Abbas to dissolve Palestinian Authority, revoke recognition of Israel – urges Hamas to join harsh new line
The Israeli security cabinet meeting Sunday, Aug. 5, resolved not to revise its counter-terror policy for Gaza in response to the UN-Egyptian truce plan. The statement the cabinet issued: “The IDF is prepared for any scenario” – means that an effort will be made for now to avoid triggering a major conflagration by an escalated response to the Hamas’ kite-cum-balloon offensive. The ministers acted on the advice of the IDF chief Lt. Gen. Gady Eisenkot, who proposed continuing the measured policy of restraint, in light of reports coming in from Gaza City that most Hamas leaders were themselves keen on a ceasefire and the opening of the border crossings to Israel and Egypt and for that reason would let their arson campaign peter out. Furthermore, the broad plan, advanced by the UN emissary and Egypt for a long-term truce in Gaza, with provisions for alleviating the population’s hardships under Hamas rule, has collapsed after less than a week. Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) not only vetoed the entire project, he went a lot further; he adopted an extreme rejectionist position against Israel and is urging Hamas to come aboard. He argues that neither the UN nor Egypt should determine the fate of the Gaza Strip, but only the Palestinians themselves.
Abu Mazen’s first step has been to encourage Hamas to continue its assaults on Israel and not accept a ceasefire. It is the first time that the PA leader has openly allied himself with the rival Hamas’ March of Return and terror by incendiary kites and balloons. His next step will be to declare the Palestinian Authority dissolved, followed by the suspension of Palestinian recognition of Israel and the annulment of the 1993 Oslo interim peace accords. In view of the hardening of the Palestinian anti-Israel line, Israel’s policy of restraint and containment of terror may prove to be untenable.
I love PLO
I Love yassir Arafat
I love my oncle Mahmoad Abbas
He is a ture palestinian peole , the state of pleastine will come soon
The jews must convert to islam or become chrisitan.
you can go to hell to pig muhammad the pedophile. the muslim should go to hell to satan allah
Salman Rushdie Satanic Verses proves the muslim worship satan
You didn’t actually read that book, did you? It’s got nothing to do with Satan worship.
abbas hamas pig and you the second pig the muslim should go to hell
Love people, they are not pigs.
The greatest Rabbi taught:
“Gentiles with whom we are not at war: One must not directly cause their death, but it is forbidden to save them if they are about to die. For example, if one sees a Gentile falling into the sea, it is forbidden to pull him out, for in Leviticus 19:16 it says, ‘You shall not stand by the blood of your neighbor’, and that Gentile is not considered your neighbor.” –
Yad ha-chazaka, the Laws of Murder and Protection of Life.
The same word for ‘neighbor’ is used in Leviticus 19:18 in the famous phrase which says, “Love your neighbor as yourself”; but what this is telling Jews is that since a Gentile is not really a neighbor, they must be left to die.
Freud wrote:
“I am, you know, cured of the last shred of my predilection for the Aryan cause, and would like to take it that if the child turned out to be a boy he will develop into a stalwart Zionist. He or she must be dark in any case, no more towheads. Let US banish all these will-o’-the-wisps”
Jewish doctors in Auschwitz were almost always assigned to the camp infirmary and placed in the moral dilemma of serving under German doctors. These Jewish doctors endured an “agony of conscience” as they were ordered to help prevent the spread of disease from Jewish inmates to German captors, for free.
Maimonides said, “One is not permitted to heal Gentiles, even for payment. But if the Jewish doctor is afraid of them, or if there is concern about arousing hostility, then he may heal for payment, but not free of charge.”
Yad ha-chazaka, Laws of Idolatry chapter 10 verse 2.
Joseph Caro, who compiled the Shulchan Aruch, which is the basic “set table” or codification of chalakik Jewish law, said this: “A woman in birth is considered like a sick person whose life is in danger, for whom the Sabbath may be violated for any of her needs in giving birth to her child, such as lighting a candle; but one must not assist a non-Jewish woman in giving birth on the Sabbath.”
Shulchan Aruch, Or Hayim, Law of the Sabbath 330:1, 2.
Interestingly all the above comments on Jewish law incite, are libelous and offensive. One should look very carefully at the Hebrew language .The rabbinic law is to assist the gentile in his time of need.
