Why doesn’t the IDF stop Hamas’ sinister kite terror?

A favorite children’s toy is degraded in Hamas hands to become a tool of terror and espionage.
Haim Yelin, a Knesset member who lives near the Gaza border, posted this message on Twitter on Saturday, May 5: “My friend this morning found a kite with a camera attached less than a kilometer from the Gaza border. Don’t make light of the kites. Don’t underestimate the enemy.” On Friday, military officials warned people living in this vicinity not to touch any of the kites, which are being tossed over at the rate of four or five a day, because some are booby-trapped with small, powerful explosive charges and could cause loss of life. The kite protest has deteriorated into kite terror.

Images broadcast from the Gaza Strip depict a major kite industry in development with four different products: Flaming kites, which have set fire to many acres of farmland and natural vegetation; kites carrying small gas canisters; kites with cameras and kites with explosives. The IDF’s initial attempt to loft small drones to intercept them failed. Hamas militants threw rocks at the drones and even when they collided with their targets, both blew up.

The military promises a solution within two weeks for dealing with this ingenious, cheap, low-tech device. For four weeks, it has challenged a high-tech army which was able to beat Hamas terror tunnels and rockets. So why doesn’t the IDF simply go in and smash the workshops turning out the sinister kites or the trucks hauling them to the border?

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46 thoughts on “Why doesn’t the IDF stop Hamas’ sinister kite terror?

  • May 5, 2018 @ 18:38 at 18:38

    Who large a threat are these kites really at best they will have the ability to fly just a few hundred meters over the Gaza fence.

    It seems for likely that the IDF is trying to distract attention from the large number of unarmed woman and children that they have wounded and killed.

    How many IDF soldiers have been charged and prosecuted for these war crimes?

    The answer of cause is none.

    • May 5, 2018 @ 19:17 at 19:17

      Israel triés not to kill children and women, but when they are used as human shields by hamas terrorists to launch bombs, sometimes there is no choice. Every other country would do the same.

      • May 6, 2018 @ 10:25 at 10:25

        with all your hostages, you write such tooth fairy lies? only children believe.

    • May 5, 2018 @ 21:31 at 21:31

      If anyone is going to be prosecuted it is you. Let’s try membership in a terrorist organizaion and for from there, shall we?

      • May 5, 2018 @ 22:42 at 22:42

        Sigh, why is it whenever someone has a non pro Israeli view that they must either be a Nazi, antisemitic or terrorist?

        I hope you realizes how much damage this has done to your pro Israeli narrative and how foolish it make you appear.

        I used to be pro Israeli but its this type of idiotic response that had caused be to not just question but discard that pro Israeli view point.

        • May 6, 2018 @ 4:01 at 4:01

          Toby is either a libtard in his safe space being a little snowflake or he is a Russian sympathizer on there payroll, either way, piss off back to cnn, msnbc, or Russia today.

        • May 6, 2018 @ 10:33 at 10:33

          me too. to think that, as an ignorant child, i stood up to genuine people who showed me real hospitality and respect, who frankly new far better than me, to defend a racist charlatan and murderer entity such as the so called ‘Israel’ state. never again.

        • May 7, 2018 @ 14:31 at 14:31

          You are not alone. Many agrees with you Toby.

    • May 6, 2018 @ 22:40 at 22:40

      Moral Equivalence does not work for me, so knock that crap off, You are wrong.

      Hamas are Terrorists and the people who vote them in are very LUCKY that Israel does not act like any other Govt would, and destroy the entire enclave en masse. Look at Dagestan right now.

      Using children, women as Cannon Fodder (look it up) and storing Arms/weapons in hospitals, mosques, schools, Red Crescent ambulances,is disgusting and makes them 100% responsible. The fatalities are almost all Hamas members and if they invade Israel, it’s at their peril

    • May 7, 2018 @ 7:40 at 7:40

      Maybe if people would allow the Jews to live in their country in peace, without people attempting to destroy them since 1948, that may happen.

    • May 7, 2018 @ 14:28 at 14:28

      Good analysis and question.

  • May 5, 2018 @ 18:48 at 18:48

    Meant to also say that if you steal someone else’s land and then treat them as dirt and lock them up I’m a open air camp is it any wonder that they resist their aggressor’s.

