Israel reopens two Gaza crossings for fuel, food and school gear Sunday under Palestinian fire

Three Qassam missiles were fired against Kerem Shalom gateway Sunday as more than 130 trucks carried milk, fruit, sugar, flour and gear for next school year. Trucks carrying 100,000 liters of heavy fuel were halted on the Israeli side of the reopened Nahal Oz crossing by the European Community’s refusal to put up funds. The crossing had been closed by a terror alert for four days.
debkafile reports that all the crossings into Gaza are constantly battered by Palestinian missiles and mortars.
Our Palestinian sources report that Hamas is bent on engineering a humanitarian catastrophe in the Strip. Israel would be held to account because of its demand that the Palestinian Authority manage the crossings in an orderly fashion as it did before the Hamas takeover. On the same grounds, Egypt is keeping the Rafah international crossing into Sinai closed.
Chairman of the Gaza Generating Company, Rafiq Malikha, told a press conference in Gaza City that three of the company’s four generators had been shut down after two days of fuel reserves ran out. Gaza’s electricity is also supplied by the Israel Electricity Corp. and Egypt.

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