The correct translation OF Yad ha-chazaka, Laws of Idolatry chapter 10 verse 2. is :
From the above, we can infer that it is forbidden to offer medical treatment to an IDOLATER even when offered a wage. If, however, one is afraid of the consequences or fears that ill feeling will be aroused, one may treat them for a wage, but to treat them free is forbidden.
[With regard to] a ger toshav,[ NEIGHBOUR] since we are commanded to secure his well-being, he may be given medical treatment at no cost.
With regard to a gentile the ruling can be summed up as follows:
Rav Ahron Soloveichik cites numerous sources regarding the status of ben noach and ger toshav, leading to the conclusion that saving the life of a gentile is warranted based on the notion that saving the life of a gentile mandates Shabbat violation on substantive grounds. [ The rule of PIKUACH NEFESH always takes preference no matter the patient.]
In your wet dream!!!
In the 70 years of being led by corruption you Mohammedans keep expecting different results from doing the same thing that haven’t worked in 70 years. Einstein called that insanity.
Now stop occupying Israel and get off our land!
Well said
Once again, the Palestinian Leadership rejects Peace and prefers Conflicts, Refugee Status and Hate towards a Lasting Good Neighbor Peace. Arab, Palestinians-Fatah, Iranian’s-Servant Hamas have rejected UN Resolution 181 that would have created 2 Independent State In Western Palestine but have been rejected Palestinians 12 Times since 1937.
1. Palestinians Rejected July 1937 British Peel Commission 3 Way Division 1. Arab State, 2. Jewish State and 3. Internationalization Jerusalem. While the Jews in Judea were extremely unhappy with the proposed land division, they were open to negotiations. The PLO rejected this proposal out of hand.
2. Palestinians Rejected in 1947 UN Resolution 181Plan , proposed dividing 7 sections, with 3 each going to the Jews and Arabs, and 1 surrounding a Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem. Jewish Establishment Accepted Palestinians Leaders Rejected the Plan.
3. Great Britain on Independence Day, May 15, 1948, was a signal to Arab and Palestinians Armies to invade Jewish Areas, to capture, divide and annex the territory for themselves with removal of all Jews afterward resembled Hitler’s Final Solution.
4. Palestinians Rejected a 1949 Armistice between the Arab Armies and Israel, whereby Approximately 25% Land West of the Jordan River remained in Arab Control following Armistice agreements but refused a State.
5. The 1964 Founding of the Palestine State never led to a state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, but focused solely on the Elimination of Israel.
6. After the 1967 6-Day War with Israel’s Decisive Victory Israel’s National Unity Government, including Menachem Begin, Voted to return Land and in exchange for Peace. The Palestinians joined the rest of the Arab World at the Khartoum Arab Summit responding No Peace, No Recognition & no negotiation with Israel.
7. The 1979 Camp David Peace Accords offered the Palestinians Full Autonomy as a Preset to full Independence but it was Rejected for any discussions.
8. In 1993 at the Oslo Accords the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements signed by Israeli Prime Minister Rabin and Palestinians Arafat but the Process was disrupted by Wave of Palestinian Terrorism instigated by Arafat’s Palestinians Administration.
9. At the 2000 Camp David Summit Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offer 95% of the West Bank and Gaza Strip to the Palestinian Authority an Independent State. Arafat did not take advantage of this opportunity.
10. Prime Minister Olmert at the Taba Summit offered a Peace Deal to Arafat and it was rejected on January 3, 2001 once again.
11. Israel’s Unilateral Withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in March 2006, the Palestinians could have declared the beginnings of a State but chose to launch Rockets at Israeli Civilians and rejecting any 3 or 4 State solution.
12. Israel’s Prime Minister Ehud Olmert offered 99.5% of the West Bank and Gaza and to share Jerusalem, but Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas refused any discussion in September 2008.
The Factual Truth is that the Palestinians at all times could have engaged with any part of any UN, Third Party, European, White House and Israeli Proposals, all they had to do was offer a Counter-Proposal. They never did.
The only thing anyone can count upon is the History of the Palestinians rejecting any Opportunity for a Peaceful Solution with Israel anytime Today or Tomorrow as seen in over 70 Years of Yesterdays.