    I agree that shooting rockets over the boarder is insane, but where is the international army to bring democracy to Israel?

    Why do we fund violent uprising’s to bring democracy but exclude Israel? Israel companies about other countries supposed nuclear programs and yet the world ignores Israel’s.

    Is this not the hight of hypocrisy?

    I’m sad to say that Israel is far from blameless, treat the native people equally before the law, give them back their land, provide reparations or risk been hauled before a Nuremberg type tribunal one day.

    • May 5, 2018 @ 19:14 at 19:14

      Oh boy you are sooo naive. Let s start by the fact that so called ” palestinians”are just a crowd of beduins /goatkeepers/nomads from syrian, egyptian or jordanian descent tjat have never beem a people of their own, or at least since the jewish people has come to his land. In fact these comcept has been artificiallly created by arab countries and kgb in order to delegitimize the jewish people link to his ancestral lands, just like like the romans did by inventing the term palestina, in place of using judea samaria. If there are native people, they are the jewish people. These arabs have strictly no rights on this land.

      • May 5, 2018 @ 20:21 at 20:21

        I’m not referring to the Jews that were living in Palestinian. No one can dispute their connection to the land.

        What I am referring to is the European Jews that have no connection to the land what so ever other than they happen to practice the Jewish faith.

        Its these European Jews that the native people are been forcefully evicted from their land to make space for these foreign settlers. I don’t have any issue with these people wanting to settle in Palestinian and buying land from the native people.

        But since these native people have been cleared out by the barrel of a gun I don’t see have anyone can say that this was fair, reasonable or morale.

        Its no different in my opinion to the Natzi government taking Jewish property and providing it to the ethnic German people.
        Though even this example is not equivalent as the European Jewish setters are not native to the land. DNA tests that these European settlers originated not from the middle east but 2000km to the north in the area by the black sea called Khazaria. They then migreatwd into Europe in the 12’th century.

        My point I guess is the new Jews that arrived in Palestinian did not buy land but ethnicity cleansed the area taking the land from the native people.

        I’ve heard arguments that this was legal became the British provided the land to Jews to live. But once again how can one country give another peoples county to a third party?

        Its like American invading Iraq and then giving parts of Iraq to the UK or Israel?

        The UN charter guarantees every people the right to self determination, property etc. These basic rights as far as I can see have not been honored here.

        As far as I can see it the rule of the jungle where might makes right sprinkled in with some religious ideologies and intolerance.

        I hope you can see where I am coming from and why I see this as such an injustice.

        • May 6, 2018 @ 15:36 at 15:36

          IF your argument is based on kazahris, your arguments are fake!

          • May 6, 2018 @ 19:50 at 19:50

            Really? Strange how modern DNA studies shows that most of the Jewish population of northern and eastern Europe – normally known as Ashkenazic Jews – are the descendants of Greeks, Iranians and others who colonized what is now northern Turkey more than 2000 years ago and were then converted to Judaism, probably in the first few centuries AD by Jews from Persia.

            Just a reminder that faith without evidence is called “blind faith” for a reason. You welcome to stick your head in the sand and refuse to accept the scientific evidence.

            However the point of what I said was that those Jews that continue to live in Palestinian of cause have a right to be there. Those who had lived there hundreds of years before and ran away / left or converted have not right centuries later to come and force the current people off their land at the point of a gun.

            I understand the desire for the Jews to want to find a place to live were their business / religious practices would not cause them to be hated / kicked out of states (believe 109+ times). However by that logic anyone who’s ancestors were found to be in a location at a earlier time and then LEFT that area could come along and kick out the Jewish colonists.

            This is a receipt for conflict and war as is now been seen in the land of Palestine.

            Equally as I said before I don’t think that most people care that the Jewish population from Europe is now in the Land of Palestine. The issue is HOW it was done. Had they bought land from the locals no one would case.

            The point is that the Jewish colonists did not, they forced the indigenous population out at the barrel of a gun.

            Ethic cleaning is NEVER OK, ITS a WAR CRIME…

          • May 7, 2018 @ 17:31 at 17:31


            If there was ethnic cleansing of Arabs in Israel, then the population of Arab Muslims in Israel would be ZERO.

