 100%, it must be an error somewhere.
Come on, it is simple, hate the Jews and that’s all!
You are an absolute fool
You are an absolute TOOL.
If Iran truly Changed its Behavior and Practice Islamic Shiia as a means to Promote, Support, and Expand Prosperity, Fellowship, and Cultural Giving. Instead of Exporting Death by Weaponizing the Middle East Nations.
The Iranian Shiia Regime would be Welcomed, Accepted, and Convert Millions to Billions in the Middle East and Globally. What they do Reflects on Allah and Jehovah that First sent his Messages to the Sons and Daughters of Abraham to Moses and Jesus followed by Mohammed!
“If Iran truly Changed its Behavior and Practice Islamic Shiia as a means to Promote, Support, and Expand Prosperity, Fellowship, and Cultural Giving. Instead of Exporting Death by Weaponizing the Middle East Nations.”
Very well said there in the first part of you post, GingerST001.
Now, in response to the second part of your post:
“The Iranian Shiia Regime would be Welcomed, Accepted, and Convert Millions to Billions in the Middle East and Globally. What they do Reflects on Allah and Jehovah that First sent his Messages to the Sons and Daughters of Abraham to Moses and Jesus followed by Mohammed!”
So, what about the Baha’i faith and their prophet which came AFTER Mohammed?
Note that they practice their faith in peace in their temple on Mount Carmel in Haifa, Israel.
Thank you for that Info as I study it and share it with others Smarter on the End of Times Faith from Prior Prophets and Revelations. Whether it be, Returns of Moshiach, Elijah, Joseph David in Judaism. Jesus in Judaeo-Christian Book of Revelations, Mormons and other Traditions, and Islamic as all Preach Various Forms of Revival of the Dead Tzadikim saving the Living that believe. When I looked into the Baha’i Faith years ago, I couldn’t understand how some in Islam’s Qur’an it can allege Mohammed was God’s Last Prophet meaning it doesn’t leave room for Bab and Baha’ullah Beliefs but did Lead to Persecution of some Muslims by other Muslims. Yet, the Qur’an was Revised 17 Times in History by Men claiming Allah told them, but using for their own Purposes, much as the Malign Bibles of Constantine and King James as well. I leave Tomorrows for Tomorrow, and Live Today for Today instead. Iran Shiia Regime chooses neither, as seen by their Behavior towards other People and mistreatment of their own People!
I am more interested why Iranian Shiia Regime seeks to Threaten, Bemoan and Misuse the Caliphate Multi-Ethnic Trans-National Empires as Fever Dreams of Epic Proportions causing Death, Destruction, and Desecration of every Man, Woman, and Children by claiming they Act under Allah when they Clearly Act for Themselves and think Nuclear Weapons will save them, when in the end it will just Destroy Them, or Fall into Terrorists that will misuse them without regard to anyone except Terrorizing the Living?
Thank you, GingerST001, for responding to my post. I’m sure you got the main point I was making in my previous post:
“So, what about the Baha’i faith and their prophet which came AFTER Mohammed?
Note that they practice their faith in peace in their temple on Mount Carmel in Haifa, Israel.”
To: Jun 2, 2019 @ 21:14 at 21:14, Can’t take Quran for true 100%, it must be an error somewhere. Come on, it is simple, hate the Jews and that’s all”! & Reply Farmer Brown Jun 3, 2019 @ 3:39 at 3:39, “You are an absolute fool”!
What few know from History is that when Islam Civilization did spread into Judea, Jerusalem and Israel in the 7th Century, Islam recognized Followers of Judaism were Worshiping the same G-d in Jehovah as Allah as Mohammed Written and Therefore were not forced into Conversion! The same thing happen in the 8th Century when the Moors Invaded Spain and once again Followers of Judaism were accepted by Followers of Islam and actually worked as Businessmen Together too Supplying Christians with Spices from the Silk Road for Centuries. Until, the Persecutions of Christians began and Crusades became the Response of the Holy Roman Empire until Europe ended Ottoman Turkish Empire after WWI in the Middle East over Oil! When, in Fact all 3 Religions Leaders from the Past have Misused the Words, Re-Interpreted, the Messages of G-d to Abraham to Turn Strangers into Families, and Enemies into Friends so Mankind can Survive, Thrive and Prosper Together. When Anyone No matter How Well Intentions misused the 3 Messengers of Moses, Jesus and Mohammed. This is what happens, whether they be Jewish, Christians, or Islamic!
