Iran’s Saegheh drone in Syria – a worry for US as well as Israel
Iran’s Saegheh is no ordinary UAV; it is the Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ prize drone for assault and intelligence gathering. It made its debut outside Iran on Saturday, Feb. 10 when it slipped into Israeli airspace, first circling east into Jordan. Until then, the Saegheh (Storm) was not generally known to have reached the Syrian warfront. After it was brought down almost intact by an Israeli Apache helicopter, Israel Air Force jets bombed the drone’s command vehicle deep in central Syria, at the T-4 base near Palmyra, which is shared by Iran and the Russian air force. The speed of this counter-punch confirmed that Israeli intelligence had tracked the drone from the moment it took to the air from T-4 and was on standby to snag it.
The price tag for the operation was paid by the IAF F-16’s exposure to Syrian air defense fire. The two pilots flew the crippled plane back over northern Israel, before ejecting for a parachute landing. One is recovering in hospital from a serious injury; the second was slightly hurt.
The infiltrator drone was discovered to have been part of a whole fleet of advanced armed Saegheh UAVs housed at the T-4 base. The second wave of Israeli air strikes against 12 Syrian and Iranian targets decimated this fleet. Most importantly, the drone intrusion and its sequel exposed the incident to have been no one-off, but part of a calculated Iranian plot against Israel at the highest level, that was coordinated in advance with the Russian air force, which shares the use of T-4, and the Syrian air defense systems, which operate under Russian command. It is equally important to note that Iran brought its Saegheh UAV’s to Syria with Moscow’s consent.
This may be accounted for by the drone’s unique provenance.
In a long and arduous process of reverse engineering, Iran’s munitions industry copied some of the components of the CIA’s most secret stealth drone, the RQ-170 Sentinel, after it was intercepted and captured over Iran in December 2011. The American drone, armed and capable of detecting clandestine nuclear tests, is rated the finest UAV of its kind in operation. Tehran claimed it had intercepted the Sentinel’s overflight by taking control of the American surveillance satellite communications which navigated the drone’s course. This was vehemently denied by Washington. At the time, DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources revealed that the those responsible for the feat of bringing the secret American drone down intact were not Iranian but Chinese cyber experts.
The Russians were keen on getting a look at the wonders of the American drone, but the Iranians refused to give them access. Eight years later, they got their chance in Syria. Iran is finally confirmed as having gained possession of the an American RQ-170, by the evidence of the Iranian drone captured by Israel. But, meanwhile, Iran, by deploying a fleet of Saegheh drones in Syria, armed with missiles, has not only ramped up its threat to Israel, but also raised a tough regional challenge to America. If one of these drones can be used against Israel, why not against American forces in the Middle East or Saudi Arabia? The Revolutionary Guards dep chief Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami made no bones about this on Saturday, when he declared that Iran had the military power “to destroy all American bases in the region.”
The Iranian stealth drone’s trajectory through Jordan on Saturday was revealing. It flew from Palmyra along Syria’s eastern frontier with Iraq undetected by American military surveillance. When it came over the US-Jordanian garrison of Al Tanf in the Syrian-Iraqi-Jordanian border triangle, it turned right to northern Jordan and then crossed the border to fly over Beit Shean. Ninety seconds later, Israeli Apaches conducted their interception – but not before the “Storm” had triggered the first direct military skirmish between Israel and Iran.
Iran lost a valuable armed drone, but it was in the air long enough to gather plenty of information on the American, Jordanian and Israeli air defense and radar systems on the Syrian, Jordanian and Iraqi borders, as well as reporting on their anti-air missiles’ operational capabilities. The IDF announced Sunday the boosting of its air defense systems in the North.
If the Saegheh is as stealty as the Sentinel… How did the IDF track its flight?
Not destroying the RQ-170 brought down over Iran some years ago was a big mistake by NOBALLSOBAMA…
“Not destroying the RQ-170 brought down over Iran some years ago was a big mistake by NOBALLSOBAMA…”
That’s not the only mistake the former President made———especially in regard to our allies!
We owe to OBAMA the “Arab Spring” and the Middle East is still crying for it…
We owe to OBAMA a few failed states, the rising influence of Shia Islam…
He made succeded in making the Middle East a mayhem even bigger than it was…
OBAMA has been PUBLIC ENEMY No 1 for the US.