Shalom Ginger,
Thank you for your post. The “palestinians” never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. This time they have shot themselves in the foot big time. HaShem will soon allow them to leave Israel permanently one way or another. They can accept money to help them relocate or they will be relocated by the IDF dead or alive.
Although there won’t be a Second Iran Deal the Iranian Robes Regime are still in major trouble beset with a hosts of troubles within Iran and outside of Iran. Incapable of keeping Funding Commitment and Resources to Surrogates Fighters it can no longer keep nor provide. This is perhaps the dirtiest, most corrupt political group in Middle Eastern History as being Blackguard Liars, Hypocrites and a stench in the Nostrils of Honest Men. They will sooner or later be hung from Extendable Cranes attached to Police Trucks by the Persian People to leave their Carcass’ for the Persian Long-legged Buzzards. The Young Persian People are now seeing see the Robes Robbers are ordering more Battles lost than Battles won with having the Youthful Intuition, saying it’s all for the Robes Regime Fun. They are Protesting with fixed Arrogant Eyes when asking suc Cross-Questions and Hearing such Crooked Answers from the robes that they won’t understand, and they may as well not try as they closed up like a fan swallowing secret burning threads that cuts both way inside me inside, and often they bled and won’t march again on Iran’s Wayward Wind Battlefields.
The Iran Economy is continuing to Crashing into Rocks as Iranians are Hoarding Gold as a safeguard against a collapsing local currency and soaring cost of living as Economic Sanctions are renewed and pushing Gold to record highs in Tehran. To the extent Iranian leaders might be sounding a little testy these days, no one should be surprised. It is no surprise that Iranian leaders have no interest in responding to President Donald Trump’s offer to hold a meeting. What would there be to talk about, especially that there appears to be no normal working-level U.S.-Iranian diplomacy going on and with POTUS Trump’s credibility with the Iranians is near zero.
The Iranian March towards acquiring Nuclear Arms will not result in their Protection to Export more Revolutions. Nukes are Hideous, Immoral Weapons whose existence continues to threaten to turn all the Middle East Civilization Nations into Atomic Ashes. Pakistan and Iran Keep Fueling Taliban Terror Tactics as Riyadh and Tehran are destabilizing Afghanistan and play a large role in supporting the country’s ongoing conflicts.
The Saudi-Iranian rivalry is a source of tension in the entire Middle East. As in Yemen, Saudi-Backed Government Forces and Iranian-Backed Rebel Forces are hostile to each other. In Syria, the Iranian-Backed Al-Assad Regime and the Saudi-Backed opposition forces are also at odds. In Iraq, Tehran seeks to consolidate its influence over Baghdad whereas Riyadh seeks to gain influence. In Lebanon, Riyadh seeks to gain greater influence where Tehran traditionally has greater influence. In Gaza, Hamas has accused Fatah of instigating tensions in order to thwart the Egyptian and UN efforts to achieve a truce. Simply put…..Tehran and Riyadh are Arch-Rivals.
In American Native Indian History, there was once skirmishes between Sioux and Apache Tribes, when the Sioux encroached upon Apache Territory. The Result…One could Trace the Sioux Retreat by counting the Number of Bones on the Path Back to the Trail of Tears.
Saudi Arabia’s Ikhwan الإخوان, (The Brethren AKA Akhwan), was the first Saudi Army made up of Traditionally Nomadic Tribesmen and became a significant military force of the ruler Ibn Saud’s the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Ikhwan are now the later the Saudi Arabian National Guard. The actual decision to drop the Bomb was “a simple yes.” from Critics judging Men in Robes thinking in the 19th century but having to Fight in the 21st century. The Commanders won’t shrink from doing everything possible to force the war to its end, the Mideast Leaders would never have forgiven them. As Thousands of Middle Eastern Lives will turn into Ashes because of this Nuclear Arms Race now Decades in the making with moral arrogance enabled from the safe distance provided by Time for Arabia and Victory over Iran.
These are dhimmi typical childish comments, the Quoran teaches about nuclear matters in deep detail.
