Pence warns Egypt, Jordan: The Palestinians would pay more for continuing to fight Trump’s policies

DEBKAfile exclusive report: In an exceptionally stern warning, Vice President Mike Pence put Egyptian and Jordanian leaders on immediate notice to stop fighting President Donald Trump’s Palestinian policy and his decision to relocate the US embassy to Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Pence warned President Abdel-Fatteh El-Sisi and King Abdullah that, if they wanted to keep their good relations with President Trump and benefit from US economic and military assistance, they had better desist from their anti-Trump rhetoric and start playing ball with his approach to resolving the Palestinian-Israeli dispute. This was the main theme of his conversations with the two leaders in Cairo and Amman on Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 20-21.
The language Pence used in referring to the Palestinians was especially harsh, our sources reveal. He asked El-Sisi and Abdullah to convey a tough message to the Palestinian leaders, and Mahmoud Abbas in particular (who refused to receive him in Ramallah): If they continue to hurl insults at Trump, his decision to slash $60 m from the annual US budget for UNRWA projects for Palestinian refugees was just the beginning, he said. If it went on, Washington would block Palestinian Authority access to funding from western and international institutions. The message added: “If the Palestinians don’t cut it out forthwith, the administration will impose a total freeze on US economic assistance to the Palestinian Authority and embark on a reassessment of their relations. This process could drag on for many months or more, Pence warned, indicating that Washington-Ramallah ties would be put on ice in the interim.
In Cairo, Pence also discussed US-Egyptian cooperation in combating terror with the Egyptian President and in Amman, he affirmed US respect for the king’s role as custodian of the holy places in Jerusalem.

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57 thoughts on “Pence warns Egypt, Jordan: The Palestinians would pay more for continuing to fight Trump’s policies

  • Jan 21, 2018 @ 20:00 at 20:00

    Lev melachim vesarim beYad H’KBH! How wondrous it is to see Him fight for His nation. Thank you Hashem! Please let this be but the precursor to the geulah shleimah, may we merit it very soon!

    • Jan 21, 2018 @ 21:05 at 21:05

      It’s only a matter of time before that stern finger is pointing at our face. The heart of Paro was in Hashem’s hands, too.

      • Jan 21, 2018 @ 22:23 at 22:23

        Not so. Pence is a true friend. Trump .. who knows in the future?

        • Jan 27, 2018 @ 3:58 at 3:58

          Trump is the best friend Israel could ever have. Never forget that.
          Not like that idiot Obama who hates Israel and by extension Jews.
          Obama also hates America and all it stands for.
          He spent 8 years giving oral sex to every radial regime in the world and is actively undermining Israel’s friends, including the Trump administration
          America by and large loves Israel as well.
          Lastly, in the American people, Israel has a long lasting, true friend.
          Please always remember that only the liberals in America are delusional about loving Israel’s enemies.
          Making America Great Again is making Israel Great Again.
          MAGA MIGA !!!

      • Jan 21, 2018 @ 22:46 at 22:46

        Sorry, I’m a bit forgetful. Who is Paro and Hashem?

        • Jan 30, 2018 @ 3:36 at 3:36

          Paro = Pharoh

          Hashem = G-d (literal meaning is The Name)

      • Jan 22, 2018 @ 0:59 at 0:59

        Palestinianism is in full self-destruct mode. Abbas is cornered like a dog and threatening to burn down his own house, which he will probably do, in true “Palestinian” fashion.

        Trump is the first President who didnt delegate the Israeli-Arab file to the Globalist-run State Dept. We are witnessing the first truly pro-Israel Presidency ever.

        I agree with Eliyahu. 5778 is shaping up to be a year of “Netzach”, a final enduring victory for Israel 70 years after the exile officially ended.

        • Jan 22, 2018 @ 2:26 at 2:26

          no, the death of your idolatrous national image, jew bollocks.

          • Jan 22, 2018 @ 11:17 at 11:17

            “no, the death of your idolatrous national image, jew bollocks.”


            Your true anti-Semitism is showing———-once again!

            BTW, it appears that the “capital J” on your computer keyboard is not functioning, just like the “capital I” wasn’t always functional on one of your previous posts.
            This should be a matter of great concern and urgency on your part to get this resolved.

