Israel quietly warns Beirut: Powerful response would greet an attack on Golan or Galilee
Jerusalem conveyed tough back-channel warnings to Beirut on Monday, Aug. 26, that any attacks on the Golan or Galilee would bring forth a powerful Israeli counter punch. It was delivered to Hizballah’s Hassan Nasrallah and Lebanon’s military commander Maj. Gen. Joseph Aoun, DEBKAfile’s exclusive military and intelligence sources disclose, by UNIFIL commander Maj. Gen. Stefano Del Col.
This step was taken on in an effort to prevent the cycle of tension surrounding Israel’s preemptive weekend operations in Lebanon and Syria from veering out of control. On Monday, Lebanese President Michel Aoun on Monday described Israeli attacks on Beirut’s southern suburb of Dahya and the eastern border region as a “declaration of war.” He said: “We are entitled to resort to our right to defend our sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.”
In a series of back-door diplomatic responses on Monday, Israel informed Nasrallah that so long as Hizballah waged war on Israel from Syrian soil, his followers would share the same fate as the IDF has meted out in hundreds of operations to Iranian and other proxy forces.
The message to the Lebanese commander pointed out that in another round of hostilities, Israel would have no option but to wipe out Hizballah’s vast rocket arsenal, inevitably causing “massive damage to Lebanon.”
Israel’s warnings to Lebanon were accompanied by corresponding Trump administration diplomacy in Beirut. US Ambassador to Beirut, Elizabeth Richard, in an urgent face-to-face meeting with President Aoun called after he accused Israel of a declaration of war issued a warning. She cautioned him that if he persisted in his support of Hizballah and its leader, Washington would conduct “a reassessment” of its annual military aid program for the Lebanese army.
Syrian President Bashar Assad, for his part, has kept on insisting that he knew nothing about the Akraba base set up by Al Qods and Hizballah south of Damascus for holding armed Iranian drones ready to attack Israel. They were primed for launching when they were destroyed by the Israeli air force on Saturday night.
Assad accordingly issued a new directive banning the launching of missiles against Israel from Syrian territory. DEBKAfile’s sources note, however, that, typical of the Syria leader, this ban did not mention other anti-Israel operations such as intrusions by ground forces or UAV attacks.
The flurry of secret diplomacy took place amid high military tension in northern Israel, where IDF forces, on a state of readiness on the Syrian and Lebanese borders since Saturday, were boosted by a large influx of armored and artillery units. The Lebanese news agency reported early Tuesday that the contested Shaaba Farms pocket was brilliantly illuminated overnight by IDF contingents and explosions were heard from this lofty enclave that sits on the junction of the Israeli, Syrian and Lebanese borders.
Another fine day in the Middle East on the horizon………………stay tuned!
Up to Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, & Iran Shiia to Understand Leave the Golan Heights & Go Back Home!
It doesn’t look like israel attacks on Iraq , Syria or Lebanon did much except make them ready to shooting iranian missiles Voluntarily
@ Truth seeker,
It needs to be taken into account that the explosive laden drones poised for launching in Syria did not make it into Israel and the convoy of advanced Iranian missiles did not make their intended journey from Iran through Iraq and Syria into Lebanon (or, for all practical purposes, Hezbollahstan).
As noted, the substantial missile threat remains in force and will have to be decisively dealt with at some point, likely very soon.
“It needs to be taken into account that the explosive laden drones poised for launching in Syria did not make it into Israel and the convoy of advanced Iranian missiles did not make their intended journey from Iran through Iraq and Syria into Lebanon (or, for all practical purposes, Hezbollahstan).”
That is israel government point of view. But fact is Hizballah has enough.
bomb Israeli cities in reply and put Israeli insane back in cage they belong
In your wet dreams
bomb Tehran and Mecca while you’re on The Final Hajj.
What Teheran and Hiroshima have in common ?
Nothing yet.
May the lion of Judah awake d on his resting place and devour the prey round about his territory. May Israel crouch to destroy his enemies…..our prayers are with the Jewish state….the cry of Asaph and David will come into Adonai’ s ears: Psalm 83
How much longer must the sane people have to put up with all this religious insanity. The religions of Abraham are a curse and the followers of these sick ideologies need to be dealt with.