Buddy, (suddenly) it’s really hard to fast-read your GREAT & WONDERFUL comments.
Why so many words with starting with capitals? Keep up the good work, many thanks for it, I admire yours since years now.
The Good News from the Abraham Religions Except for Iran, is the New Views of Respect that has been Mutually Encouraged, Welcomed, and Coming to Work Together on Many Previous Forbidden Practices, Issues, and Collaborations. Now being Removed Between Arab Gulf States Sunnis Nations with Israel Judaism in Cooperation, Investments, and Development of Innovations for Economic, Cybersecurity and Defense. If not for Iran Shiia Regime this may not have happened and shows all Religions in the Middle East and Globally, one can Overcome Human Differences to Agree Upon Divine Messages from the Messengers while be United against Any Regime, Atheism, or Paganism that is affront to G-D’s Laws in the Talmud, Bibles, and Qu’rans. Unlike the Iranian Shiia Regime that chooses to ignore Jehovah-Allah’s Laws for All by Espousing Hate, Exporting Death in Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Gaza and even in Iran? Good Words Deserve Caps Like Shakespeare Often Sid And Milton Too!!
The Saud Family: guardians of humanity and faith.
“The Saud Family: guardians of humanity and faith.”
Are you trying to be sarcastic here……………………or what???
I sure hope that Debka cleans up this site. The fascist genocide-lovers and antisemites dominate.
“I sure hope that Debka cleans up this site. The fascist genocide-lovers and antisemites dominate.”
Yes, you are right……………………….the Israel bashers and haters of the Jewish people and those who are ignorant of history and archaeology have been dominating this site for too long.
Thanks for calling that out!
Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States all have worked with Global International Nations and accepted it also contributed to Radical Islamic Rise but still made Changes in its own Behavior They know the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons can leave the Middle East in Atomic Ashes as the Islamic Civilizations Few Cities would put it on a Path of Destruction. Saudi Arabia could acquire Nuclear Weapons as it Wishes and will do so the Day the Iranian Shiia Regime Acquires them. The same way India acquired Nukes to offset Islamic Pakistan. Japan and South Korea can do the same against North Korea. As well as, Taiwan against China! The Road to all Civilizations Salvation is like Walking on the Edge of a Razor should Nuclear Weapons Proliferate, and No Nation, Religion or Culture will be Redeemed for using them and more importantly if Rogue Terrorists seeks to use them on Others in its Quests for the Purposeless Process of Societal Suicide. The only way to come together is by seeking Cooperation Protection together! Saudi Arabia has Changed its own Behavior as well as Gulf States, Egypt, and Jordan. The Iranian Shiia Regime Continues to March towards the Eve of Destruction by its Own Behavior Alone.
Our Great Ayatollah Khamenei has reportedly issued a verbal and decisive fatwa against the production, stockpiling, and use of nuclear weapons, which are to be totally forbidden under Islam! The treacherous West has no reason to believe to be the saint statement not sincere and our Great Ayatollah might not change it even if the needs of Shiite conquest may change.
Shame of all those who take our Great Ayatollah Khamenei for a fraud, shame America, Israel, and all those other countries with doubts and fears! Allah willing we will destroy you all!
First we have this comment noting the key words “doubts” and “fears” seemingly suggesting that no country, including Israel and the USA, should be fearful of Iran’s intentions:
“Shame of all those who take our Great Ayatollah Khamenei for a fraud, shame America, Israel, and all those other countries with doubts and fears! ”
Then, we have the totally contradictory statement following that:
“Allah willing we will destroy you all!”