Surely Allah does not do injustice to the weight of an atom, and if it is a good deed He multiplies it and gives from Himself a great reward. S. 4:40 Shakir
Surely, ALLAH wrongs not anyone even so much as the weight of an atom. And if there be a good deed, HE multiplies it and gives from Himself a great reward. S. 4:40 Sher Ali
And you are not (engaged) in any affair, nor do you recite concerning it any portion of the Quran, nor do you do any work but We are witnesses over you when you enter into it, and there does not lie concealed from your Lord the weight of an atom in the earth or in the heaven, nor any thing less than that nor greater, but it is in a clear book. S. 10:61 Shakir
The Unbelievers say, “Never to us will come the Hour”: Say, “Nay! but most surely, by my Lord, it will come upon you; – by Him Who knows the unseen, – from Whom is not hidden the least little atom in the heavens or on earth: Nor is there anything less than that, or greater, but is in the Record Perspicuous: S. 34:3 Yusuf Ali
Based in particular on S. 10:61 and 34:3, Harun Yahya and various other Muslim missionaries even observe that the Qur’an reveals the existence of sub-atomic particles!
On the Money Ginger ! Well stated & 100% true ! I’ve been watching this fiasco play out since the early 60’s & it’s always the Palestinians causing the problems !
@Mahmud Aug 6, 2018 @ 12:02 at 12:02……..The Qur’an is only and extension of The Abrahamic Faiths (All 3 Come From Abraham Covenant With G-d), and all 3 maintain a Linear Cosmology, with scenarios containing themes of transformation and redemption. All 3 can be Pathways to peace among us rather dividing us. The Qur’an recognizes Judaism, Christianity, and Islamic Prophets and Messengers.
I agree with you it is Childish for Followers of Shiia in Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Gaza and West Bank among Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, and Fatah to start to find and agree upon solutions towards Peaceful Evolution and not Revolutions on Eves of Destruction.
The Middle East was Chosen to show Humanity the Pathways towards Peace and Prosperity by listening to The Abrahamic Faiths on what can Unite Humanity, not Divide and Destroy the Middle East with Atomic Ashes. The Palestinians since 1948 and the Iranians since 1979 have refused to seek a solution for all but instead choose to ignore G-d Words in the Qur’an, Bible, and Torah all recognized from the Messenger.
Whether it comes from to Jewish Messianic Age, Christianity Tribulations or Islamic Day of Judgement the goal of all 3 should always be the usher in of the Kingdom of God making Earth like Heaven where all live among Lions and Lambs in Peace.
The False Prophets that once rode Donkeys and now Drive Rolls Royce’s continue to exploit the Persian People Oil Resources and Revenues to sow seeds of Disharmony in other Lands to promote Death, Destitution and Revolution which will lead to their own Destruction. When Hamas and Fatah fight among themselves and each refuse Peace for the Palestinians People. This is not the way of Abraham whatsoever in the Torah, Bible or Qur’an.
Nonsense, Abrahmic faiths stem from the tents of Shem. Shem was a priest in the order of the righteous king. G-ds covenant with Abram and his descendants is conditional.
For example when G-d instructs Abram in Beresh!t 12:1-3 it is of course CONDITIONAL on Abrams departure without any clear destination in Beresh!t 12:4. It is conditional on Abrams true belief and his act of faith according to that belief.
Shemot (Exodus) 19:1-6 …”This is what you are to say to the house of Jacob and what you are to tell the people of Israel: … Now [b]IF[/b] you obey me fully and keep my covenant, [b]THEN[/b] out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, You will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites.”
G-ds promises to Abraham don’t mention any ‘jew’ing. Therefore, Yesh’a’s words here…
‘Do not presume to say to yourselves, We have the yichus (proud lineage), we have the zechut Avot (merit of the Fathers) of Avraham Avinu (our father Abraham). For I say to you that Hashem is able to raise up from these avanim (stones) banim (sons) of Avraham [T.N. See Ro 3:28-4:2]. 10 And already the ax is laid at the shoresh haetzim (the root of the trees); therefore, every etz not producing pri tov (good fruit) is cut down and thrown into the eish (fire). ‘
Mahmud didn’t do his research very well. In all of those texts he cited, the word for ‘atom’ is actually the word for ‘ant’ or ‘red ant’. Tharrah, the word use in those texts, was only adopted as the word ‘atom’ in the 20th century. Get your facts straight Mahmud, and stop ascribing more to your book than is actually there.