Oh…you are sooooo correct RE: Hussein Obama…aka Public Enemy #1.
Given Obama’s generous assistance to Iran, financially and strategically, I’m inclined to believe that it was neither an error or oversight.
This is obama’s “legacy” – that man is such a damned fool. Freely let an enemy get hold of such weaponry without a fight. A total WEAK imbecile.
That man may be a fool but not a weak imbecile, he is a treasonous criminal against the country which stupidly elected him president. May we live to see him getting his just desserts!
Obama favors Iran above America, the US drone became disabled obama had the choice of destroying the drone via satellite signal or leave the drone for Iran to capture Obama chose to let Iran capture our most advanced Drone because he champions Iran over America
if the drone’s control was disrupted enough to force it down, it’s fairly likely that its self-destruct (if it has one) wasn’t working either.
the alternative would have been an air strike, violating iranian airspace, and probably harming the negotiations for his previous “legacy”.
clearly not the best move, but totally consistent with his naive policy of diplomatic “engagement”, which he announced long before he was elected.
He is not weak or an imbecile. He is a traitor. He knew exactly what he was doing.
Obama intentionally allowed the Iranians land that drone intact. Remember, Obama is a Muslim. He says it many times in videos on YouTube. Basically, Obama was a Muslim infiltrator into the West’s most powerful political office: The Presidency of The U.S.A.
What this whole imbroglio proves is the West’s version of Democracy is vulnerable to Muslim infiltration into all of the West’s centers of power. I can’t think of a better movie title
to all of the West’s blundering than “Dumb and Dumber”
I agree Obama gave the drone away to Iran
ISISrael lies.
Produce a picture, or the drone attack never happened.
ApartheidIsrael just wanted a pretext to get blown out of the sky!
How did you get the Brain damage that you clearly suffer from?
Concussion? Drugs? Disease? Deformed genes due to your parents being brother and sister?
Happy Nakba!
Keep your tongue in alCIAda ear and your thumb up ISISrael’s ass. See where that gets you!
ApartheidIsrael is checkmated, yet is too fat and too white and too European and too imperialist and too antisemitic to even know it!
Funny, funny stuff to think stupid, broke, opium-addicted Uncle Sam will save your ass with more welfare checks and more fighter planes!
alKGBda and Shia Iran controls you and doesn’t care if millions of SUNNIS or you die.
Backward, Primitive Islam is a Regressive cult that only degrades other countries. Look at all the Arabs fleeing the Middle East and bringing Arab/Muslim “culture”, bombings, shootings, stabbings, rape gangs into Eurabia.
The SAME CULTURE that F’d Up Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, is being imported into Eurabia by “refugees” and rapidly turning Eurabia into ANOTHER Arab/Muslim SH*THOLE.
“Funny, funny stuff to think stupid, broke, opium-addicted Uncle Sam will save your ass with more welfare checks and more fighter planes!”
Anyone notice that those who hate Israel also hate the USA as well————as the bogus comments from “Antisemites Stole Palestine” clearly show!
“Antisemites Stole Palestine”
Who cares ? Palestine never existed anyway?
Please keep it coming, it is easier for us to let you talk your hate, then trying to explain why you are dead wrong.
Why dont you send Obama a ticket to Mecca? I bet he will love to go for Haj.
Perhaps it was Obama’s intent to give Iran a gift. This makes perfect sense in the context of all that he has done to empower Iran.
You can thank President Obama for helping his Iranian friends of US secret high tech.
“Not destroying the RQ-170 brought down over Iran…” was not a mistake; it was intentional. In fact, we do not know that the Iranians actually “brought [it] down”; Obama may have had the drone landed at an Iranian airfield. Obama, who has already hired defense counsel, will soon face a military tribunal for a variety of crimes, including selling technology to North Korea and to China.
Trump and U.S. Military Intelligence have been waging a successful war against Obama’s Deep State, Shadow Stae, and the globalists’ Secret State. Trump and Mil. Intel. post almost daily throughtheir spokesperson Qanon (Q)at this website: You can also get background material and analysiis of this war on You Tube but putting q anon in the search box.
Simply because you can duplicate the drone in appearance, does not mean you can also duplicate it’s stealth coating.