I say round up the Zionist Jews, the Evangelicals and the those Islamist who are out of control and lets just exterminate them all like the vermin that they are.
Thats only a few hundred million deaths to break this sick cycle once and for all.
Nuke Israel, Saudis and the other filth in the middle east, round up the Jews and Evangelicals around the world and lets just move on and build a better world free of these freaks.
Are you the coming World Ruler? Enjoy your seven years….. that will be it for Eternity….
What people like do not understand is that the scientific conception of our world and our universe was created by a mystery we call God. This dimension exist and our soul is eternal. It looks that the Old Testament is guiding us towards the Messianic time. People as you say are becoming more and more irrational and violence is spreading like crazy. We should add more negativity to it. We should side with the 10 commandments given by Moses because in themselves they are a revolution.
What people like do not understand is that the scientific conception of our world and our universe was created by a mystery we call God. This dimension exist and our soul is eternal. It looks that the Old Testament is guiding us towards the Messianic time. People as you say are becoming more and more irrational and violence is spreading like crazy. We should NOT add more negativity to it. We should side with the 10 commandments given by Moses because in themselves they are a revolution.
Yes secular humanist organizations which gave rise to the Nazis and Communism, as expressed by the Soviets, Chinese, Cambodians, North Korea are much more peaceful.
What a wholly malevolent, Luciferian spirit you are. Has the false prophet pope identified you yet as the coming anti-Christ?
My comment about Nazis and Communists was a sarcastic response to the post that said the religions of Abraham are a curse.
I wish the FBI was watching your post because they can find you. Maybe they are?
Am Israel Hai. The next war in de ME is prophesized in the book of Yehezhkel and it is going to be fought by The Almighty Himself. It is going to be a big Victory for Israel. Then, the last war will be Armageddon and we all know its end.
The Lebanese have allowed the build-up once again of enemies against Israel and their weapons and drones and missiles pointed and ready to attack Israel. This is unaccetable. The Lebanese have historically been major contributors to terrorists and their bases in Lebanon. Their government is now Hezbollah dominated. They deserve no aid as they are part of the irrational hate for Israel which has caused war and death through history.
War with Israel should be stopped and discussion of peace should start before it is too late. If they go to war and if Libanon looses the war against Israel it might lose territory it might never recuperate.
Israel got into the einsteinian mechanic of war and it will be almost impossible to defeat its military intelligence
A wake up call for Arabs and Jews. If Lebanon goes to war who will make millions re building it,the people at the top,just like the PLO and Hamas leaders get rich stealing from the money donated.
for the Jews
It is ever a snake’s head that delivers the poison. Crush some
Time for bombing raids 24/7.The only message Nasrallah and Lebanon mayby understand. So not they will wake up one fine day in the stone age.
This can be best explained as problem, reaction, solution.
Israel wants to expand its borders, so using propaganda and other means requires a conflict to achieve this.
“Greater Israel” requires the breaking up of the existing Arab states into small states.
Hence the rise of ISIS and all the problems in the region.
I am Lebanese, and only a man quasi-fully ignorant of Israeli Jews would believe something like this, usually because of an inferiority complex, envy of the Jews, and too many hours on YouTube.
Lol, its one of the Hasbara Troll brigade…
Its were they send those fat Jews who are to scared to serve in the IDF occupation force that beats up unarmed women and children.
…putting your hard earned US tax dollars to work…
Jew, you are sure 100% Hasbara Troll brigade, or you will not post only nonsense as to push people’s hearts far from the noble cause of Islam.
They say, “Come, let us wipe them out as a nation
so that Israel’s name will no longer be remembered.”
Jews have always believed that first the messiah will come and afterwards all the Jews will return to the Holy Land. They will go there under the messiah’s leadership. See Isaiah Chapter 11 which begins with a description of the messiah, and then says (v. 12), “And He (i.e. G-d) will lift up a banner to the nations, and He will gather in the scattered of Israel, and the diaspora of Yehudah He will gather from the four corners of the earth.” See also Rambam Melachim 11:1, “The king messiah will eventually arise and restore the kingship of the house of David to its former status, build the Temple and gather in the exiles of Israel.”