          • Jan 22, 2018 @ 19:51 at 19:51

            what a dumb, low iq, loser thing to say: I am a Jew. I served my nation in the army in 1947 and then, again, for the Korean war…and you, misfit, what have you done for anyone or anything other than showing what a loser you truly are

          • Jan 23, 2018 @ 11:24 at 11:24

            “what a dumb, low iq, loser thing to say: I am a Jew. I served my nation in the army in 1947 and then, again, for the Korean war…and you, misfit, what have you done for anyone or anything other than showing what a loser you truly are”

            @Phred————or————–@iVaN or @whom ever you are,

            If you are “iVaN” responding to my response to your previous comment——-you know, the one that went like this:

            ““no, the death of your idolatrous national image, jew bollocks.”

            Then explain why you had to change your name.
            If you’re not iVaN, then, based on my response to iVaN’s comment quoted above, YOUR comment shown above just makes no sense at all!
            If you are in fact iVaN (just using a different name this time), then, there is actually some good news here————-the “capital J” on your computer keyboard appears to now be working just fine———-good for you iVaN——- (or Phred)!

          • Jan 30, 2018 @ 3:40 at 3:40

            Is that iVAN like crazy Ivan?
            or like Yvonne the Russian
            Tranny ? I’m betting you’re the
            angry Tranny Homo with a little Nazi
            hat and Black Leather

        • Jan 22, 2018 @ 3:23 at 3:23

          Yes. We are in the jubilee now.

        • Jan 27, 2018 @ 4:03 at 4:03

          I hope you keep every inch of territory you won in the wars with the Arabs etc. and put in new settlements there.
          Don’t bak down and never appease your enemies. Ever !

          MAGA MINA !!!!

    • Jan 21, 2018 @ 23:32 at 23:32

      I wish I was still as naive like you,it is comforting to believe in such things but the bible like all religion is mythological fairy tales with zero evidence or proof to them.

      • Jan 22, 2018 @ 1:38 at 1:38

        Anonymous – You should read the news more often. The historical record contained in the Bible, for centuries mocked as “mythical”, is being verified with startling accuracy.

        • Jan 22, 2018 @ 7:19 at 7:19

          You really are an idiot to believe that fiction is real and allow baseless superstition to cloud your judgement.

          • Jan 22, 2018 @ 16:26 at 16:26

            Once again, the Biblical narrative is not baseless. It is being proven accurate with each new archeological discovery. Your refusal to acknowledge the mounting evidence is proof of your own clouded judgement.

          • Jan 29, 2018 @ 18:37 at 18:37

            I know its really difficult to appreciate Light and Its illuminations when still engulfed in darkness. Take a step out, Light is beautiful, I promise you.

        • Jan 27, 2018 @ 4:10 at 4:10

          In addition to accurate history, the Bible describes all sorts of problems with their solutions, and historical lessons to be learned.
          Additionally, the new testament describes 34 different kinds of healings Jesus performed, all of which are being replicated regularly across the world.
          All of this is the value of the Bible. it is the most valuable literature ever written.
          It can be problematic when certain parts of the Bible are taken literally as in some allegories it contains, but every part of the Bible has its purpose. Its those who just were never taught about the Bible that criticize it.
          I liked the conversion of Paul when he was persecuting the Jews and turned into an enormously influential student of the Christ and spread Christianity into Italy… healed a guy who fell three stories and died. Wonderful.

      • Jan 22, 2018 @ 23:57 at 23:57

        What or who do you believe in? Communism? Islamism? Terrorism? Leftism? Nothing? Nobody? Yourself?

      • Jan 28, 2018 @ 6:13 at 6:13

        Why don’t you study Daniel 9:25?

    • Jan 22, 2018 @ 3:20 at 3:20

      Totally. God bless Trump and Pence, who fight for Israel and Jerusalem! We christians of america voted for Trump because of his stand on Israel. We love the jewish people!!!

    • Jan 25, 2018 @ 16:02 at 16:02

      Baruch Hashem as a Chirstain I pray for that day also.

  • Jan 21, 2018 @ 23:29 at 23:29

    It is good to see an American president actually being forceful with the mixed-nations people that hate the apple of God’s eye. I only hope they continue their nasty rhetoric towards President Trump so that he punishes them further. It seems to me they have been coddled for far too long and need the stick in the worst way.