Simply because you can duplicate the drone, does not mean you can duplicate itsxstealth coating.
How do you know you can destroy it in Iran and your planes not shot down?
Talk is easy doing it is another.
Reports had it that one pilot died but Debka report otherwise. Iran claimed 2ndand 3rd wave Israelis missiles strike did little damage and most of the missiles were intercepted
Who is right?
which? the israeli reports. most arab sources still say that 1967 was a great arab victory.
israel has announced that 1 f-16 was lost, the 2 pilots ejected, and have received medical care in an israeli hospital.
the arabs claim that israel attacked them, but 3 waves of intense bombing did no damage. meanwhile, they’re trying to fix what israel didn’t destroy.
for an idea of israeli tactics:
The drone was seen by the routine helicopter patrols conducted by the IDF along the western border and Golan. The drone was flying low and as can be seen on the Sentinel design, the jet exhaust exits from above the wings to dissipate the heat signature. When it is flying low it exposes its heat signature to anyone looking from a few hundred feet above. The IDF helicopter was flying several hundred feet higher than the drone and this enabled the crew to see the infrared signature with their heat detector prior to the dissipation. This was a lucky find but I’m certain the enemy has learned from this.
All pretty strange…
Usually helos fly low… 10000 is allready a very high altidude for a helo…
Usually attack drones fly at 15000ft or above…
Usually recoinnessance drones fly at 60000ft… Recoinnessance drones are very slow at low altitudes and faster at higher levels…
A helo flying higher than an attack drone is very unusual… very unusual scenario.
We need to know the dimensions of the Shaegheh… if it’s scaled down it can’t fly at higher altitudes…
Iran isn’t an advanced country regarding to aviation… They pretend all what they build to be stealthy.
I think that the Shaegheh is a scaled down RQ-170 with a much higher observability…
The Qaher F-313 is an example of the “advanced” capabilities of the Iranian Aviation Industries…
The person that used the name Obama exhibits the characteristics of a Shiite from Shiraz….
Ok… I had a look at a photo of an armed Saegheh… I thought that it would house the missiles in an internal weapons bay as all low observability attack flying planes but, with great surprise, I found out that it carries 4 missiles under the belly and this makes it observable by radars… Why did the iranians fly it armed for a recoinnessance sortie over Israel?
“… Why did the iranians fly it armed for a recoinnessance sortie over Israel?”
They did so because the Soviets (oops——–I meant the Russians) gave them the “official OK” to do so——-likely in response to recent US actions in another part of Syria.
Rubbish. This kind of move is childish and not at all advisable. Completely uncharacteristic of Russia. If you check the article it says that it was monitored continuously, inside Syria, by Israel, but not by the US. Also, sending a missile armed drone into Israel is an act of war. This too is uncharacteristic of the Iranian government. This whole episode is obviously contrived by the fck eu’s.
This is historic, predictable Russian escalation. They signed the deal with muslims. Russia has this all planned out. What else is to be expected but such escalation?
“This whole episode is obviously contrived———–”
iVaN must have information that none of us or Debka or even the USA has access to!
” This too is uncharacteristic of the Iranian government.”
You’ve GOT TO BE KIDDING—————–right, iVaN?
Even you, iVaN————-just can’t be that NAIVE!
They didn’t.
Stupid buffoons NuttyYahoo and Fatboy Avgidor wanted a pretext to attack Syria in defense of ISISrael yet again.
They got it, but one of their planes acquired with welfare checks got got.
Not a good night for land grabbing whiteboy colonists, eh?
“——— land grabbing whiteboy colonists————”
I just knew you were a racist, “Antisemites Stole Palestine”.
I bet you’re a member of the Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan is your boss———-or maybe you ARE Louis Farrakhan!
yeah, as opposed to the good old dark-skinned camel jumping colonists from arabia? who have lived on “welfare cheques” for 70 years, and have nothing but braindead incest-spawn like you to show for it? yeah, right.
How do we know it was armed?
It was the fifth article by debka about downing a drone/F-16 in that conflict.
But the main question remains unanswered.
was it russians who shot down idf F-16?
“was it russians who shot down idf F-16?”