@Mahmud Aug 6, 2018 @ 12:02 at 12:02………..Unfortunately, since Muslims believe that the Quran was verbally revealed by Allah to Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel (Jibril), gradually over a period of approximately 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 CE, when Muhammad was 40, and concluding in 632, the year of his death. This means your Quotes from the Quran on the Atom are again Revisions by other Men and not from the True Messenger Muhammad. The Quran was collected under the auspices of committee of four senior ranking Companions headed by Zayd ibn Thabit. This compilation was kept by the Caliph Abu Bakr, after his death by his successor, Caliph Umar, who on his deathbed gave them to Hafsa bint Umar, his daughter and one of Muhammad’s widows way back in the 7th Century not in the 1800s? It was revealed, part-by-part, gradually over a period of 23 years from 610 AD (when Prophet Muhammad (S) was 40) until 633 AD (when he died at 63). So the Quran has been complete for 1382 years. (In the Islamic calendar, in which years are 11 days shorter, it is 1436 minus 11, thus 1425 years)! The oldest Qurans in existence date from the 8th century, approximately 100 years after Mohammad’s death. Some are incomplete, with only 43 suras. All of them vary from each other and contain thousands of variations from the Cairo edition commonly used today. The earliest Quran, found in Yemen was written with very early Aramaic that did not contain vowelization or diacritical marks. Without these marks, the words could have up to 30 meanings. Thus, in the one true Quran from the 8th Century there was no mention of Atoms whatsoever and your scripture quotes are coming from Unholy Flaw Men Creations and Interpretations of Islamic Mush Changed Scriptures like the Iranian Robes Regime that will change anything to Please and Protect their Power to Live in Luxury! While all that must follow live in Poverty as sen in Iran, Yemen, and Gaza.
While Atom was not even discovered until 1803 10 Centuries after the Quran was created….When An English Chemist and Mathematician John Dalton, was the first person to scientifically prove that matter consists of indivisible discrete particles. Dalton developed an atomic theory in 1803. Subsequently, Ernest Rutherford, a famous scientist of Briton developed a modern concept of the atomic structure. The first major discovery that set off modern atomic theory was that atoms aren’t in fact the smallest things that exist. J. J. Thompson discovered the electron in 1897, which led him to posit a “plum pudding” model (a.k.a. the “raisin pudding” model) for the atom.
The Atom was around far before Any One Quran and Atoms were within Muhammad the Messenger but he never knew it, so no way he talked and wrote about the Atom? This is why so many Living in Iran suffer in Thirst and Poverty from such Islamic False Prophets Shiia Rulers caught cheating on Agreement by trying to acquire Nuclear Weapons with ICMB Missiles and must be Changed to save the Middle East and World from Atomic Ashes.
Its quite sad that Jewish leaders were so insecure for all those years, always agreeing to divide our small homeland, while the Arabs refused. King Soloman would have ruled that the Arabs must be the true owners. Thankfully, the tables have turned and the Jewish people have awoken from their exile-induced ghetto mentality. Today it is Israel that is unwilling to “split the baby” and the PLO who wants to divide the country right through its heart in Jerusalem. From this resolute position, Israel is finally commanding respect from Arab states, and laying the ground for a final victory followed by peace.
@MR_JeSuS Aug 6, 2018 @ 21:36 at 21:36………Thank you for the Comments on Shem as one of the Sons of Noah in the Hebrew Bible as well as written in Islamic Literature, and produce the Roots of Abram, the Patriarch of the Hebrews and Arabs, was one of the descendants of Arphaxad. Islamic literature describes Shem as one of the believing sons of Noah. Some sources even identify Shem as a Prophet in his own right (As You Point Out) and that he was the Next Prophet after his Father. In one Muslim legend, Shem was one of the People Whom Allah made Jesus resurrect as a sign to the Children of Israel. Many Fruits from Shem but 3 Roots in Common with Judaism, Christianity and Islam are still the Foundations of the 3 Abrahamic Religions
Nevertheless, it is not Nonsense that Abram into Abraham is the Common Patriarch of the 3 Abrahamic Religions and not Shem. In Judaism, he is the founding father of the Covenant, the special relationship between the Jewish People and G-d. In Christianity, he is the Prototype of all Believers, Jewish or Gentile, and in Islam he is seen as a link in the Chain of Prophets that begins with Adam and culminates in Muhammad.