            How many Muslims and mosques are in Israel today????

            BTW, how many Muslims and mosques were in Jewish Jerusalem when Jewish Jesus walked the streets of Jewish Jerusalem??????????

            Let’s see how HONEST Toby is.

      • May 6, 2018 @ 10:38 at 10:38

        May 5, 2018 @ 19:14

        and the defense is more racism slander and tyranny…lol…these fools are destroying themselves.

        “The contradiction between the letter of the Covenant of the League of Nations and the policy of the Allies is even more flagrant in the case of the independent nation of Palestine than in that of the independent nation of Syria. For, in Palestine we do not propose even to go through the form of consulting the wishes of the present inhabitants of the country. The four great powers are committed to Zionism and Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age-long tradition, in present needs, in future hopes, of far profounder import than the desires and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land. In my opinion that is right. What I have never been able to understand is how it can be harmonised with the Anglo-French declaration, the Covenant, or the instructions to the commission of Enquiry… In fact, so far as Palestine is concerned, the powers have made no statement of fact that is not admittedly wrong, and no declaration of policy which, at least in the letter, they have not always intended to violate.”
        (Arthur James Balfour, August 1919)


        1919, Balfour to Curzon‘The weak point of our position is of course that in the case of Palestine we deliberately and rightly decline to accept the principle of self-determination.’


        1919 Curzon, to Balfour warns: Weizmann contemplates a Jewish state, a Jewish nation, a subordinate population of Arabs, …trying to effect this behind the screen and under the shelter of British trusteeship. Ingram p58


        1919 Balfour to Curzon ‘in Palestine we do not propose even to go through the form of consulting the wishes of the present inhabitants of the country….The Four Great Powers are committed to Zionism. And Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age-long traditions, in present needs, in future hopes, of far profounder import than the desires and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land………. In short, so far as Palestine is concerned, the Powers have made no statement of fact which is not admittedly wrong, and no declaration of policy which, at least in the letter, they have not always intended to violate. Ingram p73


        1919 ‘Palestine should be excluded from the terms of reference because the Powers (have) committed themselves to the Zionist programme, which inevitably excluded numerical self-determination. Palestine present(s) a unique situation. We are dealing not with the wishes of an existing community but are consciously seeking to reconstitute a new community and definitely building for a numerical majority in the future.’ British Government, Public Records Office, Foreign Office No 371/4183, 1919

    • May 6, 2018 @ 10:26 at 10:26

      “—————but where is the international army to bring democracy to Israel?”
      “—————Why do we fund violent uprising’s to bring democracy but exclude Israel?”
      “I’m sad to say that Israel is far from blameless, treat the native people equally before the law, give them back their land, provide reparations or risk been hauled before a Nuremberg type tribunal one day.”

      Just wanted to inform you that the State of Israel is a Democracy where their leaders are voted into office on a regular basis by all of the citizens of Israel——all inclusive.
      Just try that in Syria or even in the territories under control of the Palestinian Authority, where there hasn’t been anything near an “election” in many years!
      The so called Palestinians are not the “native people” of that land but are there as a result of Muslim invasions into that land. Their clans actually originated from Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Libya and the Arabian peninsula. In fact, Yasser Arafat was actually born in Egypt, not Jerusalem!
      All of the archaeology and surviving documents support the fact that that land has belonged to the Jewish people for well over 3000 years!

      • May 6, 2018 @ 12:13 at 12:13

        ‘…the State of Israel is a Democracy’

        and thus the guilt of it is on you all.

        ‘…that land has belonged to the Jewish people for well over 3000 years!’

        Rubbish, it is the house of Jacob. Jacob who married Syrians. The son of a Syrian. Jacob who had many sons. One was Yehudah, who left his family, and his land, in disgrace, to the marry the daughter of a rich man, ‘bat Shua’. Shua, the adullamite. yehudah who sought the life of G-ds prophet, Joseph. jews are not a nation, they are an ethno religious sect of Hebrews. You are neither Hebrews nor Yehudim.

      • May 6, 2018 @ 19:58 at 19:58

        All of the archaeology and surviving documents support the fact that that land has belonged to the Jewish people for well over 3000 years!


        The Jews ran away, left, moved on…

        If they were still there they would have not had to come back….