The Islamic Republic of Iran’s true intentions are revealed in that very last sentence and everything else they say are blatant lies!
It seems the Saud family pedophiles and cannibals have no better friends than squatting genocide apologists.
Who knew that zealots of different religious persuasions could have so much coitus?
The long national nightmare of Netanyahu in America has past.
Meanwhile, back on the ranch, the Israeli night and waking terrors of the national nightmares of both Netanyahus, Sara and Bibi, have reached and exceeded the critical velocities necessary for meltdown, hence the present meltdown and ‘Total Kahanist Chaos’
‘Total Kahanist Khaos’? – ridiculous!
Nothing Agent 86 and I can’t handle, right Max?
“The long national nightmare of Netanyahu in America has past.
Meanwhile, back on the ranch, the Israeli night and waking terrors of the national nightmares of both Netanyahus, Sara and Bibi, have reached and exceeded the critical velocities necessary for meltdown, hence the present meltdown and ‘Total Kahanist Chaos’”
@’Anti-Kahanism is not Anti-Semitism’ – Peter Beinart
Trying so hard………………without any success, to make any logical sense from that comment above. In fact, just can’t make any sense from the poster’s name as well!
Smile, today is a fast day!
Humanity celebrates 2956 days since the great headache Osama bin Laden has got when receiving two copper jacketed bullets in the forehead. Right after the event Osama refused to comment, move or even to respire, plus there was no totally and absolutely more raising of the index finger.
It was DUMB of Obama to not let the world see a dead Osama bin Laden – brought to Justice by Lead to his Head.
There will always be doubts.
They should have at least chopped off Osama’s head and stuck it in a pickle jar.
Nasreddin. Jun 4, 2019 @ 21:58 at 21:58……Great, this will just make Iran weaker and Israel Stronger!
Israel is preparing for that kind of War and Hizboallah is more Surrounded than ISIL ever was in reality. They have no place to run except back to their Civilian Homes to Hide using them a Human Shields. The Gulf States, Kurds, and International Forces already knows how to deal with that since ISIL tried it, and still Died in that Horrific Process Necessary to Remove Existence for such Cowardly Defenders. Syrian, Lebanese, Alawrites, Druize Fighters and Civilians will turn on and target Hizbollah just like all the Middle East did to ISIL and only Hizbollah will join their Former Opponents joining them as Gone and Forgotten Brigades. In the end, Iranian Shiia Regime will Watch and Sit Safe in Tehran, as Hizbollah Troops numbering just 60,000 become Coffins and their Families will become Victims and Refugees just as ISIL Shielded Fighters with their Families, now in Mourning and Despair, dependent on the 3rd Pillar of Sunnis Islam, the Compulsory Charity of Zakat. Servant as Iran’s Allies are going away, and they will One Day Soon be Followers of Lost Causes they brought upon themselves. Boardrooms in Banks have made that Decision in London this Past Week.
You shall know that our Great Ayatollah throws the kryptonite of the Shiite superior knowledge inspired from the highest heavens to your Trump and his failed peace plan. Why is the plan secret? We do not want to know it because is bad anyhow. Why should we be interested? Of course would be good to read it only for fun and to laugh a lot about its satanic plotting and conspiring, and then to work diligently against it. But the plan is bad and rejected, our Great Ayatollah said it on TV loud and clear today for the treacherous Sunni states to hear and correct themselves.
Does the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei of Shia Islam, also known as a Marjaʿ Taqlīd , Marjaʿ Dīnī, meaning “Source Imitate and Follow”, the only place Kryptonite is found in Comic Books not Holy Books?
Apparently, Allah, made the “Marja Khamenei”, Unaware that Kryptonite is just a “Fictional Picture Book Creation”, made for 4 Years Old Children, that makes the Marja Weak from Being a Strong Leader if Khamenei Believes in Comic Books Fake Beliefs more than the Mohammed’s Jehovah-Allah Truth in the Talmud, Bibles, and Qu’ran?