It was Abraham’s Actions that all 3 Religions brings into the Light on how to Live by Greeting Strangers and becoming Families, and turning Enemies into Friends will bring Freedom and Prosperity among all Humanity that choose such beliefs in the Traditions, Actions, and Beliefs from Abram into Abraham. The narrative in Genesis revolves around the themes of Posterity and Land.
My point is Freedom, Progress, Innovations, and Prosperity is not Present in Shiia Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Gaza and the West Bank along with Shiia, Hezboallah, Houthis, Hamas, and Fatah Leadership in those Nations and Groups of Subjugation with Violence towards others are seen in their People’s Poverty.
This is how one knows the Robes of Iran’s Shiia Ayatollahs, Mullahs, and Cleric and all they Fund Followers are not on any Pathway towards Peace nor Prosperity for Posterity. They have chosen only Luxury for Themselves, Families and being Paymasters for Friends to Protect them as they refuse to Share the Wealth among their People with the Quest to acquire Nuclear Weapons to turn the Middle East and World into Atomic Ashes.
The Bottom Line for myself is that Canaan along with Persia and Israel have so much more in Common in knowing those Foundations establish with Abram into the Name Change of Abraham known as the “Father is Exalted and Father of a Multitude” than with any other Nation in the Middle East. As the same between the People of Canaan, Phoenicia-Lebanon, Judea-Israel, and Philistine-Palestine often ruled by many Conquerors but the People often learned to live together in Prosperity for the Posterity of all Mankind’s Well Being of Mutual Existence.
Unfortunately, the current Rulers of Iran and Leaders of Fatah, Hamas, Houthis, and Hezbollah only seek the Destruction and Death of Israel by any means including Nuclear Weapons. When Islam incorporates Jewish History as a part of its own. Muslims regard the Children of Israel as an important religious concept in Islam.
This is why one can surmise why they are not following anything close to the 3 Abrahamic Religions whose basis are G-d Revelations and Covenants with Abraham, nor Adam, Noah, Shem, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. As the Three Abrahamic Religions share similar values, guidelines, and Principles of Freedom for Mankind’s Peaceful Posterity. Just the opposite of the Robes Rulers of Iran’s Regime are not practicing but Live in Luxury against G-d Abraham Wisdom for all Men, Women, and Children.
Dear muslim lover of Abu Mazen,
Watch what you wish. God moves in mysterious ways. You supposed “holy book” can be destroyed in one very short paragraph. Remember in Chapter 2 verse 98 in the Koran it first mentions arch angles Gabriel and Michael and throughout the entire Koran these two “angles” do all the miracles, well guess what they are both FICTIONAL CHARACTERS created by a Roman, Arius Calpurnius Piso, in the years 98 and 100. They never lived! So to recap for the dumb and stupid followers of that fictional book, you have two fictional characters dictating a fictional story to an illiterate man, Mohamed in a cave. Gee what could possibly be wrong with this story?
So Mr. lover of Abu Mazen it is you muslims and Christians should convert and become Jews.
Hmm, not a bad idea Douglas. But what kind of Jews should we become? In the time of the prophets, all that was required to demonstrate conversion was to conform to the mosaic instruction, torath yhwh. That, and sojourning in Jewish territory, would make one a Jewish convert. The rabbis just as often as not fall short of that standard. What would you suggest to correct THEIR error?
Ps, I wonder what we should make of the mention of “gabriel” and “Michael” in Daniel 8:16, 9:21, 10:13, and 12:1?
Dear Walter,
You are a thoughtful man and asked very good questions.
1. Do not consider the Reform movement. That was a product of 19th century Germany. They believe in historical relativism. Their leadership do not believe there was an Exodus or Moses or Abraham or Joseph. What they are pushing now is “Social Justice” which was a slogan of communist Russia of the 1930s-1960s. Try the conservative movement.