        Or is your logic that Jews are special and even though they ran away, left, moved on that the land still belongs to them?

        My that logic does that the Palestinians claim to the land even stronger? Your Torah, foke lore,story book or what ever you want to call it says that thousands of years ago you fell on the inhabitants as a plague killing most of them.

        Yes, you are trying to do that again…

        But the point is if prior claim has priority then even by your supposed history the Palestinians would have prior claim.

        • May 7, 2018 @ 17:40 at 17:40


          The Jews were in Israel, the West Bank of the Jordan BEFORE moohammed came on the scene 1,400 years ago and invaded lands all over the place, even attacking Europe – but they were repelled at the gates of Vienna.

  • May 5, 2018 @ 21:31 at 21:31

    Let’s stop whining and complaining about colonialism. What’s done is done!!! Israel is & forever will be the Jewish State. The “Indians” in America yielded; now there’s less/no aggression against them (they live in peace). The paleswinians should take notes, or sit back & inhale chlorine gas smoke.

    • May 5, 2018 @ 23:05 at 23:05

      I agree this part of your statement, what is done is done. I agree that the conflict must be ended and the Palestinians integrated as equals into Israeli society.

      A single multicultural society is what is needed.

      However the implication that unless the Palestinians submit to Israeli aggression that Israel should exterminate them via chemical weapons is sick. Ive seen this view many times on YouTube expressed by the religious types.

      I just have to hope that your view is not representative of the mainstream Israeli. If it is then you really are a lost people.

      Could you imagine how Israel would be viewed if ever something like this occurred? I’d expect to see Jews been killed on the streets around the world.

      Equally it would be the death of the pro Israeli lobby and the beginning of a pro Arab policy coupled with a anti Zionist witch hunt in the West. Within a few years I’d expect the same horror done to the Jews in Israel as the western armed and funded Arab armies occupy Israel.

      If this were to occur after the genocide that Israel performed no one would intervene, rather I’d expect it would become a source of humor.

      What a horrible future that would be for all. Unfortunately there are bloodthirsty madmen on every side. Its genocidal views like yours that will end up leading to the destruction of Israel.

      • May 6, 2018 @ 10:37 at 10:37

        ” I’d expect to see Jews been killed on the streets around the world.”


        Is that what you’re really hoping for, Toby ?
        Your post clearly shows that you’ve gone well beyond being just “Naive”, Toby!

        • May 6, 2018 @ 20:36 at 20:36

          Lol seriously…

          You are either lacking in integrity or intelligence.

          You took a single line out of the entire response and misrepresent it. Its no wonder that Israel has the social problems that it does.

          So to set the record straight.

          IsReal posted:
          Let’s stop whining and complaining about colonialism. What’s done is done!!! Israel is & forever will be the Jewish State. The “Indians” in America yielded; now there’s less/no aggression against them (they live in peace). The paleswinians should take notes, or sit back & inhale chlorine gas smoke.

          I took issue with his statement that the Palestinians should submit or be exterminated by “inhale chlorine gas smoke.”

          To this point my response was:

          However the implication that unless the Palestinians submit to Israeli aggression that Israel should exterminate them via chemical weapons is sick. Ive seen this view many times on YouTube expressed by the religious types.

          I just have to hope that your view is not representative of the mainstream Israeli. If it is then you really are a lost people.

          Could you imagine how Israel would be viewed if ever something like this occurred? I’d expect to see Jews been killed on the streets around the world.

          Equally it would be the death of the pro Israeli lobby and the beginning of a pro Arab policy coupled with a anti Zionist witch hunt in the West. Within a few years I’d expect the same horror done to the Jews in Israel as the western armed and funded Arab armies occupy Israel.

          If this were to occur after the genocide that Israel performed no one would intervene, rather I’d expect it would become a source of humor.

          What a horrible future that would be for all. Unfortunately there are bloodthirsty madmen on every side. Its genocidal views like yours that will end up leading to the destruction of Israel.

          May 6, 2018 @ 10:37 at 10:37
          ” I’d expect to see Jews been killed on the streets around the world.”


          Is that what you’re really hoping for, Toby ?
          Your post clearly shows that you’ve gone well beyond being just “Naive”, Toby!