The Talmud (Kesubos 111a) which states that nowadays the Jewish people is forbidden under oath to take over the Holy Land. Clearly then, taking over Eretz Yisroel is something we cannot do on our own, before the messiah comes. We must wait for the messiah to tell us in the name of G-d that the exile is over and the oath is no longer in force.
Amos… No One wants to take over the Holy Land just Live in Peace among Neighbors within it!
Shalom Amos,
If that is what you want then I will tell you that in the Name of God the exile is over and the oath is no longer in force. The Torah clearly teaches us not to add or subtract from the 613 mitzvot. Many of the mitzvot have to do with living in the Land of Israel. Therefore these mitzvot remain in force forever.
Toda Rabbah,
Jay Silverman
Who cares about the Talmud? Human priests trying to be clever and befuddling their people. Stick to the word of God, or you will go completely astray.
It may have already started out as an impossible win for Israel, but all the Arabs and Persians are gonna do is launch in tandem from North, South, East and West (some have subs), 10s of thousands of missiles, wave after wave until Israel is flattened.
Yes, Israel will launch some nukes, but given the alternative, it looks like they are willing to take the hit, and/or now have Russia willing to launch on Israel, if they launch on any country without nuclear weapons.
Something has changed in the Arabs, and Persians minds. War is imminent… well, at least an enormous continuous volley of missiles incoming is imminent…
Don’t be so pessimistic, jeff – as an absolutely last resort, the IDF will pre-empt again (like in 1967) –
but now, with a few neutron bombs…Or will flatten Lebanon and Gaza all-together.
May it be Your will, G‑d, our G‑d and the G‑d of our fathers, that You should lead us in peace and direct our steps in peace, and guide us in peace, and support us in peace, and cause us to reach our destination in life, joy, and peace. Save us from every enemy and ambush, from robbers and wild beasts on the trip, and from all kinds of punishments that rage and come to the world. May You confer blessing upon the work of our hands and grant me grace, kindness, and mercy in Your eyes and in the eyes of all who see us, and bestow upon us abundant kindness and hearken to the voice of our prayer, for You hear the prayers of all. Blessed are You G‑d, who hearkens to prayer.
Amen! The beauty of God invades us with Spiritual Love! The terrestrial world is as well a celestial world
jJSpinner… War is not imminent as Iran is playing its double game of using their Funded Proxies of Hamas, Hizballah, Houthis, Iraqi, Syria Shiia & Palestinians as Servant Infants to take blows that Iran has put up in the Forefront! All will Shout Death but all Still Live in Fear & Iran knows it they are Undependable Servants as Iran Regime are Undependable Masters. America knows it too, only EU’s Macron has a different View?
…The only problem here is, that Bibi developed a well-justified reputation of an impotent (albeit eloquent) blabber-mouth – and this doesn’t go over well in the M.E…
Looking like Lebanon is asking for a thrashing
Three Things Mideast Will Come To Understand: 1. Israel Nation Right To Exist! 2. Never Again Preemptive Defense!! 3. Accountability of All & Any Leadership Anywhere!!!
No longer is Iran Allies, Proxies, & Collaborators are Able to Hide in the Shadows. Hizballah, a Lebanese Ally of Iran, Air Strike is Firm Stand Israel is taking against Iran’s Regional Shiia Greedy Ambitions in the Middle East. Israel has Exposed Iran & Allies out of the Shadows. Since 1979, Iran Regime is used to playing a Double Game of Moderates Smiling verses Hard-Liners Death Threats, as to the Recent G7 while using Allies’ Drone Technology Striking Saudi Arabia. The Jig is up & Iran Allies Known!
despite iran’s current belligerance, we need to know it’s history. Iran was very pro-western and moderate until the oss imposed the shah on it in operation ajax, 1953. as the shah’s regime became more and more unpopular, then oppressive, bitterness toward the usa, then israel, grew strong. It will be a long hard road back to peace with persia.
until israel takes a stand against the 5th column within its own borders, peace outside will be elusive. as long as telaviv is the gey capitol of the world, unclean animals raised in the negev as “food”, the name of yhwh is suppressed, and the sabbath is systemically profaned, the “thorns” will continue to tear the eyes and souls. peace to the israel of yhwh.