2. The reason for the 2nd and 3rd Jewish revolts was because the Piso’s were forcing the Rabbis to insert Roman books into the Hebrew Scriptures. Very few scholars know this except I do. If you want to know what I have written go to vectorpub . com. The Arius Calpurnius Piso wrote the following books that are in the Hebrew scriptures and they shouldn’t be. Chapter 40-66 of Isiah, Zachariah, Malachi, Job, Ecclesiastes, Daniel and 1 Chronicles.
I hope that answers your questions.
“the state of pleastine will come soon”
@ “abbas president of Palestine”,
It’s already here: it’s just (for now) called……………………..”Jordan”.
Thanks for the sarcastic comedy.
I like Abbas too. His irrational rejectionism is allowing Israel to reverse the Oslo tragedy, and start treating the PLO as the murderous subhuman enemy that they are.
Never happen. Good always triumphs over evil.
Oh! Very goody goody goody!
And since you reject Oslo – you can pack your bags and go back to Tunisia!
muslims must convert to Hinduism or become Chrisitans and renounce the prophet of Satan who muslims call Mooohammed.
I too love the PLO, Yasir Arafat, Abbas but feel great sorrow for the Palestinian people. The decades old stupidities of the leaders of the PLO, the PA, and Hamas have guaranteed that there will never be a State for the fake Palestinian people- an invention of the KGB in consort with Arafat in the 1960’s. There is no Arab Palestinian “people” – as many Arab leaders have stated- the Palestinians are really Egyptians, Syrians, Iraquis etc. who migrated to the region to take advantage of economic opportunity created by the Jews. There are actually only 20,000 in number- people who left their homes during the 1948 war ( an attempt by 5 Arab armies to destroy the nascent Jewish State of Israel after an exile of 2,000 years) and were shocked when they lost to 600,000 Israelis. It is clear whose side G-d is on. We are fully ready for any scenario and this time you will be wiped out. You obviously have not learned from history.
In your wet dream!!!
Suck my dick Abbas & Comp! See there far that train going away without you all? Too late.
“Abu Mazen’s first step has been to encourage Hamas to continue its assaults … has openly allied himself with the rival Hamas”
The old boy with this idea to kill Oslo is in the biggest crisis he ever was, and does very stupid moves. Will go down in history as the Nakba Boy, the jerk of all jerks. But, the root cause is understandably clear: he has lost Jerusalem, lost the money, lost international support, lost his political position. One of his own will surely kill him, only to save face for himself.
LOL Debka. We will see. And before you start complaining, remember, a broken clock is accurate 2 x day.
It looks like the time for the idea of an Emirates plan is approaching. Let the natural clans
run their own areas of influence instead of the PLO.
I doubt that Abbas will do any such thing. He, like the others in Fatah leadership, milk the money that flows to them via international donors. By dissolving the PA and aligning himself with Hamas, he will shut off that flow of $$. Abbas is corrupt, but not stupid.
Besides, the PA is totally toothless and non-functional. Let the charade continue, and the graft and pilfering can continue.
Truth is money supply is decreasing from the West since they don’t believe PA anymore. So Mr. Abbas is not a fool, to avoid accountability he absolves PA, no PA no accountability then people are left alone them and their brainwashed mindset…………. result? violence then someone will intervene to calm things down and reinstate the supply of money……………. my idea? let it ride and let them drown with their own violence. when their violence cannot be channeled out it will turn inside and suffocate them. Nothing good comes from financially capable PA……… they have no intention for peace.
It is now that the road and rubber meet. To date, beyond the embassy move, Trump has talked loud but carried a small stick. His accord with Putin has provided Assad, et al, in accordance with agreed “deconfliction” lines, face-to-face with Israel on the Golan. And while he seems still committed to his April 2018 intention to “bring the boys home” ASAP, to what extent will he NOW support Israel facing conditions his rhetoric created?
The God of Zion/Israel and Christendom already saw this and has predestined the land from the Nile to the Euphrates as Greater Israel. The fake “palestinians” must leave.
We Christians, the sons of Japheth, will always support our cousins, the sons of Shem.
“Comments containing incitement, libel or offensive language are barred under DEBKAfile’s regulations”…..Debka, are you READING these comments ?
Jordan will be NakbahNistan soon
Well now
If Oslo is annulled
Let’s take back all the quid pro quos we gave the bastards
Isn’t Abbas’ term long expired? If so, he may not have the authority to do this.