If not for the Russians, the Syrians would be using sling-shots to try to shoot down anything they didn’t like over Syria. The Russians gave Iran the official OK to instigate this in the first place, then assisted the Syrians with their air-defense response——–all to get back at the USA!
Syrians air defence is integrated and coordinated with Russia.
“Syrians air defence is integrated and coordinated with Russia”
Don’t forget about Iran too.
If not for Iran and Russia, the Syrians would be using slingshots instead of chemical laced barrel bombs against their own people!
The main question is:
Otherwise, the fallback position on all things NuttyYahoo is:
“The main question is:
Otherwise, the fallback position on all things NuttyYahoo is:
OK Louis Farrakhan, you’re a LIAR!
Based on your previous post:
“land grabbing whiteboy colonists”
Going forward, you’re being referred to as someone you seem to emulate very well in your posts!
Where is the picture?
It took helicopter to bring down 1 drone.
How on earth will Israel deal with a swarm of hundreds or thousands of drones released at once?
Nobody has an answer to your question…
Swarms of attack drones are the future of warfare.
Armed helicopters are the best choiceto confront slow movers.
The russians in syria were the first to face an attack by a swarm of low tech drones
“How on earth will Israel deal with a swarm of hundreds or thousands of drones released at once?”
At this point, the drones Iran had at that launching base in Syria are gone and they likely don’t have hundreds or thousands of those sophisticated new drones to use at once.
If Iran and Hezbollah try to fire hundreds or thousands of missiles at Israel, a full-scale war will ensue and the Russians will not likely sign-off with their approval on that, leaving Iran and Hezbollah “on their own” to fight against Israel——–fully capable of preemptive strikes against them, with the Russians focusing exclusively on protecting their own military assets which the Israelis will leave alone in that scenario.
I’m not so sure they would leave russian assets untouched…depends…
They were waiting to intercept the drone – didn’t you read the article? To answer your other question..who knows what Israel will or can do.. I would say the iranians will only get one chance to fly a swarm into Israel – obviously the Israelis are watching all the time and detected this drone taking off…
They wanted to capture this one.
Next time they will wheel out iron done
– soon it will be “starwars” time with lazer dome
And all the Iranian drones paid for by Obama cash are lying in a heap of rubble at T-4 with a bunch of Russians starting to realise how far they are from home.
you’re being evicted, Pal. Make it easy on the hostages, the women and children, drop the holocaust super weapons and come quietly.
“you’re being evicted, Pal. Make it easy on the hostages, the women and children, drop the holocaust super weapons and come quietly.”
Remember what you were told in a previous post, iVaN———-be nice and remember to share that community computer with the other patients in your ward!
They just launched one stealth drone which Israel watched from take-off until it was captured. All the other (rather expensive) Iranian drones were then blown up within several hundred meters of Russian eyes. To even field 100 of these drones would light up military satellites like a christmas tree. The drones are slow moving and are obviously not stealthy at all.
That is how they will deal with a “swarm”; plus new counter measures such as lazer-dome.
So relax.
You forgot to add, “… say the Moosead liars” to your CLAIM about a shootdown.
Fortunately for ApartheidIsrael, the plane SYRIA blew out of the sky gets only gets deducted from the welfare checks they get annually from Uncle Sam.
in what sense? an apache has lots of ammunition, and an advanced fire control system, so a single helicopter can shoot down MANY drones. and israel has lots of apaches. swarms just make it easier.
Obama worked to destroy America’s superiority, championed Islam,
protected Hamas helped Hezbullah , opened fronts against Israel .
He deserves an end like Gaddafi was given
I really hope he gets what he truly deserves. Worst leader of any free country in living memory.
Obobo would like the bit about being sodomized.
Relax, US legal due process is about to hit Obama. His administration used the FBI and CIA to discredit and spy on Trump, the duly elected president. Before and after Trump’s election. That is a “high” crime in the USA. Obama and Clinton are going to be busy explaining to a jury why they should not be sent to Fort Leavenworth for life (to deter future two-term president’s trying to control who is their successor, by interfering with a US Presidential election).
you’re projecting, jew bollocks.
Ivan the old Russian Orthodox pagan who prays to Icons/Idols while swilling Vodka.
iVaN the Terrible Crybaby.
President Trump is going to S-Q-U-E-E-Z-E Cross-Eyed Pootins balls until Pootins eyes get straight again.
