Iran wants Russian air defense shield extended to Lebanon to cover Hizballah’s precise missiles
“There is serious criticism of Russia for deactivating its S-300 air defense missiles when the ‘Zionist enemy’ strikes from Lebanon,” said a senior Iranian lawmaker on Thursday, Jan. 24. Hashmatollah Falahatpisheh, Chairman of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, went on to say: “If the Russian air defense worked properly, Israel would not be able to easily launch strikes over Syria.” He added accusingly, “There seems to be some form of coordination between the Zionist regime’s strikes and Russia’s air defense system in Syria.”
Last week, Moscow announced that the training for Syrian crews who will be operating the advanced S-300 air defense missiles would be finished towards March and during that month, the batteries would become operational. The Russian instructors is therefore taking five months to train the Syrians in the use of the S-300s delivered by Moscow last October. Moscow is also taking time to connect the Syrian-based batteries to the Russian command at the Khmeimim air base near Latakia and, even more importantly, to the Russian National Air Defense Command in Moscow.
This information was conveyed by an officer of the Russian air defense command to reporters in Moscow on Jan. 21, in the course of a wide-ranging Israeli air and cruise missile assault on Iranian sites in and south of Damascus.
Moscow on no account wants Russian air defense officers involved in any S-300 strikes on Israeli warplanes and therefore made sure that the Syrian crews were properly trained before letting them take charge of the advanced air defense batteries. Even then, they need to remain under competent Russian military command and control in Syria and Moscow. This dependence is also expected to serve as a deterrent for the Israeli Air Force against destroying them, which would not be good for the Russian air and arms industries’ export business.
DEBKAfile’s military sources report that, once in Syrian hands for use against Israeli air strikes, the S-300s will also bring within range IDF flights over Lebanon, the Golan and Galilee. This will provide Hizballah with the protection of a Russian-supplied air shield and present Israel with a quandary: Should the IDF destroy the S-300s at the risk of another row with Moscow? Or find ways to work around the batteries to continue its attacks on Iranian sites in Syria?
This question was aired during the talks President Reuven Rivlin and Israeli Air Force Chief Maj. Gen. Amikam Nurkin held this week with French President Emmanuel Macron at the Elysée Palace. They brought with them maps and photo images of Hizballah’s precision-guided missile sites in Lebanon. It is more than likely that the Israeli visitors relayed through Paris a final warning to the Lebanese government and Hizballah, with advice to dismantle those sites, else Israel would take action to smash them before the S-300 batteries deployed around Damascus became operational in March.
You should all try letting a piggie take you from the backside.
It’s like a taste of heaven.
I never thought I would love it so much.
Targets, targets, targets, so many to choose from.
wont matter…..
Iran is incapable of providing protection for its allies.
What a weak Iran. Show what you got to fight your own war not others fight it for you.
“Iran is incapable of providing protection for its allies.
What a weak Iran. Show what you got to fight your own war not others fight it for you.”
Iran supplying Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad with thousands of missiles and projectiles is just a habit of theirs (in getting others to do the dirty work for them). So typical of Iran.
Israel should take out ALL the S-300 batteries once Russia hands it over to the Syrians. Fair game for all sides. Win – Win for Israel.
the anti-aircraft systems are a distraction, not an objective. they will need to be eliminated if and when they threaten israeli aircraft.
“Israel should take out ALL the S-300 batteries once Russia hands it over to the Syrians. Fair game for all sides. Win – Win for Israel.”
No doubt the Soviets (oops………..I meant the Russians) already have plans in place for their training personnel to quickly get very far away from those S-300 installations once the Syrians (and Iranians and Hezbollah) fully complete their training and take control of them.
Khomeini does not tell President Putin what to do – the dog does not wag the Bears Tail! Iran will have to decide if it wants to commit suicide and continue its malign aggressive efforts in the Middle East.