          Leave a Reply Cancel reply
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          Lol seriously…

          You are either lacking in integrity or intelligence.

          You took a single line out of the entire response and misrepresent it. Its no wonder that Israel has the social problems that it does.

          So to set the record straight.

          IsReal posted:
          Let’s stop whining and complaining about colonialism. What’s done is done!!! Israel is & forever will be the Jewish State. The “Indians” in America yielded; now there’s less/no aggression against them (they live in peace). The paleswinians should take notes, or sit back & inhale chlorine gas smoke.

          I took issue with his statement that the Palestinians should submit or be exterminated by “inhale chlorine gas smoke.”

          Mass murder, genocide is never acceptable though looking at the normal pro Israel posts on this site it seems as though the murder of non Jewish people is something to be celebrated and encouraged.

          It would be nice to know if these are the views of Jews, Christian Zionists or just the insane ravings of those you get off on death and destruction.

          It matters which really as anyone rejoicing in the deaths of others is deeply disturbed.

          Getting back to my reply to the genocidal insanity of the comment that I was replying to:

          However the implication that unless the Palestinians submit to Israeli aggression that Israel should exterminate them via chemical weapons is sick. Ive seen this view many times on YouTube expressed by the religious types.

          I just have to hope that your view is not representative of the mainstream Israeli. If it is then you really are a lost people.

          Could you imagine how Israel would be viewed if ever something like this occurred? I’d expect to see Jews been killed on the streets around the world.

          Equally it would be the death of the pro Israeli lobby and the beginning of a pro Arab policy coupled with a anti Zionist witch hunt in the West. Within a few years I’d expect the same horror done to the Jews in Israel as the western armed and funded Arab armies occupy Israel.

          If this were to occur after the genocide that Israel performed no one would intervene, rather I’d expect it would become a source of humor.

          What a horrible future that would be for all. Unfortunately there are bloodthirsty madmen on every side. Its genocidal views like yours that will end up leading to the destruction of Israel.

          To break the above down for the slow of mind. Europe has a very small number of Jews vs Muslims at this time.

          If Israel commuted genocide of the Palestinians via the use of chlorine or other WMD don’t you think that the Muslims in Europe would look to even the score?

          So be that breaking into the homes of Jews, attacking them on the street, killing them enmass in locations that they frequent.

          If several million Muslims decided to seek revenge for there Muslim brothers killed by Jews in Israel would the state be able to stop it before very large numbers of Jews were killed?

          For that matter would it ever end.

          Equally important is how would the Europeans view Jews after there genocide of the Palestinians.

          My view is that Jews will become a group that no one would want to be seen to be associated with. That and based on simple voting numbers of the Muslims could quickly see legislation changed and Jews moved back into “Jewish only areas” like occurred on Warsaw during WW2.
          Political changes could potentially even require that Jews be removed from Europe.

          Arms supply, military support for Israel would quickly be ended and very likely that Europe will seek to aid the Arab states.

          Cut off from aid, probably sanctions applied to any Israeli products Israel would slowly die economically.

          Its a small country and when the inevitable Arab army assault takes place there will be no massive resupply effort as in 1973.

          Rather the world will sit back and eat popcorn while the Arab armies reduce the Israeli cities to rubble.

          Do I want to see this happen, of cause NOT. If Israel ever brought about this reality they would have no one to blame but them selves.

      • May 14, 2018 @ 14:30 at 14:30

        Toby……Yet, if Hamas had the capability to “gas” all of Israel….you don’t think they would? Israel uses deterrents, Hamas uses terrorism. You have blinders on. Hamas, with help from Israel has had every opportunity to make Gaza a better place….to move forward to an era of peace…where perhaps a dialogue could then be engaged to bring a better quality of life to ALL. But no, Hamas takes every dime from donors far and wide and put it’s into tunnels, kites and rockets. Hamas, doesn’t represent peace or prosperity, they represent destruction and death….and nothing else.

    • May 6, 2018 @ 10:41 at 10:41

      oy vey! always mit ze gas!

  • May 5, 2018 @ 21:41 at 21:41

    No 1 is evicting paleswinians! There’s plenty of dirt to build on in Israel. Beautiful land, from Eilat to the Golan. As far as the PLO, the only thing they libarate is funds from the AB to pay the victims of terrorist attacks. Lol such idiots. libarate Deez Nutz.