  • Jan 21, 2018 @ 23:51 at 23:51

    Some two years ago I predicted that Trump would receive the Republican Party nomination, then win the election, and with 100% probability. Such was based upon state-of-art science, being a combination of physics and mathematics in real application, not theoretical, though such remains, let us say, ABOVE TOP SECRET. This method of “predetermination” also indicated the 100% support Trump would give to Israel, beyond which no other POTUS in history has. I will reveal now that Trump will go down in world history as one of the greatest Presidents in USA history.

    From Israel’s viewpoint, “Trump’s got your back!”

    • Jan 22, 2018 @ 0:49 at 0:49

      I love it when a plan comes together.

    • Jan 29, 2018 @ 18:51 at 18:51

      I concur. Trump’s seeming unalloyed support for Israel is so comforting and highly commendable. As a Christian, I always pray for peace in Jerusalem, and I see that beginning to happening soon, though contrary to expectations of many. I also pray for the Lords help for Trump against the pukes from the media, especially in US.

  • Jan 22, 2018 @ 0:38 at 0:38

    The Palestinians really need to pay attention.

    • Jan 22, 2018 @ 5:54 at 5:54

      Ups, something is wrong with these “palestinians”!!
      I just found that there is no such a thing like a Palestinian dollar, and even more intriguing: it never was. Then I thought they do not call it “dollar”, so I start looking for a dictionary English to Palestinian but I found that there is no such a thing, and even more intriguing: it never was. Now I do not know what to believe, do Palestinians really exist, or is fake news?

      • Jan 22, 2018 @ 6:36 at 6:36

        Palis wishing to revise history and claim that Jerusalem and the Land of Israel are sacred soil to them are Fake Jews Trying to Make Fake News. The only true Palestinians were identified by the British 100 years ago. The ones called “Palestinians” by the Brits (remember they got a Mandate for Palestine after WWI ?) were ……..drum roll……
        The JEWS.

        And what did the Brits call the Arabs?
        Not Sand Monkeys, not Goat Fuggers, not Ragheads.
        They called them……..drum roll….
        Why are we not surprised?
        Because the British ALWAYS call a spade a spade and not a damn shovel.

        • Jan 22, 2018 @ 7:49 at 7:49


        • Jan 23, 2018 @ 10:59 at 10:59

          “And what did the Brits call the Arabs?
          Not Sand Monkeys, not Goat Fuggers, not Ragheads.
          They called them……..drum roll….
          Why are we not surprised?
          Because the British ALWAYS call a spade a spade and not a damn shovel.

          @Ivana Talya Tufakov,

          I’m so proud to be called by the British a “bloody Yank” !

      • Jan 22, 2018 @ 11:53 at 11:53

        ” so I start looking for a dictionary English to Palestinian but I found that there is no such a thing, and even more intriguing: it never was. Now I do not know what to believe, do Palestinians really exist, or is fake news?”

        @Nabuko Donosor

        The Arabs were are referred to as “Palestinians” are really totally indistinguishable from all other Arabs and their families actually originate from Syria, Lebanon, Jordan,Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Libya and other parts of the Middle East——not the land of Israel. As an example, Yasser Arafat was actually born in Egypt——-not Jerusalem! Note also that the Arab residents of what is referred to as the “West Bank” were known as Jordanians before June 1967 and the Arab residents of Gaza were known as Egyptians before June 1967.

        The Romans renamed that land “Palestine” (after they crushed the Jewish Revolt against Rome) in honor of the Philistines who had fought against the Jewish people in that land in ancient times. There is no connection what so ever between the Arabs referred to today as “Palestinians” and the ancient people who were called Philistines who themselves were not the indigenous people in that land.

        • Jan 22, 2018 @ 20:18 at 20:18

          Exactly right. No such place, no such people. The Philistines were of Greek stock, not semitic, and their kingdom was destroyed by Sennacharib the Assyrian about 730BC. In the aftermath of the Bar Kochba rebellion around 135 AD (or the Third Jewish War in the Roman history) it was decided that what had been designated as the province Judea on Roman maps, would instead be called “Palestina”, in an effort to humiliate the Jews, and to send a message to the rest of the Empire’s subject peoples entertaining any idea of rebelling. “Palestine”, “Palestinians”, and the “Palestinian” “cause” are all a 20th century con, perhaps the biggest con of all time.