“you’re projecting, jew bollocks.”
You’re still keeping the other patients in your ward waiting to use that community computer, iVaN———how mean of you!
But Obama would love a hard object in his rectum…..
He gets one every night from his lovely woMAN Michelle.
If iran does possess this capability – that just ups the ante – especially threatening US bases – I mean, how dumb can you be??? Just means bigger and more powerful weapons will be used to subdue them…just means they absolutely have to be defeated….and by letting everyone know what they have is not very smart …just like the imbecile obama who let them get hold of it in the first place… and gave them $150,000,000,000 so they could achieve this …he is a fool or a traitor perhaps both.
What did you expect from a guy who took his daughters to listen to Revered White every Sunday. Obama was always psychologically damaged goods. And a raving jew hater.
” …just like the imbecile obama who let them get hold of it in the first place… and gave them $150,000,000,000 so they could achieve this …he is a fool or a traitor perhaps both.”
He’s just a liberal Democrat————what else would one expect?
This Shaegheh doesn’t look to have the same dimensions of the RQ-170 and dimensions play a primary part in low observability… The bigger an airplane is and the lower its observability will be… Smaller planes can’t deflect in the right way radar waves, expecially the L-band.
Obozo allowed the Iranians to capture our drown intact.
We need an investigation as to how when and why
Remember Hermes in 2014??
The goofy liars occupying Palestine make up a story about a drone to justify defensing their ISISrael allies in Syria.
Then s little airplane (acquired with welfare checks from Uncle Sam) used in the UNLAWFUL attack on Syria to defends alCIAda gets blown out of the sky by the SYRIAN ARAB ARMY.
Not a good day for European colonists!
If you actually think Israel is “supporting al qaeda”, you’re an idiot.
Ariel Sharon created Hamas to avoid dealing with the PLO. For being so arrogant, it’s hilarious that screwball Zionists don’t even know their own history.
Q: How many of the lovely ladies serving in the IDF have so service your beloved ISISrael gangbangers chillin’ in ApartheidIsrael’s Stolen Golan?
A: 72 of them for every terrorist mercenary!
“A: 72 of them for every terrorist mercenary!”
Shame on you, Louis Farrakhan, what would the other members of your cult (Nation of Islam) think about you using that magic number in vain!
I would want to deflect from ISISrael’s failure in Syria, too.
MB=Hamas, a creation of Ariel Sharon and ApartheidIsrael.
Brilliant strategy in 1982. Now it’s deader than a land-grabbing antisemite flying a F-15 over Syria.
You forgot to add, “… say the Moosead liars”. No picture=NEVER HAPPENED.
Fortunately for ApartheidIsrael, the plane SYRIA blew out of the sky gets only gets deducted from the welfare checks they get annually from Uncle Sam.
Sorry Yassir, Anti-Semitism is by definition against Jews. And it’s the phoney Pali people you belong to who are thieves, leeches, hooligans, and honor killing Arabs plain and simple. A fairy tale “people” invented for the purpose of erasing thousands of proven years of Jewish Hostory.
White europeans think they become semitic when they buy Rosetta Stone software.
“White europeans think they become semitic when they buy Rosetta Stone software.”
I bet you STOLE your copy of the software, Louis Farrakhan!
You don’t know the definition of definitionally.
Definitionally anti-semites are against semites.
NuttyYahoo and his merry band of FAT A$$ED welfare case WHITEBOYS aren’t semetic. And they never will be, no matter how much moosead fakes the funk.
First..let’s get the spelling correct, it’s SEMITIC, not SEMETIC. Any person descended from Abraham & Sarah are semites. Abraham also had relations with Hagar, an Arab, so Arabs are also semites. Technically, anti-semitism means “against Jews OR Arabs.
Semitic is a language family.
White european colonists think they learning a language entitles them to ethnically cleanse semites from Palestine.
The Holocaust is fake. What is real is the slaughter of the Caribbean and Latin American aborigines by the Spaniards conquerors that was the real Holocaust.
also 2 million Christians murdered by the Ottomans (using the Kurds).
