US deploys 500 troops plus Patriots at Saudi airbase facing Iraq border
Bracing for the revival of Iran’s attacks on Gulf oil allies, the Trump administration has begun deploying troop reinforcements to Saudi Arabia. The first 500 troops of the 1,000 announced by the Pentagon arrived this week at the Prince Sultan Air Base east of the capital, US media reported on Thursday, July 18, along with several Patriot anti-air anti-missile batteries.
They landed the day after the pro-Iranian Yemeni Houthi insurgents claimed another drone attack on the southern Saudi Jizan regional airport. Intelligence reaching Washington reveals that pro-Iranian Iraqi Shiite militias are about to expand their participation in Tehran’s reprisals for US sanctions by mounting explosive drone attacks on Saudi Arabia or even missiles from across the Iraq border.
In London, the Royal Navy announced the dispatch of a third warship to the Gulf region as escorts for oil tankers. The HMS Kent guided missile frigate will follow the HNK Duncan which is on its way there.
DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources report that the positioning of the new US troop reinforcements opposite the Saudi border with Iraq is in preparation for Tehran to make Iraq its main launching pad for the coming spate of proxy attacks on American targets and US allies in the region. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was recently reported to be considering shuttering the US embassy in Baghdad and evacuating American diplomats from the country.
Our sources add that the next targets of Iran’s anti-American ire may include Israel and those attacks may also come from Iraq.
Israel must act urgent.
Ahmadinedjad – a victim of his mother’s abortion…
Good to see the Deployment and Iran can Seize Tankers but that just means more Hostages and still can’t Sale Oil nor remove Sanctions Escalations. Iran is still a problem and cannot Bully Anyone with Iran Hate and Calip-Hate and cannot Escape its Fate!
Iran a bully? This is just too stupid.
neyanyahu gece karanlığında irana kıtalararası nükleer füze atmalıdır bu konuyu netanyahuya söyleyin riica ediyorum
Free the Kurds! Kurdistan Now!
Sabbaghian Lives… Don’t be Worried or Upset, Iran can Seize Oil Tankers and still keep the Oil since they Can’t Sale or Transport it, Iran Can Collect Ships due to Iran’s Sins brought on Sanctions!
neyanyahu gece irana kıtalararası nükleer füze atmalıdır
No F35″S for Turkey , next step : out of NATO!!
Yes… Russian aircraft and muuuuch higher quality than those engineered and manufactured in the stable U.S. Crash crash, sink sink Jam Jam vodka vodka…Turkey should not be in NATO they clearly turn coats.
Take it from Ol’ Alexei…
Russian arms all end up the same way.
Engineered under duress and manufactured between Vodkas,
They crash crash, sink sink Jam Jam, but buy them by the boats.
Turkey should not be in NATO they are traitors and turn coats.
US missile defense is garbage
Huthis Missiles and drones bombing Saudi every day, now these idiots deploying in the nord
There are limitations to every weapon and/or defensive system. There is no country or region which has full coverage with ground-based anti-aircraft and/or anti-missile systems. I guarantee that Saudi Arabia does not have coverage for all its territory.
Also, we know that in some cases the anti-air/anti-missile systems function under a protocol where they don’t bother shooting down some low-risk targets.
Seriously, would you shoot a Patriot or a 40N6 at my little drone which might be able to carry and drop a grenade? It would be serious over-kill.
US missile systems are not at all garbage. They are also not 100% effective – especially if they are not used. In fact, the US and Israeli systems are arguably the best battle-tested and may be the most effective on Earth.
yes ,acting urgent from previous replyer I might be a cynic, but i think you will probably get that around time off his bibi inditments .
Here’s a new missile defense strategy – for every missile launched by Iran or their proxies against other nations, 10 missiles are launched on Tehran. Hmmmmmmm maybe that’ll work!!!!
Watch the Persians squirm and shake as they feel Donald Trump’s quake.
Donald Trump: AKA The Persian Strangler
Ahmadinejad-Sabbaghian Lives… Repeating Words Won’t Change Anything & Just A Sign of Denial Repeating the same thing Over and Over and Expecting a Different Results is the Definition of Insainty, We All Pray For Recovery on Steeps Hills of Calvary!
The ayatollahs are acting with the stubbornness of a donkey, and insidiousness of a rattle-snake
with its rattle on silencer…And the Mossad, (as an adviser to the U.S. military,) is totally aware of this.
Watch the Persians squirm and shake as they feel Donald Trump’s quake.
Donald Trump: AKA The Persian Strangler
Let us just Pray for Sabbaghian Lives, He is very Unhappy over what Iran Shiia Regime Occupiers Again!
Global Sanctions are working as seen by Iran’s Panic. There are 8,600 Ships under the Panamanian Flag & America has around 3,400 Vessels, mostly Inside USA Territorial Waters. Time to Tighten the Rope of Sanctions on Iran’s Shiia Sins Praying Persians to Change the Regime’s Caliphate of Hate!
I missed camp last week amid tech issues with my device. I got a better one now. how do I join?
All of this chaos because Trump is a Zionist stooge.
The chaos is due to hate and fanatism, dictatorial behaviour of Iranian refime and its proxies. Your envy and disconfort to see success, democracy and wealth by people who work and study, have freedom and democracy shows how much you hate yourself. Suck it. We who value human well being, happiness and democracy are very disturbing to hateful people like you. G’d bless Israel, America and western Civilization
The chaos is due to hate and fanatism from people loke you, as well as dictatorial behaviour of Iranian regime and its proxies. Your envy and disconfort to see success, democracy and wealth by people who work and study, have freedom and democracy shows how much you hate yourself. Suck it. We who value human well being, happiness and democracy are very disturbing to hateful people like you. G’d bless Israel, America and western Civilization
The chaos is due to hate and fanatism from people like you, as well as dictatorial behaviour of Iranian regime and its terrorist proxies. Your envy and disconfort to see success, democracy and wealth by people who work and study, have freedom and democracy shows how much you hate yourself. Suck it. We who value human well being, happiness and democracy are very disturbing to hateful people like you. G’d bless Israel, America and western Civilization. Until you stop mutilating and killing who is different than you, your soul if you have one will never be in peace, either here or with you tens of virgins.
@Patriotic American And you’re a troll
Sam, I am not a troll, just tried to post but got error message and then unfortunately repeated my comment 3 times.