          • Jan 22, 2018 @ 21:40 at 21:40

            You are mostly correct except that the Philistines were descendants of Egyptians not Greeks.

          • Jan 23, 2018 @ 0:45 at 0:45

            Right on ! “falastyn” nation is a clever invention of the mighty K.G.B. dis-information machine,
            following the 6 days war of 1967 – with only one aim and purpose: To perpetuate the arab-Israeli conflict indefinitely !..

  • Jan 22, 2018 @ 7:53 at 7:53

    Wouldn’t we all like this: King Trump and President Pence?

    Even if someone else brings Rabbi Nachman to Mt Zion and grabs the Crown of Messiah, they absolutely deserve the titles above anyways!

  • Jan 22, 2018 @ 10:16 at 10:16

    كس أمهاتكم

    ولاد قحبة مجموعة لقطاء خوات شرموطة

    • Jan 22, 2018 @ 15:20 at 15:20

      Thanks for the heads-up…

  • Jan 22, 2018 @ 11:30 at 11:30

    There is a “Palestinian” homeland: it’s called———–“Jordan”———-where their Queen awaits them!

  • Jan 22, 2018 @ 13:44 at 13:44

    Finally someone with a strong backbone and pride in the West rather than in Islamic terrorists.Congratulations for the much needed injection of truth, honesty, and assertion of our rights to live in a world free of terrorism and all the evil that goes with it.

    • Jan 22, 2018 @ 20:26 at 20:26

      Yes, finally. No more sissy boy Bushes, and the evil Clintons and Obamas that their stupid tip toeing, namby pamby political correctness brought to us. Destroy all Islamist regimes.

  • Jan 22, 2018 @ 15:40 at 15:40

    WATCH out Israel, the US WILL throw you under the bus when it’s convenient for them like they did many times before to other allies, ONLY question of time & circumstances !

  • Jan 22, 2018 @ 18:16 at 18:16

    Gerald Celente said: “When People Lose Everything, They Have Nothing Left To Lose, They Lose It”
    so this is like walking on the edge, it could backfire in a bad way

  • Jan 22, 2018 @ 19:05 at 19:05

    It seems that this is a long awaited for (8 years) correction. The pendulum swings and then swings back hard.

    • Jan 22, 2018 @ 20:29 at 20:29

      More like 25 years of all political correctness, all the time. The Bushes brought us Clinton and Obama. No more.

  • Jan 22, 2018 @ 23:32 at 23:32

    The Philistines did not descend from Egyptians. They were an offshoot of the Mycanean civilization, and came by sea ( which is what their name meant) giving the Egyptians lots of problems leading up to Moses’ time.

  • Jan 23, 2018 @ 2:36 at 2:36

    Donald Trump is the one and true Messiah.
    As a Luvabitcher, I pray for him much more than for the Rebe

  • Jan 23, 2018 @ 2:40 at 2:40

    I urge you, dear reader, to invest in the newest currency, the Palestinian Bitcoin, before it is too late.

  • Jan 23, 2018 @ 3:38 at 3:38

    Israel should do the same to the leftist who support the fakestinians. Cut off their funds now!

  • Jan 23, 2018 @ 23:26 at 23:26

    Note also that the Arab residents of what is referred to as the “West Bank” were known as Jordanians before June 1967 and the Arab residents of Gaza were known as Egyptians before June 1967.

    So send the Arabs in Shomron and Juda back to Jordan. As the Zahal cleared Gaza which was a big mistake (Gush Katif should have been there forever, as a protector against smuggling tunnels and to keep up a nice community) there are just the Arabs of the Territories to return to Jordan, or maybe they should be shipped to Gaza if they prefer or if they are violent.

  • Jan 24, 2018 @ 0:28 at 0:28

    Numbers 33/55:
    But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the Land from before you, then those whom you leave over will be as spikes in your eyes and thorns in your sides, and they will harass you in the land in which you settle.

  • Jan 27, 2018 @ 0:55 at 0:55

    Think you people need to check history, there is no objectivity in your opinions, just emotion.
    Can you hear it…it…it…it (fading) yep, thats an echo chamber!

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