500,000 christian papuans killed by Indonesia in occupied papua
Turky occupy cyprus and kurdistan
Moroccan occupy western sahara
Nigeria occupy biafra
Muslim occupation and genocide
Your a truly disturbed chunk of Basura. And those Indian Inca Aztec savages you’re whining about sacrificed humans. Yes quite a loss for humanity. Now a Holocaust denier is truly as deranged as Arafat was and the current gang of terrorists running Ramallah
Of course you know the Holocaust occurred. You are just trying to piss us off. Anyway, you’re an idiot so we really don’r care about you opinion.
“White european colonists think they learning a language entitles them to ethnically cleanse semites from Palestine.”
B-U-L-L-F-E-A-T-H-E-R-S, Louis Farrakhan!
“The Holocaust is fake. What is real is the slaughter of the Caribbean and Latin American aborigines by the Spaniards conquerors that was the real Holocaust.”
@ “Me”,
There must be some reason as to why you’re being selective as to which Holocaust you’re referring to is a “fake”—————-let me guess what that is!
tell that to my dead relatives, asshole.
Debka files yesterday claimed that Israeli helicopters shoot down an “Iranian” drone but the drone which hit the ground is captured “intact”. In addition, they claimed that both pilots of the F-16 ejected and are well and healthy.
AFAICS, there’s a footage that shows one pilot ejects and the pilot died in the hospital, so he’s not well and healthy at all.
” In addition, they claimed that both pilots of the F-16 ejected and are well and healthy.
AFAICS, there’s a footage that shows one pilot ejects and the pilot died in the hospital, so he’s not well and healthy at all.”
Events get updated all the time from the initial reporting: at least Debka does that————–the left-wing media doesn’t even bother to get the basic facts right in the first place, or ignores the event altogether if it doesn’t fit their agenda.
how can you possibly “see” a pilot die in hospital? watching al jazeera doesn’t give you access to the truth.
HUSSEIN obama is a mudslime
Just a FYI. You pissed off the Russians, bad mistake threatening their troops. Because of this nearly all of your vaunted strike on Assad’s anti air was stopped. Those missiles were shot down, you did little damage.
Continuing this will have you lose more planes. It’s pretty simple.
Lol. I think the Russians should worry that they pissed off the Israelis. Years ago they fought the Israelis in the air and LOST! Neither side will talk about it. But true just the same.
You guys should bomb them into the stone age; they will only understand force.
“Palestinians” lie and distort everything. Why don’t they say that Israel shot down an agricultural stationary drone fitted with missiles in the peace loving Syrian Arab Republic. This act of unprovoked naked aggression was followed up by the disproportionate bombing of peaceful command and control centres and stockpiles of defensive missiles and munitions donated by welfare organizations such as UNHWRA under the auspices of the neutral EU. In response, the naïve gunners on duty had no choice but to.shoot at the aggressor aircraft flown by a racist, supremacist colonialist Jewish pilot, the decendant of pigs and monkeys. Yahoo Afbar
Wouldn’t be surprised if the UNHWRA
DID donate the missiles to the Syrians. They’ve probably done more than that previously.
Commit this video to memory, Vandals:
The drone was seen by the routine helicopter patrols conducted by the IDF along the western border and Golan. The drone was flying low and as can be seen on the Sentinel design, the jet exhaust exits from above the wings to dissipate the heat signature. When it is flying low it exposes its heat signature to anyone looking from a few hundred feet above. The IDF helicopter was flying several hundred feet higher than the drone and this enabled the crew to see the infrared signature with their heat detector prior to the dissipation. This was a lucky find but I’m certain the enemy has learned from this.
lols , is like the Iranian stealth fighter with the Sony Playstation controller?
Obama supports a commonality of republican Islamism that Iran also shares with the Brotherhood, and his allegiance to that theocratic system of government made him traitor.
Every stupid dump shithead whos talking about war and stealthy drone as if they are A GENERAL in the U.S army or something ,
if you got to blame Obama BELIEVE OR NOT , OBAMA cant give orders that will not match the overall Poloshitcs hehehe , you approve that every dump shi77Y brain is useless when it comes to ally such as israel hehehe , who did suck the U.S money and push us into war , share on you , educate your self ignorant before you spit the foolish words ,
Obama didnt order the drove to go over iran and OBAMA is nothing but a tool such as mr teee raaaa aaammmp heheheh what a waste of time , have you by any chance have any military background shitheads ?
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