Agree with you Walter.
No more Hezbollah!
Forewarn with plenty of time ahead, let us say o week or two, and then hit hard and incessantly all direct supporters. Hezbollah must disband and give up all weaponry.
Lol, its one of the Hasbara Troll brigade…
Its were they send those fat Jews who are to scared to serve in the IDF occupation force that beats up unarmed women and children.
…putting your hard earned US tax dollars to work…
Syria has been entrenched in Lebanon since before I visited Lebanon in 1982. Syrian forces stopped our car and wanted my camera. They had tanks, armored vehicles and troops all over. Now Hezballah owns south Lebanon. I don’t remember when Lebanon was a real sovereign state.
Hizballa will hit you no matter what and Lebanon do not need the american aid. By the way,
Lebanese have more money than everybody else.
Money, they might have some maybe, but by far not enough for total reconstruction.
The next Lebanon reconstruction will be big, yes, but only moderately large, because the South does not need Lebanon’s reconstruction, this shall be Israel territory and responsibility.
Ok, for this one time you are right!
I don’t how they can Chang their mind set and stop their hate of Israel because if they go to war south Lebanon might lose its territory for ever to Israel. Then they will be forced to live in o ace with their Jewish, Christian and Muslim population. Lebanon would have to become a multicultural country open to immigration.
I don’t how they can change their mind set and stop their hate of Israel because if they go to war south Lebanon might lose its territory for ever to Israel. Then they will be forced internationally to live with their Jewish, Christian and Muslim population. Lebanon would have to become a multicultural country open to immigration like any democracy.
Yes secular humanist organizations which gave rise to the Nazis and Communism, as expressed by the Soviets, Chinese, Cambodians, North Korea are much more peaceful.
Jonathan Pieter… is Correct Soviet’s Seized Religious Object & Open Discrimination, Suppression, & Practices of Judaism Traditions. Russia does the same to Islamic Worshipers & China has them in Prison Labor Camps. This is the Fate of Lebanese Hizballah & Death once Exiled. They can hurt but end Israel!
Hizballah’s 110,000 Small, Portable, Unguided Rockets 6Miles Range & 330 Miles of Surface & Land Missiles now Obsolete. Hizballah is turning into Precision-Guided Drone Missiles. As Iran Funds to Expand such Weapons in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon & Gaza! What Was Exploded was Fuel & Bibi Quiet Warning Sign!
Jonathan Pieter… My Correction Mistyped, “Hizballah can Hurt, but “Not” End Israel just Hizballah Themselves!
The EU Works on “Undermining Israel Existence Security”, for “Iran’s Regime Death Business”, Opposes UK Businesses Brexit Business Talks, & Won’t Work on Russia G-8 Return over Ukraine for Global Business Security?????
LisaBell… Hizballah will use Lebanese, Islamic, & Christians as Human Shields just like ISIS did, but that is Proven Wrong as seen why ISIS Refugee Fighter Sit in Camps now & No EU or Mideast Nation Wants Them? Send them to China Islamic Prison Camps under 24/7 Surveillance or Island!
It would be a BIG mistake for Hezbollah to attack Israel in any way in the near future — as the generally
all-talk, impotent Bibi will be Forced to act decisively and categorically by the very enemies of the
Jewish state !
All Is well in Iran… Link To Think? LOL! Iran journalist flees Zarif delegation to stay in Sweden:
****************************************** in conclusion to this article *************************************************
There is a drone delivery for this particular customer ….. eh, Nasrallah.
The delivery service covers the whole Lebanon at no charge.
Graciosity of IDF total response in delivery.
Call 1-800-NAKBA-02 for best service ever. Their customers never ever complained.
Nazirallah, Time to come out of the closet wearing your dress.
Al-Yahood will give you what you want, one way ticket to Allah
I wish the FBI was watching your post because they can find you. Maybe they are?