End the money to the Terrorstinians and hold them to the same standards as all other people in the world…they are not deserving of special status as upheld by leftists based on their violent, jihadist, Jew-Christian- etc.-hating goals…if they want war and conquest and terror then make it clear that they will lose and make sure that our troops are not put in harm’s way when there are technologically more sophisticated ways of subduing terrorists these days…start with the obvious end to money supplies and services, energy supply and materials.
Yes, there are fewer than 20k real refugees left over from a war the Terrorstinians started 70+ years ago and keep going till today. They are a fake people with a fake “narrarive” backed by those who use them as proxy terrorists so that the selfish bastards do not have to give them refuge in their own wealthy Islamic countries and to wage jihad on the Jews and others – forever if they are not stopped.
Disbanded PA, uprooted Oslo, makes a Festival
Rabin was cheated by Peres and Beilin
Poxy Arafat back from Tunis
Israel ceded land
$$$’s from EU
Just invade Gaza but bomb it before using MOAB to protect IDF soldiers from getting caught.
MOAB will destroy all the tunnels in Gaza city.
BTW in order to protect Jews, it is good to evacuate Sderot and other cities and villages near the border to Gaza as the blast may be still strong enough to slightly damage some Jewish homes.
Do not talk as it is a game of the not really dead mouse with the cat.
Kill the mouse and move on to more important stuff.
Not a bad idea. But what kind of Jews should we become? In the time of the prophets, all that was required to demonstrate conversion was to conform to the mosaic instruction, torath yhwh. That, and sojourning in Jewish territory, would make one a Jewish convert. The rabbis just as often as not fall short of that standard. What would you suggest to correct THEIR error?
Ps, I wonder what we should make of the mention of “gabriel” and “Michael” in Daniel 8:16, 9:21, 10:13, and 12:1?
12:1 is the only relevant one as the others are in times past. It speaks of the resurrection soon to happen. May that time come soon to solve all Israeli problems and failures.
Then shall the King of kings rule from Jerusalem over the whole earth.
NO more pals no more islam no more Pope etc.
Another bold prediction by Debka. Its almost as if they are challenging someone in Israel’s intelligence community to a duel, in order to reestablish its diminishing credibility. Whats the timeframe for this momentous announcement, debka?
Abbas knows that his goose is cooked and he will soon abandon “his people” and take up residence most likely in Paris along with Arafat’s widow. Hamas will be destroyed and the so-called “palestinian” people will be relocated to other countries outside of Israel forever. The money to help them relocate will come from the US and other wealthy countries instead of going to the UNRWA.
From the Debka article:
” His next step will be to declare the Palestinian Authority dissolved, followed by the suspension of Palestinian recognition of Israel and the annulment of the 1993 Oslo interim peace accords.”
Does this mean that the Israelis can take back the birthplace of King David: Bethlehem?
Adios Abbas,
your time has come & gone as anyone w/ a brain knew all along you could not ever rid the PA of corruption, nor provide any semblance of services to your people.
You are simply a shake down artist like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, take $$ from others to keep the fight going, never intending to solve any problems, issues…
Trump has your number, so does the Gulf/Sunni Bloc of Nations, Jared, Peace will go around, under, over you.
Highly recommend your moving closer to your French bank accounts.
I would
Q: When did a fake “palestinian” ever want truth or peace?
A: Never. Ever.
Are they looking at the burned areas from the air to see if there’s any ancient formations being exposed? Trying to find good in this outrage.
Debka editors ought to end the comment sections.
All the incitement and offensive language in the comments show these discussions are not moderated.
The comment section lowers the respect Debka earns internationally for having real sources of behind-the-scenes information.
IN connection with the above lovely essay, I recommend to all who own a complete Bible, to look up Jeremiah ch 31 verses 34 – 36 to confirm everything the previous essay promised, absolutely!
Yes Mr. Abbas all the Israelis are in tears because YOU have revoked your recognition of Israel. Boo Frickiin Hoo. When did Israel ever need your recognition? It is the Palestinian origin that is truly in question, there is no archeological record of you and your made up minions. If you and your fellow refugees from Iraq, Jordan and Saudi Arabia would just act like human beings you would have been treated as such. So take your recognition and go back to where you came from.