Its obvious. Should Russia give Israel’s enemies air defenses to shoot down IAF necessary air strikes… then Israel must destroy those sites whether s-300 or whatever and whether manned by arab scum or russian scum.
Any country would do this in self defense.
Amazing how Russia is so involved in aiding Israel’s enemies. Iran must be paying Russia billions for this mafia protection.
Looking forward to Israel’s necessary destruction of russian s-300s.
>Iran must be paying Russia billions for this mafia protection.
Courtesy of Barack Insane Obama.
Hussein Obama is not crazy at all. He is a devoted Muslim and implacable enemy.
“>Iran must be paying Russia billions for this mafia protection.
Courtesy of Barack Insane Obama.”
Just imagine what one President could do secretly during his very last week in office, leaving the consequences for the next guy (and a valuable ally of ours) to have to clean up.
Such a legacy!
Do you fat-a&&ed Mullahs really think that Russia will protect you Islamo-fascists? You are dumber than I ever imagined!
The Israelis probably would prefer to not reveal it’s newest developments in tactical warfare, unless it has no choice. My guess is that it will use what is known.
Bomb the stuff without prior warning
The IDF has already obtained information, directly from Russian sources, on how to evade any Russian supplied anti-aircraft missiles.
and there’s a very good chance that most of the engineers who designed the s-300 now live in israel.
What kind of “pisher”, is a Falahatpisheh?
I would suggest letting a piggie put it in your rectum. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s delightful.
You are a aick little boy…
Putin can’t tell Israel they have to be slaughtered by Lezbollah rockets. That’s Israel’s choice. Israel has 500 nukes and ICBM’s. It’s not going to go down without taking out half of Russia, all of the Muslims, maybe the Red Chinese, maybe Pakistan…. Who knows when the missiles start flying. Israel will be destroyed by the first two so getting hit by 100 won’t matter. I’d push on Israel very carefully. That dog will bite you.
Submarines, Israel needs nuclear submarines.
“Submarines, Israel needs nuclear submarines.”
Germany has already supplied some of those submarines…………………………no doubt Israel will enhance them as needed.
We have not forgotten the Spanish Inquisition, the expulsion of Jews from every European country, what the German Nazis did … and the Roman Empire and the Vatican and crusaders.
Europe may be a more persuasive deterrent to a Muslim attack on Israel .., when they imagine they might be on the Israeli target list …
That sounds like a great strategy — threaten to nuke your allies. What could go wrong? If they don’t take you seriously, nuke one or two of their less popular capitol cities — Rome and Madrid, perhaps and escalate the threat to Paris and Berlin and London — that should get all of the Europeans shouting in one voice in support of Israel’s right to defend itself. There’s no better way to win some popularity than backstabbing your friends. Keep it up — it will work well.
it seems to work well enough for the arabs.
Hussein Obama is not crazy at all. He is a devoted Muslim and implacable enemy.
You have some pull with Russia and can get the S300 switched on and off — but what about the upcoming S300 knockoffs that Iran is working on? Who will you call to have them unplugged whenever you feel like making an air raid?
israel has demonstrated probably the world’s most effective sead tactics.
and now they’ve added the f-35 to their capabilities.
on the other hand, iranian knockoffs haven’t been tested under combat conditions yet.
“on the other hand, iranian knockoffs haven’t been tested under combat conditions yet.”
One can only imagine just where they plan to test them.
One can only imagine just where they plan to test them.
But then again, as already stated previously by shloime, that’s where the f-35’s come in.
I Quote /
else Israel would take action to smash them before the S-300 batteries deployed around Damascus became operational in Marc
Time for action has come / Action always beat Reaction / Time to Invade and Destroy and Exterminate Hizbollah in the whole of Lebanon / A Blitz is Required.
hezbollah is just the puppet – beating up the puppet isn’t as effective as engaging the puppeteer directly.
The Puppet poses the immediate threat the Puppeteer does not.
How much is Putin making?