  • May 6, 2018 @ 1:35 at 1:35

    Given the most recent chain of kite victories against IDF, the peace treaty of Hamas to impose on Israel will be shortly presented in a press conference by Ismail Haniyeh.

    • May 6, 2018 @ 3:02 at 3:02

      But it is not clear why are all those people with black condoms over their heads, in appearance there is nothing sexual, or perhaps is only to emphasize they are motherfukers?

  • May 6, 2018 @ 6:46 at 6:46

    Hamas victory is near, let us clear the battlefield to permit a complete and easy crush of IDF.
    I call on all civilians from Gaza to temporarily leave the area for one or 2 months, as much as possible further away from the war zone.
    The great return will be sweet, all Israelis goods will be waiting for the victorious people to take in possession.

    • May 6, 2018 @ 10:46 at 10:46

      “I call on all civilians from Gaza to temporarily leave the area for one or 2 months”


      Let’s take that one step further and have them remain in Egypt permanently——where they belong, since the residents of Gaza were Egyptian citizens prior to June 1967!

    • May 6, 2018 @ 17:00 at 17:00

      Yeah, that’s what the Arabs told each other in 1947-48. How’d at work out?

  • May 6, 2018 @ 10:40 at 10:40

    Incinerate the kites with Lazer guns

  • May 6, 2018 @ 11:24 at 11:24

    If you don’t want to let skeet shooters take down the kites…
    Please consider arming the drones with shotgun shells loaded with rock salt
    This would shred the kites
    And would be a non lethal technique to response to the kite flyers

  • May 6, 2018 @ 15:17 at 15:17

    Two drones flying in parallel, dragging a single snare line between them with a sharpened element at the center of the snare so to cut each kite from its mooring in Gaza

  • May 6, 2018 @ 15:50 at 15:50

    The snare line would probably drag down the drones

  • May 6, 2018 @ 15:53 at 15:53

    Skeet shooters are still your best bet

    • May 7, 2018 @ 17:19 at 17:19


      BTW the Taliban banned kite flying. Really.

  • May 6, 2018 @ 17:55 at 17:55

    Drones should fire incendiary devices at the kites.

  • May 7, 2018 @ 3:35 at 3:35

    Israel could hire some Brazilians. Simple as that. Here in Brazil we have a kind of “war” for air superiority in each and every neighborhood that have kids and youngsters.
    The goal of this war is to remain alone in the skies with your kite.

    How do they beat the competition?
    Simple. They use a mixture of fine glass powder and glue, and apply this mixture to the kite line, so the line becomes a deadly cutter as any sword.
    Now the kite operator can pursue its opponent and use its speed and angle to make the lines to cross, and cu the other line, making the other kite to fall away.

    If you need assistance, I m glad to go to Israel to help putting down those scumbags.

  • May 7, 2018 @ 4:41 at 4:41

    I see 2 clowns here today to entertain us today: Toby and a mocked one. Funny it’s the same person aka ivan.
    As on the subject the palestinian arabs are using children’s toys to terrorize the only democracy in the Middle East. I wish all palestian sympathizers to imagine their own children finding a toy like this somewhere in a park and trying to reach it. Sleep well tonight dear sympathizers.

  • May 7, 2018 @ 6:37 at 6:37

    Instead if killing each other, they are flying kites against the “ennemy”. You see there is always a good positive point.

    • May 7, 2018 @ 7:11 at 7:11

      The IDF are probably positive people, since they want to give Palestinian Peace a chance. We all know what they would do to each other without the IDF.

  • May 14, 2018 @ 14:05 at 14:05

    The Jews as a people include all people who are Jewish according to the laws of Judaism. The nation as a whole is connected to the land, even if you will cite some unreferenced scientific DNA studies that certain groups have nothing to do with the Jews who used to live there. EVEN if you grant that doubtful theory, it’s irrelevant because you can’t ignore that many, if not the majority are definitely descendants from the original recipients of God’s gift.

    Since Jewish law includes as Jews the other Jews who you may argue are converts or imposters, the Jewish nation as a whole is more than entitled to invite them to stay on their God given land.

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