Educate Khamenei that Jehovah Reveal His wisdom to Israel First through Abraham and then Moses! As Jehovah then Revealed to Mohammed the Messenger to Educate the Arabs also from Abraham to make known Jehovah is also Allah!
Perhaps the Ayatollah should quit reading Comic Books and follow the Messengers of Jehovah-Allah?
Every good country has the right to have one and very very small atomic bomb.
This is very much the case of Iran.
Not to make war, only to admire and be proud.
Why other have?
One or two, maximum three we must have too!
Not to make war, only to admire!
What would you say if a Rogue Terrorists Group took Control of an Iranian Nuclear Bomb and used it on another Nation, or on Tehran itself, such as ISIS? Iran’s Non-State Partners are not a Monolithic Bloc. Iran’s Network of Fighters in the Middle East aren’t always Loyal to Iran?
What would propose if a European Terrorists Group Stole Nuke Material and used it on Mecca, Rome, or Moscow. What is your Solution after a City or a Part of a Nation is Destroyed, by a Rogue Suicide Group, Wayward Military Officer, or a Nuclear Accident happen by some Nation not Capable of securing their Nuke Material and took out your Home while you were away?
Back to the point of Iranian-Hizballah concentrations, of course the concentrations get bombed a little, they are military. Cucumbers and tomatoes gatherers concentrations rarely get bombed, and then only by hail. We must also notice that there were no complains from the ayatollah or from Nasrallah. It means bombing is for good, because most of the parts concerned are relatively satisfied.
Only that, I must admit, it is pretty hard to imagine Netanyahu protesting only him, in contrast with the other two.
Iran’s Shiia “Yeshaya”, is “G-d Is Salvation” from Hebrew, just as Israel’s “Jehovah”, is, “I Am The Eternal Living One”, and Israel is the “Name And People Jacob, Grandson Of Abraham, for this name is Hebrew for, “Wrestled With G-d”, “El” and will be called, “Yisrael”, just as Saudi Arabia’s, “Sunnah”, is “A Path Way Manner Of Life”, is, “Al-ilāh”, which means “The G-d”, and is related to, “El” and “Elah”, the Hebrew and Aramaic words for G-d. The word “Allah” has been used by Arabic people of different religions since Pre-Islamic Times including King Cyrus of Persia. There would be no need for the Concentration of any Iranian Hezbollah Forces nor Attack upon them, since Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia Are All Worshipers of the Same One G-d!
Iranian troops and weapons must stay in within Iran’s borders, that’s for sure!
Why slip past borders?
No need, and no good.
But, we all know the fish starts to stink from the head…. why not change the leader?
America’s Shale Industry has reduced the Cost of Oil to $50.00 and Barrel and has the Largest Shale Natural Gas as well and can drive the Costs of Oil to $30 A Barrel that makes it difficult for Middle East no Longer Capable to Control the Price but actually can’t Out Produce America Capitalization Diversification Costs anymore either.
The Reason why President Trump spent much time in Buckingham Palace The United Kingdom Industries will be Revived as well with Huge Amounts of Shale Gas and Oil to be Fracked Including British Steel. At the same time, Renewable Energies Costs will drop as well, as Natural Gas is just a Transitional Solution. Either way, Nations with Capitalization Diversification Economies will Continue to Rule. Nations just with Oil Economies will fall behind unless they change!
Every year, both Shiia and Sunni Jihadi Groups Intentionally Choose to Ignore Abraham, Ishmael, and Mohammed Quran Teachings and carried out Terrorist Attacks in 30 Nations on Ramadan the Holiest Month for Muslims. In the last 3 years this amounted to of 3,391. Instead, Islamist’s Jihadist, Taliban and ISIS Misuse Mohammed Message on Ramadan Teaching Martyrdom are Rewarded in Paradise, when if the Used the True Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed Message from Jehovah-Allah Paradise could be created on Earth!
In the beginning there were three areas too many, A, B, and C; and there was no peace plan.
And God said “Let all jokes with palestine come to an end!”